>Sup Forums says is shit
>Every critic loves it
>Perfectly made sequel
>Sup Forums completely BTFO when their beloved nigger agrees with how good the movie is
>Even Kermode loves it
How can Sup Forums even recover?
>Sup Forums says is shit
>Every critic loves it
>Perfectly made sequel
>Sup Forums completely BTFO when their beloved nigger agrees with how good the movie is
>Even Kermode loves it
How can Sup Forums even recover?
>3hrs long
not everyone on Sup Forums is a contrarian moron
Get some taste and stop posting here until you develop it, tourists.
>Sup Forums completely BTFO when their beloved nigger agrees with how good the movie is
Uhmm...no, sweetie.
>Samefagging this hard
>Being this retarded contrarian
TOP FUCKING KEK, this is the actual state of Sup Forums.
>perfectly made sequel
>visual doesn't look half as detailed as a movie 30 years ago
Because nobody here can admit it was an excellent sequel. Even better then the original in some areas.
>Sup Forums says it's shit
You fell for the marvel shitposting squad.