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Seems plausible

>i believe
Not good enough to believe instead of know (((Eichenwald)))

>one nervous breakdown 26 years ago while he was going through sorting out his debt
>candidate faints two days ago and had a stroke/blood clots only a few years ago

Yeah that's really the same...
Even if it were true wouldn't that be ableist Hillary?


>i believe

I believe Hillary died on Sept 11, 2016, which is why she won't show up in public.

Guys, we poisoned the well with this subtle Glenn Beck reference, now we wait for the rest of the (((MSM))) to take the bait.
>mfw they fall for it every single fucking time

I believe Hillary Clinton shits her pants every time she eats solid food, which is why she wears such ugly outfits to cover up what's going on underneath.


Has his health been in question, ever?


Yes, he is a kike.

Omnics confirmed redpilled

I believe
kkklinton will admit to all of her crimes on live tv and charge pay per view to air it

Whew thank God he's a kike we don't have to actually address his points now :/\)

its just german for oak forest innit?

Cant fucking stand that map

Junkrat and mei ALWAYS on the fucking defense


Glad to see our current President picking up the slack of fighting back against Trump and every deplorable thing he stands for while our future President takes a breather.

Very moving article.

Oh fuck yeah I remember that Glen Beck meme now that's some old school shit

>I know you are but what am I you racist!

this is literally the democrats campaign strategy

Enlighten a new fag plz

Is this his castle?

basically Glenn Beck murdered and raped a kin in 1990.

The NYT and WaPo are full on tilted about being tricked by multiple 'leaks' that Donald Trump's team released in order to control the news cycle - directing attention away from his opponents and onto him. He's been able to do this many many times throughout the primaries and now into the general election.

>"The point is that if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you...I’ve always done things a little differently, I don’t mind controversy… " t. Trump

Look up the John Miller 'leak' for the best example of his abilities to manipulate what the media discusses.

So now, NYT, WaPo, and other MSM journalists are AB testing their news stories via twitter before publishing them. OP's pic is just one of many examples you'll see from their staff. They don't want any more egg on their face so they'll throw an anonymous tip they hear about to the internet to see if the wider public/Donald Trumps old acquaintances/4channers reveal it as misleading or a trap. It's also disgustingly sloppy journalism but I'm not surprised those kikes are doing it.


Going to a mental hospital shouldn't be stigmatizing

I went for OCD, and it helped me with such

Reaper/pharah play well on offense.

Belgium, I get that you're a tiny little shit hole, but do you honestly think this was worth posting?

WOW RT. BIG if true..

You cant join any military force if you have any signs of depression on your medical records (at least in the UK anyway), so how on earth are you allowed to be a leader of a country if in the past you've been admitted to a mental hospital?

Not saying it's either wrong or right btw.


Fascinating as fuck. Thank you