Why do Americans sexualize teenagers so much? Does watching teenagers have sex add anything to the plot?
Why do Americans sexualize teenagers so much? Does watching teenagers have sex add anything to the plot?
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Teenagers can't have sex here, it's illegal.
Basically it's a way to bait people into going to jail to staff meat factories
>wah wah wah why do americans sexualize
>wah wah wah why are americans so prudish
yuropoors ladies and gents
Age of consent is 16 in most states.
America is run by pedophile jews
Frankly, teenagers are bullshit. Hardly any of us get to have sex with them when they are teens and usually the football star gets almost every decent one, giving most of us virgin issues.
Mostly, men feel like they missed out badly on that teen pyssy and want to see what it might be like without going to jail or doing something as gross as underage Thai hookers. Movies are our best thing for now.
I don't really blame them.
Yeah, but you have to pretty much get a permission slip from the parents. In my state, it's 16, as long as you are 18 or under.
Her brother is hotter than her
wonder why my fantasy is the complete opposite
reverting back to a boy and getting "raped" by an older woman