American education

why is it so shitty?

Unless you go to private school then the teachers teach in order to get a large pass % and ignore the kids that are actually smart in order to get the retards to catch up. Essentially communism: the education system

The leftist seeks to end human individuality by making everyone equal
Since it is impossible to make stupid people smart, the leftist must ensure equality by making smart people stupid
Therefore, no child left behind

In short: equalize the grass by cutting it down to the lowest common denominator, thereby stunting those blades which could have grown great

Accountability is VERBOTEN in labor unions, and teachers are union, so....

There's no incentive for doing well anymore and most of the teachers hate their jobs and/or themselves

The right wanted to make more Republican voters so they destroyed our education system. Uneducated voters usually vote Republican..

Education moving at the pace of the slowest child has always been retarded.

Standardized testing, teachers spend more time trying to have their students memorize the facts on the last year's test so they can keep their job than to actually teach the historical and political importance of events. Then you also have the test writers who haven't ever touched the subjects of banks despite the Currency Act considered to be the primary reason for the revolution by Ban Franklin if I'm not mistaken.

As someone who works at a school: Individual Educational Programs (IEPs).

1) An enormous amount of kids here are diagnosed with something. These can be legit issues (brain problems) or bullshit ("anger issues").

2) If you receive an official diagnosis (probably from some kike "doctor") you MUST accommodate their issue in the way that they specify. Failure to do so is a violation of state and federal law.

3) ALL children must receive an education. This does not mean they are capable of BEING educated, but you are required to try, using the guidelines of the IEP.

For a real example: A child is diagnosed with an "emotional disorder" that causes him to get pissed off really easily and fight other children. The IEP states that he must not be punished for his "acting out" until you have given him 3 verbal warnings (yes, you cannot stop him during a fight unless you yell at him three times and he doesn't respond.) There are many, many such "emotional disorder" IEPs that are basically just set up to evade punishment for causing trouble.

Other IEPs require you to change your tests in various ways. A child with some random "learning disorder" that doesn't seem to affect anything in his daily life might require you to change your tests from fill-in-the-blank to multiple choice. Another student might require those tests to be read aloud to them. Yet another student needs you to remove two out of the four possible answers on that multiple choice test. A specific student is not allowed to receive a failing grade if he completes the test (no matter what the answers are.)

One teacher told me about an IEP where grade-altering affected every assignment - even if they turned in a blank paper, they could not get less than 60%, minimum.

Our SPED director today just mentioned an IEP requirement that states that the child must have access to blue paper at all times.

Oh, you want us to educate your normal child, too? Ahahahahahahaha

Another teacher here

AND niggers + spics. Without niggers and spics white test scores get close to the top countries where special ed kids don't go to regular school

Because America is the best.

Bro, solve my papers. The poo is in the loo, by the way.

Yeah, that's a huge part of it, especially considering that the subhumans ALSO get priority IEP assignments (they all seem to have "learning disorders") and eat up all the funding.

Basically, we're setting all of our money and time on fire, since we're not getting ANY return from teaching non-whites and literal, unironically-retarded children so we have to continue to spend more every year to "make up for it."

Do you have to deal with special integration aides that sit next to the kid in class and help them take notes as well?

minorities single handedly ruined the american education system.

Niggers. Niggers are stupid, violent, and lazy, and think they're entitled to equality of outcome regardless of effort or innate capability.

FACT: Every "educational reform" of the past fifty years in the US, from "New Math," to "New New Math," to "No Child Left Behind" to "Common Core," has pushed arithmetic, pure mathematics, and abstract reasoning further out of the curriculum in favor of ever-increasing "muh feels" "self-esteem" bullshit and attempts to make mathematics so incomprehensible that white kids will no longer be able to do it better than niglets. "New Math" put set theory into second-grade math textbooks, where it was previously a topic reserved for pure mathematics grad students after they did six or eight semesters of calculus. The newest bullshit, "common core," replaces the methods that Westerners have used to do basic arithmetic for centuries--things like memorizing the multiplication tables in order to use them to do long division--in favor of rambling word problems half a page long and methods of multiplying two three-digit numbers that went out of fashion when Rome fell.

All of this is for "muh feels" to keep the white kids from outperforming the IQ-55 niggers and making them feel bad. It never works and never can work, because niggers are just that lazy, just that stupid.

50+ years of "equality" agitprop on the televitz, and everyone still knows niggers are stupid. But they'll never ever stop.

This. Common Core is going to wipe out our math scores, just watch.

>educators aren't allowed to discipline their students effectively
>the American family is dead and our youth suffers from a lack of proper parenting
>shitty bureaucracy

1. Blacks and latinos
2. We don't let teachers beat problem students

Address these two problem solved.

That's fucked up.

it doesn't work

It is babysitting.

There is no interest in actually educating anyone.

This sounds exactly like the kind of oversight niggers want on our police. Just so many checks and tape to get around instead of discipling someone. The kikes are to blame here not because of muh Jewish conspiracy but because it's them overwhelmingly in these conflict resolution positions and other bureaucratic fake positions made by their Jewish relatives to give them a job amd this shit needs to fucking end already.

I am so happy I was educated by Jesuits and not the state. They like spics a little too much because they have their fingers in every pie south of the border but they're really good on the fundamentals and they give you the good kind of open-mindedness (the ability to explore and vivisect different ideas without buying into them, the ability to decide for yourself what the real story is, the ability to make it so nobody ever knows quite what you're really thinking unless you want them to.)

Also private schools can expel people for basically anything so the non-education related problems you get in public schools literally do not exist. Our cost per pupil was half that of the local school district.

Teach fiscal responsibility in kindergarten

Today i learned that michelle obama is a staunch republican

my autobiography

>"learning disorder"

I mean, I am a nigger. I don't have any learning disorders. I actually went to school to learn something. I like to know shit, knowing shit serves you well.

Go figure, I don't live in America, so I actually got taught, bare minimum, how not to have my head inside my own asshole. Everything else was more or less a direct result of being made to want to learn things, and not naturally being a little shit.

Despite all the memes... I guess is the answer to OP's question, at face value. It's a shit-show, and I feel bad for kids these days.

Especially in America.


Diversity and shitty teachers in public schools

Because Clinton supported it.
Everything she touches turns to shit, nothing she has been a part of has ever worked out.

Why is Common Core so bad? I've tried to Google specific examples of bad teaching methods/problems, but nothing comes up.

because its another shitty education reform that only digs the american system deeper into the hole. Segregate the schools, let the blacks,spics, Arabs, and natives learn their own watered down math while whites, asians, and poo in loos can go to normal school. Convince the administrators that every single time you tried to improve education you made it worse. The systems attempts to put waterheaded idiots in the same classes and groups as geniuses and thinks that nothing could go wrong

It's a combination of rampant grade inflation, shitty parenting, and catering to the lowest common denominator.

Liberals cannot accept any kind of discrepancy in education. The big thing right now is suspensions. Blacks get suspended at a higher rate for obvious reasons, but so called "activists" have managed to push through some positive behavior support bullshit to try to provide "educational equity" by basically eliminating suspensions as a form of punishment. They are seriously pushing the idea of having "Restorative Justice" circles where kids and teachers talk about their problems to solve problems.

I'm sending my kids to a Jesuit school. It'll take 30 minutes driving them there and back, so 2 hours for me in a car every day, but it is worth it.

BEcause parents do not get involved enough in educating their children. They just throw lots of other people's money at the schools, and expect them to take care of it. Too lazy to accept the fact that a child's most important teachers are his parents.

I started out smart enough. Maybe not book smart but more of a street smart kinda kid. The teachers didn't really like that and would always fuck with me so I just treat school like one flew over the cuckoos nest. The teachers were just so bad at their job Id just tune them out and read books, I could feel myself getting more retarded as the kids would ask stupid questions it was just a mess growing up through it and all the while they push the whole college narative. Never teaching the things I really wanted to know (white history and achievement)

I dropped out around middle school and work in construction now, decent job and Sup Forums has done more to educate me then school ever did

damn that was cringe
>too cool for school
>they're all sheep but me
>quit middleschool
>Sup Forums has done more to educate me then school ever did


Wasn't it Barby Bush that started the awful program known as No child left behind, which did more to hold our best and brightest back than it did to push are dumbest forward.

>Went to local library today to return some books
>Return books at front desk
>Pass kids section on the way to non-fiction
>Featured book on kids shelf was "Getting to know Islam"

Parents are worked to death and cant care for their kids.

You're doing your best to keep your kids far from the infamous US school canteens, respect.

Keep going on this thread guys, education is one of the rare interesting topics here.

In France the main problem always has been the parents. They're getting worse and worse, and since they are dictating their conditions to the EN, like less corrections and more educative shit (the actual parent's job), it pulls everyone down.
Teachers are discouraged, kids are lazier, then become parents, etc...


>why is it so shitty?
The schools can't waste time teaching kids how to think, they are forced to spend all the classroom time teaching the kids how to pass the mandatory state exams (that not even the state legislators can pass).