It's fine, nothing groundbreaking, it's just fine. The original wasn't crazy good either, 2049 is on par with it, minus the freshness the original had when it came out.
So stop it already
It's fine, nothing groundbreaking, it's just fine. The original wasn't crazy good either, 2049 is on par with it, minus the freshness the original had when it came out.
So stop it already
No, the movie is good and it made me realize that my love for my waifu will always be real.
kys pleb
t. brainlet
The film has literally one of the most genuinely emotionally investing romantic relationship of recent cinema history.
And the ironic thing is that it's a relationship between a robot and a hologram
do you even read philip k dick?
Thanks for making a new thread for your hot take, it was really important and shed new insight on the film that no one had been able to capture thus far.
Movie of the year
Kiss plebs?
Why would I do that?
Why are you so underage that you can't tell someone to kill themselves and want me to kiss them?
Dumbass normalfag.
kek. what's so deep about the movie? I mean I get the whole questioning your humanity, and believing in miracles, but come on, that's hardly anything deep.
their relationship was the weakest part of the movie imo, I mean, it's just a lighter version of Her.
are you that retard that said his novel and the original movie are one of the greatest philosophical work in the last 100 years in the other thread? holy crap...