holy shit it's officially over for matt damon and russell crowe
Holy shit it's officially over for matt damon and russell crowe
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Does she not realize this kills any of her prospects to star in future Damon kino?
Also she worked with him before ffs.
Yeah this is going to harm her more than it is going to harm them.
Oh spare me the BS. She knew. Everyone knew what Harvey was.
it's all falling apart.
the movie moguls/reviewers have been destroyed by the sjws
the nfl has been destroyed by the president and the nfl fans
the comic book industry has been destroyed by the long time fans revolting against the sjws now in charge.
what industry/movement/worldview is next?
>barely out of literal who status in Hollywood
>have only 2 or 3 noteworthy roles under belt
>spend the entire last year calling everyone in Hollywood sexist and screaming about muh vagina
>start crossing all the biggest Hollywood stars
Looks like it's back to literal who status.
When has Russell Crowe ever presented himself as a virtuous role model?
What is he? Why is asking for a massage wrong?
quite the opposite, schlomo
Journalists will now approach those two for comment and they'll be fucked
She's a fucking idiot
He's a big ugly greasy kike, cut straight out of a Ben Garrison cartoon.
james woods is the man
>receive prestigious honor of being selected to be Cannes Film Festival judge
>spend the entire festival complaining about how problematic the movies and lacking in feminist theory
>criticize the festival for months afterward
Bitch is all about burning bridges.
Fuck, they all covered for him like the Catholic church. This goes beyond just turning a blind eye.
Take Hollywood out! Reveal the underground pedophile rings!
Hollywood doesn't deserve him.
how so, dumbass
So pedophiles still roam free in Hollywood, sexually harassing women is apparently worse then kiddie fiddling
oh man what a time to be alive. I wish I was at the nsa listening to all the phone calls in Hollywood about this shitshow.
Animation. Destroy it with sn__d.
You fucking retards, she is only saying something because she has permission to. Matt Damon and Crowe are finished and this is Hollywood distancing themselves/ throwing them under the bus
you haven't been paying attention user
Wasn't she in the Martian with Damon?
Lol jk, that one died years ago. No the new one will be anime
All women are fucking idiots. This is why women didn't have the right to vote until betas and kikes gave it to them.
Why does he specify California as if there were states where you actually can get an AR-15 in 5 minutes?
>Why is asking for a massage wrong
He did way for than that. Sex for roles, jerking off in front of reporters etc. etc.
Reminds me of that Sunny episode where they try to show how easy it is to buy a gun and they go through a bunch of trouble to get one and never do.
probably was casting couched
toppest of my keks.
The Hollywood Judenschweine Kikepigs are eating each other alive. It's a fucking kike vs. kike war.
Yeah nah
They both live in California
Oh shit yeah. And then bitched about her pay.
How did I forget about this nobody?
Anime is already getting more popular and mainstream in the US.
Because that's where he lives and he's saying, "ok come over here and watch me"
*way more
>She says America
>He says California
>Semantics where she means "somewhere in America" and he means "anywhere in America"
truly the autistic ree posters like this
How did they help kill? All they did was call up the reporter and confirm that a member o f the weinstein company did his job as described...
>walk into walmart
>show the receipts of all the tendies mum bought
>get free ar
wtf so easy
Matt Damon is going to Science the shit out of her.
Jimmy "Crying" Kimmel is bf with Matt Damon
You do the math...
Enjoy your new career in Europe and China Jessica
>mfw a civil war is brewing in hollywood over this
Look at Israel. When they don't have goyim to rip off they start tearing into each other.
You're not remembering that episode properly
Absolutely based
Well you can't do it anywhere in America either.
Who was the editor in chief at the time for them NYT?
Find them
Except she deliberately didn't say somewhere so people would infer anywhere.
That was stupid, though. People are talking about selling guns privately at shows, which doesn't require paperwork. In the episode they had to make it so Dennis just didn't want to pay an inflated price and made a big deal about it. In real life that's where the right's argument falls apart.
the good ol ar-15 meme
>What do you say to those allegations?
>No comment.
How does it fall apart?
You do know this sort of shit happened back in the 40s/50s for hollywood right? Nothing will change
>be me
>like Matt Damon and Russell Crowe
just filling out the form takes more than 5 minutes.
I'm not? I remember they went to a gun store and couldn't get one because of their history, then they went to a gun show and didn't want to pay the price for a gun because it was more expensive there than it was at the gun store. Then they went to a gangsta and tried to buy one off him, but he just takes their money and leaves with the gun.
I know Damon is a little nancy-boy but I would have taken Crowe for having more balls.
What the fuck is wrong with these women?
They wanted the role, he wanted his dingdong sucked. Everybody got what they wanted.. The End.
It's like buying guns, robbing a band and then yelling oh the big bad jew sold us the guns
>liking two hypocritical liberal faggots
I feel you bro. I fucking love Crowe.
I've done Armslist transactions which have taken me less than 5 minutes (with no background check of any kind) and I've bought AR-15s at guns stores in less than 15 minutes or so. Jessica said America not California. This is kind of a retarded, nitpicky argument on his part.
I hope Jimmy Kimmel does a long crying weeping pissing monologue about this tonight and calls Matt Damon out for helping sexual predators
Crowes a real mans man though
comic book industry is fine. nfl will be fine too. within the next decade sjws will be the only ones getting what they want.
Lol, 90% of movie stars are pieces of shit that only care about themselves. Grow up faggot
You know who comes out looking good in all of this?
Mel Gibson. A true Australian hero.
I want to point it that I just said it reminded me of that episode. Not that I think the episode proves James Wood's or Whats-her-Face's point.
James Woods net worth would be not much. He is a pedophile.
oi cunt
>oh baby, oh baby, then it fell apart, it fell apart
Without a hint of irony Mel has never done anything wrong
>reddit spacing
He's an early investor in Apple you dumb libtard. You have no idea how wealthy he is.
what does the even mean, cuckhead
>People are talking about selling guns privately at shows, which doesn't require paperwork.
Yes it does you mong.
Now which states are these?
Damon is in Thor: Ragnarok. Hollywood is not prepared.
But if I ritualistically chant "GUNSHOWLOOPHOLE" eventually I'm right and you're wrong. And no, drumpftard, I DONT own a gun.
Whedon was the canary in the coal mine.
Hollywood will fall apart if all these revelations keep coming to light.
>Civil war
Industry collapse. They all know there's no escaping what's coming, but they'll do everything they can to ensure they're the last rat to drown.
ITT and every Harvey thread: panicked jews
Not even close. Her gimmick is: im so involved in women’s justice. Hollywood likes this from her, its part of her public persona from the beginning.
>tfw when every person i like becomes "problematic"
Crowe is a faggy diva.
Jews on suicide watch (because they don't believe in hell)
What happens after Hollywood is destroyed?
Do the chinese take over?
>The fall of Matt Damon will happen in your lifetime.
>not want to suck a fat hairy jew’s balls dry in order to be an artist
> get called sjw scumniggers by talentless hacks on Sup Forums
It's wonderful, all the kikes and shills are losing their marbles over this and the other threads are feelin' real comfy.
This is a good angle for warehouses of chinks to use to take down Hollywood
Keep posting HW threads on Sup Forums forever
This is all because Trump touched that wall
He infected it
She's going on her dyke powertrip
>have no talent but be a strong 6 to light 7
>ask who's cock to suck
>Harvey gets pointed to
>fail because you're a no talent strong 6 to light 7
>muh rape!
Don't get me wrong, I want this fag ugly kikester brought down, but the direciton it had to come from to be even heard is depressing.
He whispered to the wall "Mine will be so much better." before he placed his cursed slip of paper into the crack. The word of power he used was simply JUSTICE.
You're being to lenient on her. She's a paid propagandist. Has been for years.