Filename thread

Filename thread

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I'll contribute to your thread, OP







































>Malcolm X





It still fucking hurts, man.


>Malcolm X




I cant even tell if this is edited.




god emperor of dune?




I dont think Malcom X fits there.

What a way to summon barneyfag, fucker.


greetings from Sup Forums

If we want to give him far more credit then he deserves, he was killed during the years where he became more moderate, and his assassin was an extremist militant.

could also be slippery slope




[/spoiler]way to summon barneyfag

>not atomic betty

>/d/ fart threads


What anime is this, i thought the art style was being sharp on purpose making me think this was OPM but it's not


>ugh, You again...

He wasnt assassinated, that's my issue

His credit was fine

but he wasnt assassinated

Yondemasu yo azazel san/You Are Being Summoned, Azazel.

>not it will go to your thighs


>Ave, true to Caesar!


>Terrigen Mist.jpeg



all right, first off:
>break-action AND bolt-action at the same time
>malcolm x
>trying to get people to live in harmony
>willfully fucking with a comedian's joke to make it sound way more deep than he meant it to be
and fourth, although this is more understandable, as Jesus did preach harmony and love for your fellow man:
>Jesus was assassinated
>not taken before the council under the charge of claiming to be the holy king of the Jews, and found guilty with the penalty of crucifixion until death

i get it

that and Oswald was assassinated too


Anymore funny memri TV screenshots?

>very relevant link




Jesus what happened


His killing wasn't a subtle assassination but it had the spirit of one. Important person goes to speak at an event, important person gets shot. Really you're arguing semantics. But also, it doesn't matter. He was not a man who promoted unity. Heck, even his father was all about that back to Africa movement.


Let's be honest -- I like George Carlin. I think he was a funny guy -- but it's not just people who promote peace that get assassinated. The reason we perceive it the way we do is because it's shocking when someone like that is killed. We rejoice at the assassination of wicked but remember and mourn the assassination of the just. It makes sense, but it leads to skewed perspective. That is all.
