Could the board sue her for this? There probably isn't much (if any) clear evidence

Could the board sue her for this? There probably isn't much (if any) clear evidence

So when none of them resign will she admit that the men of Hollywood do in fact own women??

This is clear mental illness at work here.


>This is clear mental illness at work here.

>tfw Hollywood is about to be gutted like a fish

The board won't sue her for this because they absolutely knew and were complicit in covering up Harvey's misdeeds and they don't want to bring further scrutiny to that or to the idea that they should resign.

wait whats happening

>mfw evil producers sexualize my pure gf

Someone who was raped by Weinstein or someone similar is going off on twitter because she's angry.

Let's get her sued.

What is with your generation and wanting to strike at people for free speech? More times goes on, more I realize that it isn't a left or right thing, all of y'all want to stop people from saying shit you don't like.

It's a person talking on twitter, not someone rioting or burning property.