Just watched this and it was pretty much perfect, can't really flaw it. Why the hate?

Just watched this and it was pretty much perfect, can't really flaw it. Why the hate?

Because, anime nerds and their precious complexity. I enjoyed it too. It's pretty decent and much better than any blockbuster I've seen in recent memory.

It's garbage. Just a stupid Jewish money grab.


the story is meh, visuals and soundtrack are 10/10

its Blade Runner with a shitty story

>its Blade Runner with a shitty story
So it's just Blade Runner?

I'm sure if you weren't already a fan of the series that it came off as a good movie. But if you were aware of all the rehashing, exact copies of scenes, or the shitty "original" plot twist, it comes off as just meh. Just be glad that you enjoyed something and let what others thought go.

Good one, Jay.


Sure if your a fan of a spelled out unintelligent sci fi film with scenes that looked better when they were animated in '95. As someone said earlier, you're better off with blade runner or the original film.

>Sure if your a fan of a spelled out unintelligent sci fi film
The film's story is standard hero fare, and that's fine.
>with scenes that looked better when they were animated in '95.
Sorry, don't watch cartoons.
>you're better off with blade runner
I've seen Blade Runner. Yeah, if you're looking for or expecting something like Blade Runner, GITS isn't going to satisfy you. Luckily I'm not a pretentious idiot and can enjoy a decently made popcorn film on its own.

nice b8

>unintelligent sci fi

Because Sup Forums is fucking dumb as hell. This stupid board prefers the anime. The anime suck balls by the way.

Because it's a shit film trying to mainstream anime by making it all live action and shit, and thank fucking Christ that this bombed so they don't even think about doing it again.
Fuck off you are a disgrace to Sup Forums and the whole goddamn site.

I also recently watched this.

Every single scene was complete dogshit, except for two.

>I do not consent to this memory wipe
>Bullet-proof suitcase

Everything else was awful

>Fuck off you are a disgrace to Sup Forums and the whole goddamn site
Probably. I don't watch anime or like movies like Drive, and I've fucked a girl.

its a good movie cartoon fans are bitches

is more your speed you faggot

They're worse than cartoon fans, they're anime fans...

Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I don't respect your cartoons.