DNC Pay to Play

Ambassadorships passed out to the highest bidder. All while Hillary was Sec State.

Hard evidence of pay-for-play. Leaks prove that it's all about the money.

The Megaupload I did: mega.nz/#!uwBGyCoQ



And the torrent wikileaks did so seed it : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ED9C54D8CE543F9A45D180FD58B4C56CF2A3FC1E

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hillary did something wrong!

t. Increasingly nervous Drumpf supporter

Thanks for the bump faggot.

Wait, someone paid $1,000,000 to be ambassador to fucking New Zealand?

For what purpose

coooshy fucking gig for life.

Does this qualify as news if it was reported on a few back?


Keep digging autists. There must be a pony in here somewhere.



>this leak
>actual proof hillary exchanged/appointed positions for the highest bidder's donations
It's happening.
>when you get made an ambassador you can easily carry money and other things across borders

The greatest happening of our time

>all those jews


This guy found Obama used early voting in 2008 to win, holy shit

Frank (((Sanchez)))

Dude found that the DNC actually didn't even protect the credit card information of the donators. That means if these just so happened to get leaked back when they were still good, it would get insane

Currently running the Excel sheet.
59 entries so far.

If not in this list, please quote me and give info for sheet:

would bang


Not shilling here, but I want to know how to say to my lib buddies that this is legit information and hasn't been generated as negative Hillary propaganda?

Bump, trying to not let this slide

Is this illegal burger Bros or just corrupt

keep all this bumped


I think the existence of that distinction says it all.

sure: it was released by julian assange

Dear Hillary,
I have five dollars. Can I please be ambassador to Italy? Thanks.

P.S. How do you feel about kek now in your dying days?

Current Spreadsheet:

Please give me names not on the list for them to be added. (I would appreciate you saying where you pulled their name/info from as well. Thanks)

bumping. So there is proof that there was pay to play?
Pay to play is illegal unless you're a Clinton/Dem who is running for highest office in the land


someone help this motherfucker.


I haven't seen /direct/ proof, but these donations were made in around 2008. Less than 5 years later, donators get appointed to ambassador positions, allowing them to move internationally w/o checks & a few other benefits.

It's their standard tactic, accuse the other people of what you are doing since you know how to do it really well.

I advise you ask for help at full .chan there's a sticky

DNC may have violated campaign finance laws

Help him? Shit, that's my list he's working with.

Suggestion though... leave out all the jew shit. We will want to spread this around the internet and people will ignore the entire thing if there's that racist shit all over it.

>leave out the jew shit
>most of it's being compiled by actual national socialists

>jew shit

even when people see the evidence for themselves they don't believe it

Dan Rooney bought the US Ambassador to Ireland. See pic for Ambassador house in Dublin.


those surnames tho

second password?

There is no second password?
Grab the dump from WikiLeak's magent and use the password they provided.

desu if it's that easy I'm just going to ask for a million.5 from my trust and request to become an ambassador.

ok, thanks

>technology files
>mentions all their strange analytics programs

This is just a glimpse.

Reeks of shadow state subversion.

Nothing will come of this. Nobody's going to do anything about it because america is land of the cucked.

You are right about that.


> It was founded in 2006 by Harold M. Ickes with seed money from George Soros.

Bump this shit. This is the death knell

DNC mole still releasing emails

→ →

→ →
→ →

so how much did chris stevens have to pay for the chance to get murdered by savages in libya

How can you tell? Sorry, I just got here.

Upboat this on le redot because its been confirmed several times trump staffer including his sons visit here for news


When was this released by wikileaks?

It wasnt. Someone unknown did it

>clintonglobalinitiative email in the DNC list before clinton's even there
>clinton.org entries everywhere

The CGI entry really

really makes me think


Shouldn't Trump worshippers be worried about Hillary being disqualified? The only reason he even has a chance is because he's running against Hillary Clinton

Why are so many clinton group directors and executives on their personal email lists?

hahaha wikileaks did it m8!! top kek!

What Windows are you running brah?

Pension for life. Also sweet deals with African warlords

That's Windows 7 with Classic theme on

Seriously. NPR has been screaming about the GOP doing racist gerrymandering and redistricting for the last 4 years.


Thanks man

Also bump. You guys are doing god's work

I hope this sees the light of day and the dots are all connected so the normies can put it together in 15 seconds before they scroll past it on their news feed

I can't dig anymore at the moment lads but this is the real deal. It's internal files but I don't have the time to sit here and dig through it.

The email list has addresses and phone numbers, which is especially nice.

Real happeners would be hijacking ISP accounts rn.

You'd think neo/pol/ would have more than one guy capable of doing this.

can anyone explain all this shit is about ?