Group of heroes get into a debate

>group of heroes get into a debate
>one side is completely right
>the other side is completely wrong and argues their point up and down without a second thought

this isn't common in comic books is it?

It's kind of a product of the 00s.

Battle of the Atom is one of the worst crossovers btw

it happens all the time in x-men comics

>one side is right
>one side is wrong
>the side that is right has to be presented as irrational and do something evil that oversteps their boundaries to present the illusion of a moral dilemma

Like in Civil War. Tony was 100% right about registration there's just no getting around it, so they have to have him do a bunch of evil shit like the fucking negative zone indefinite no trial prison which is obviously bad.

>this isn't common in comic books is it?
It's common in event comics.

Don't read event comics.

The more "important" a comic is in-universe, the more likely it is to be bad, because the ideas come from the editorial/marketing/licensing departments instead of from the writers.

>this isn't common in comic books is it?
It's common in event comics, and event comics are common in Marvel and DC.

Make sure that you aren't limiting yourself to only DC and Marvel.

You can register my super powers when you take them from my cold dead hands you commie piece of shit

I just had such a dyslexic/retarded moment. I read that as Battle of the Prom.

>Tony was 100% right about registration there's just no getting around it
Fuck off, antifa.

If you think for a second the NRA wouldn't have a shit fit over that bullshit then you aren't American. The last 2 GOP presidents got elected specifically because their opponents wanted gun registration.

I might consider the registration act if

a) it was optional
b) If I registered I could still be my own hero and not forced to work for the government and/or be on a government team

Also if I could tell the government my identity but not the public. Ironic I guess

Why the fuck does the government need to know how many superpowers you have or if you have superpowers?

Fuckers just wanna confiscate your super powers.

>Also if I could tell the government my identity but not the public

And then you get hit by the wikileaks hammer

While bad, the obvious friction between Aaron and Bendis was funny, especially how Bendis retconned everything he hated about it after Aaron left the X-Books.

I'll give you the primary reason he was wrong as hell: Marvel government is retarded, and Marvel citizens are worse. Having your Secret identity in the hands of either is asking to get you and your loved ones killed.

They allowed Norman fucking Osborn to reach a position of power. AFTER he was outed as Goblin. How do you trust anyone that stupid?

Now just wait for someone to compare Osborne to Trump in 3...2..

Oh? Do tell. I haven't read X-Men in years.

You just did, asshole. Now shut up.
Is Marvel Canada still secretly worse than Nazi Germany? Im Canadian but haven't been keeping up with Marvel.

The real U.S. elected a reality TV star president. Would you trust them?

In his follow-up, Bendis changed it so that the only two real members of the future Brotherhood were Mystique's kids (baby Xavier and Raze), and everyone else was mind controlled, except for Evil-Xorn-Jean who was just a fake-out construct of baby Xavier. Also, all that stuff future Beast said about the future being terrible for mutants was mind-controlled bullshit, it really was a utopia, and those two kids of Mystique's were the only bad guys around who had an axe to grind because they felt abandoned.

A TV star isn't a super villain. Besides, Trump isn't the first celebrity to get elected.

>this isn't common in comic books is it?
I don't know, you tell me.