“If you want to read a real history book, read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States...

>“If you want to read a real history book, read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. That book will knock you on your ass.”

what did he mean by this?


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Damon has always been gay for that book

>babby's first commie propaganda
damon confirmed for brainlet


that's a pleb book

patricians read A Renegade History Of The United States by Thaddeus Russell

wasn't the point of the film how Will is extremely smart but also extremely naive and insecure? His character would love shit like that

Is it about how evil and racist the US empire is?

>read some shitty communist propaganda MAAANN


he meant that the book is so insightful and so powerful that reading it will cause your body to be physically knocked backwards, causing you to land on your anus

Will was a midwit

the point of the film is to laugh at two retards who wrote the script and the fact that only weinstein knew about the joke

Howard Zinn is Freshman year gahbage.

You want some real historical literature, read Huckleberry Finn. They have a guy named Nigguh Jim.

That book will renew your faith

>tfw president of my college almost got that garbage book banned
Wish he got it done along with Guns Germs and Steel tbqh

i wonder if the author of guns germs and steel knew just how hard postcolonial academics would ride his dick for giving them the history-sans-self determination that they were so desperate for.

there's nothing wrong with his theses in my mind. it's just a terrible book because of what it did to history and anthropology.

I already own a chrysler

>this idiot is supposed to represent a genius
pure cringe. stupid people really have no idea what it is like to be smart


>A People's History
>as in a history of the historically oppressed and silenced
>As opposed to the winner's history

Which one is propaganda again?

>things that are literally true are propaganda, unlike my unsourced Sup Forums infographs

The whole point of that book is that Huck only starts to view Jim as a human being once they're both removed from a racist society. Huck says that he was told he'd go to hell if he freed a slave and he decides that he'll go to hell and save Jim. If you actually read that book you would know that.