This board is a joke

You realise that, right?

If a joke can meme a closet NatSoc into the Whitehouse, its a good fucking joke if you ask me.

I come here for the memes desu.

And the onion is satire.

That has apparently meant prophetic in this day and age.

If a joke can meme you in to a nazi, then youre an idiot..

So is ending your sentences with ", right?" when you're not a yank you cringey Americanised wankstain. Please die.

Everything is a joke when given the correct delivery.

So you get your news from the onion and Sup Forums? Do you also get your food from the bins and your clothes from the circus?

Not an argument.

Acting like most of us here didn't already hold these views

Third Reich was a joke aswell. Just because something is a joke doesn't make it less powerful

How quaint

Of course. It's the only board on Sup Forums with BOTH flags and IDs.

This is satire.

We roll play and larp.

Sometimes I'm a right wing extremist.

Sometimes I'm a black dude visiting.

Sometimes I'm genuinely astounded at your bigotry.

Sometimes niggers aren't people.

Sometimes, If I lose an argument I just pretend to be from Pakistan so it doesn't seem so bad if people call me Ahmed

If a board full of peace is a joke to you, then I will happily be a joke to you good sir.

Funny, isn't it?


Why haven't you pissed off yet user?

This board is the most real thing in my entire life.

Isn't it funny?

>immigrants can never do anything wrong!
>ignore the facts!