Reminder that race has no basis in biology, race realism is not valid science...

Reminder that race has no basis in biology, race realism is not valid science, and your ad hominems and straw men are not valid arguments.

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don't take it

Reminder that Bill Nye isn't a scientist.

You're gonna post that every day?

ad hominem

Reminder that you'll never change this board's mentality, no matter how hard and desperately you try.

See these two lions. Categorized as both Lions but different types of lions. Known to have genetics differences even though the appearances are almost similar.

Race is recorded in clinical and research medicine precisely because it IS real science and biologically relevant. By denying race as a physiological reality you are literally making things worse for people as a whole and individually.

Strawman with the "ad hominem" call, friendo. You're the one who brought Nye into play with the photo of the original post. Don't include it if you don't want him to discredit your case next time.

You're right.

Sickle cell is the result of racism.

you took it

>race has no basis in biology

Then why affirmative action?

Negroids, Caucasoids and Mongoloids all have different skull shapes

If that's not a difference and science, then nothing is

Fuck off.

physicians know there are metabolic disease between races. it's well known and hence major eligibility for research protocols. #MAGA

Sickle cell also exists everywhere around the Mediterranean, in the middle east, and in India. The distribution of the sickle cell trait directly correlates to the historic distribution of Malaria. It has nothing to do with race.

Those terms are all used in physical anthropology, not in biology. They exist only to categorize the different skull shapes. Back in 1850 this might be compelling science. The DNA tells a different story, however. We are all the same, the human race. There are more genetic variations between individuals within a given race than there is between races.

So then whats up with the differences in biology? The higher incidences of skin cancer among whites, and cycle cell in blacks? The avg IQ's that are supposedly constantly being 'discredited', but still line up PERFECTLY with the macro-studies of, say, the development of nations from their respective racial group. What about the psychological and chemical differences in their minds, that seem to show blacks as being significantly more aggressive than whites(And not just in situations where they supposedly are being discriminated against... but even in places where its a 100% homogeneous black society)

mfw I can't vote for Trump because I'm Bong.
If you mental cunts vote for Clinton after we uncucked ourselves from the Jewropean Union, I will swim across the Atlantic Ocean, make land on your nation, and deck every one of you cunts.
Swear down. On my mum and HER MAJESTY.
Sort it out Yanks. Or you'll get a slap.


hol up

We're more like a human species

What you're doing is waving away physical biology because it doesn't suit your views

DNA tells some of the story, and THERE is a difference between the 3-4 races in DNA, it's just small

We all have the ability to evolve into a specific race, such as if you put white Europeans in Africa, their physical biology will eventually change to suit the different climate.

This doesn't change the fact that there are different groups based on where we evolved.

It's not a coincidence that Negroids are all black

No one said race realism is a science. Race realism is a perspective.


We may be genetically very similar, but it doesn't take much at all to change our characteristics as different ethnic groups.

You assume that because we are genetically close that we must therefore all force ourselves to live among each other? Is that your only baseline? Have you even thought this through? No. You're just regurgitating things that were pumped into you. You lack the ability to think for yourself.

You can both accept that there are physiological differences between the evolved peoples of disparate continents and also admit that the concept of "race" as we know it today was constructed in order to facilitate the institution of African slavery in the Trans-Atlantic economy.

Are you saying that slowly developing physical traits related to the amount of melanin in your skin or the texture of your hair effectively changes your race?

Doesn't this "scientist" only have something like a bachelors in biology? Why should I take anything this kids tv star says?

>different skull
>different muscle composition
>gap in intelligence compared to all other races

sure its not real

Over time, yes

That's what "race" is

You'll probably also change behavior (cognition) due to the new environment too

Those are merely the visual differences. There is also strong evidence of behavioral differences as well but you leftists love to try to explain them away as the result of white oppression, because you're too afraid to confront inconvenient facts. Its a religion for you.

>posting a glorified lowly engineer without a doctorate

Really makes my neurons fire op

> What is taxonomy?
> What are ring species?
> Why is OP a faggot?

Bachelors in engineering.
He's literally not a scientist.

neat ol billy and i have the same degree

melanocyte melanin production is racist.

If that's your argument, then not enough time has passed for it to be a strong argument. Our DNA marks us all as humans. There is not enough deviation to warrant any other classification.

>more genetic variation between individuals than races

Now, lemme stop you here. You need to actually define 'variation'.

Humans and chimpanzees are 'greater than 98% identical' by SOME very basic content measurements but the alignment of that content is so out of line that reproduction is impossible without advanced genetic techniques (chimpanzees have 'more' chromosomes, because human chromosome 1 contains the merged contents of two ape chromosomes)

Changes in order can be influenced by as little a single point mutation altering the reading frame of vast reams of protein code (and alterations to even a single protein may cause a cascade of minor alterations throughout the whole body, not just at a singular point.)

This isn't even touching on epigenetics which is the newest facet of genetics in which a gene may be present in an individual's code, but remain silent and inactive throughout the body until certain stress factors kick it into sequence. The fascinating thing here is that this epigenetic 'on/off switch is heritable. Significant enviromental stressors can alter an individual's active code mid-lifespan and alter the code of their subsequent offspring.

Oh, and we haven't even touched on microchirism (in which some very interesting recent studies suggest may allow a male to permanently implant little traces of his genes throughout a female and theoretically pass to later offspring he was not present to fertalize.)

What level of deviation is sufficient for you? After all we are 98% the same as Apes.

> not enough time has passed for it to be a strong argument

What the fuck are you talking about? What "time"?

Most dog breeds exist only for 150 years, yet no one doubts they exist

do you even understand what the word taxonomy means?

> There are more genetic variations between individuals within a given race than there is between races.

Only if you decide to fallaciously look at only one single gene instead of looking at distribution of genetic complexes

>shill nye, the jewish guy

him and neil degrasse are straight up insufferable

We all are humans, dude

It's just that we branched off based on where we evolved

If all humans evolved in the same environment, you wouldn't see different races

There's enough differences between the 3-4 races to class them as distinct variations of humans

Variations which cluster


In terms of evolution, humans are a very young species, so not enough time has passed for there to be different races of humans according to major differences in our DNA. If an Australian Aboriginal mates with a Swede, you don't get something new, you just get another human.

dear lord is that photo cringey

Again, why the fuck do you believe that there is such a thing as "needed time for there to be a different race"?

DO you even understand how taxonomy works?

"If you mate a dog with a coyote, you get a canine animal, that somehow means that dogs and coyotes don't exist"

Do you really believe that dogs and coyotes are somehow the same thing?

If you do, you are truly insane or delusional, unable to tell concepts apart

he's trolling senpai, don't even bother.

>I don't understand biology the post

Irrelevant to what constitutes a sub species! Phenotype differences are enough in other scientific fields.

...and yet...

....a microscopic snippet of DNA left at a crime scene can tell what race you are
with 99.99% accuracy

....even the cheapest genetic tests from ancestry sites can tell what race you
are, and what percentage of other races your ancestors may have mixed with, up to
less than 1%

...medical science recognizes medical differences in the races, by different
illnesses prevalent to each race, and by treatment

....biological sciences classifications of humans recognize the racial differences

...Europeans and East Asians have admixture with Neanderthals, whereas Southeast
Asians, the Indian Subcontinent and Australian Aborigines have mixture with
Denisovans. West Africans have admixture with Heidelbergensis. And other sub-
Saharan Africans have admixture with potentially unknown groups of hominids.

...These are excluded admixtures that are not shared between the races

....Meaning not only are the races different races of homo sapiens, but the different human
races are each up to 10% of a completely differing human -species- from each other.

Aborigines are up to 6% Denisovan, and do not share that with whites who are up to 4% Neanderthal, who do not share that with Aborigines, etc.

We are not just different RACES. We are different SPECIES.

>race has no basis in biology

Very low quality bait.

Not an argument

> Race isn't a thing.

So when you have to get a bone marrow transplant due to all your cancerous shitposting, care to make a wager on the ethnicity of your donor? I'll give you 100:1 odds it's someone of your same race faggot. So would any medical professional.

> Reals, not feels.
> This message brought to you by actual facts.