Redpill me on american laws Sup Forums

redpill me on american laws Sup Forums

If trump won the presidency, wouldn´t he still have to have all his proposals go through the legislative process or some shit with a bunch of dems and republican senators who would not vote in favor of radical acts like building a wall or banning muslims?

Or can the POTUS just say fuck it and do whatever he wants?

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>this thread again
The wall has already been approved by congress.
He doesn't want to ban all muslims.
Chinga tu madre, maricon.

>wouldn´t he still have to have all his proposals go through the legislative process
Only the ones that require legislative process.

Certain policies such as the Wall, immigration enforcement, and even the muslim ban are authority already provided to the office of the President based on prior laws added to the US Code. So they can be enforced on day one so long as the Legislative doesn't undercut them by using the Power of the Purse to defund the relevant agencies.

Especially Us Code 8 Section 1182

His healthcare plan is 80% of the things that those opposed to the ACA wanted anyways. So obstruction on that topic is only going to be from lobbyists.

Republican majority congress and supreme court senpai

Some things yes, some things no.
The muslim ban he can do himself. Obama did it in 2011.
Not sure about the wall.

He could classify the 30 million immigrants as a humanitarian crisis and appropriate funds for FEMA or alternatively have a contractor build it with funds from the defense budget under the guise of national defense from an "economic invasion"

If he declares it a national security concern he can have the Army build it, but more reasonably more of his proposals he will be able to negotiate with the republican Congress. He is afterall a master negotiator, and the President.

If the people who voted for X or Y congressman or senator finds out their representative is cockblocking Trump, they might not get relected if those people also voted Trump.

Its a balancing act. They can't just ignore him and hope to stay in power.

>he can have the Army build it
Only hiccup there would be the requirement of having permission from all the Governors of those states for the military to move through those states. But given that these are the same states that want the wall the most this isn't an issue.

The only state that might be uncooperative is New Mexico due to Liberal population percentage. California would likely be, but they already have a reinforced border with Mexico and probably don't need anything better.

>please bump my thread so everyone can see my shill image
Well I guess whoever made that quote up wasn't so wrong considering the retards in here.

>power of the purse
But they we would do just that. How many trump supporters are on the house appropriations committee? How many congressional chairmen support his agendas? How well has he mended fences with speaker Paul Ryan? You know the guy who literally sets the legislative agenda for the lower house. Its very likely if he wins he will be in a jimmy carter type situation and all the political leverages within the system will fuck him up just to prove a point about outsiders disrespecting the party bosses.

The president is the head of all government organizations. All he has to do is "expand" the responsibilities of the public works sector and he gets his wall. It's sort of like how Obama made it so homeowners can't ask someone if they're a convicted felon before renting out to them.

And then he vetos everything they try and put through, and tweets out to his supporters to call their representatives off the hook until they stop being faggots.

Or far more likely, they sit down like adults and Trump strongarms them into compliance because he's a master fucking negotiator. I don't know why you people think the same guys who couldn't stop him from getting the nomination will suddenly be invincible barriers to his policies once he's President of the United Fucking States

POTUS can do it, it's in his wheelhouse as originally defined because it is an emergency defense action.

You don't understand, half the battle is Trump winning brings sorrow to all liberals, minorities and undesirables in the US and around the world.
Its a giant FUCK YOU to every pussy leader who panders to weaklings.
Its a YUGE FUCK YOU to the media around the world.

When Trump wins, its an underdogs story come to life, except he had money.

Then enitire world media has demonized him.
He shows the media at its worst.

Before 2008 Trump was a likable Billionaire in McDonalds commercials, with a hit tv show, and the biggest thing people could hate him for was he was "mean" to Rosie O'Donald, a fat lesbian 90's icon. The media loved him. The left loved him.

Then King Nigger won and Donald said no.
Then the media turn on him and just left it at STUPID DONALD.


In less than a decade the media hoisted him up for their agenda and brought him down to "Hitler" levels equating his words to war crimes.

So when Trump wins, the media, the left, and SJWs fucking gets 10 inches up their over-due ass.

>vetos what they put thru
>master fucking negotiator
>one of the two most hated candidates in recent memory will rally ppl against their own reps
My sides kid you're memeing too hard
There wont be anything for him to veto because they wont pass laws against him they'll just suffocate his agendas by not letting them even see the floor. As one user mentioned about the wall ( never gonna happen for other reasons anyway) you have to get Govs on board and I don't know if you are aware but only congress has the ability to set the federal budget so they can put that orange klepto on any allowance they want just because you've never seen congress act with its full authority and power in your life doesn't mean it isn't the branch with the most potential power in our government. Go back to civics class kid.

Do I have to make the speech about literally every pessimistic thing ever said about Trump being false already before you people get that he can do anything?

>Never gonna win a primary
>Never gonna break 40%
>Never gonna be the nominee
>Hundreds of "Trump is finished!" a day
>Now likely to win the election in a landslide
>Shills like you still think he can't get a bunch of cucks to bow to his will

They said the same things about Carter. And then he won out anyways but then he got to Washington and then he got cucked pretty fucking hard. Anybody can catch lightning in a bottle for an election season. It takes something else entirely to make the system work for you. And this is assuming a GOP congress if the Dems manage to retake either house forget about it we're gonna be in a lame duck admin for sure unless trump goes full politician promises everything compromises everywhere then claims it all went according to plan. You know the Reagan trick. Take your pick user. This is American politics. No rhetoric no bull shit just serving up cold hard facts.

He can declare congress to be gridlocked, and then do whatever he wants. That's what Obama does, and he's a constitutional scholar so he should know.


Congress approved the wall and appropriated money for it back in 2004. It's gone nowhere since then, because neither party actually wanted the wall, they just wanted to shut people up about it.

Honestly the most important part of his presidency is choosing the supreme court justices as a bunch of them are about to die. I don't give fuckall about what laws he tries to pass. He's probably going to put Alex Jones and Barron Trump in the supreme court.

Republican congress. They are either going to play ball or get btfo in the midterms.

But what if it isn't gridlocked? Hmm? What if Paul Ryan cucks him real fucking hard on some Smokey back room shit what you idiots see on media and even on this board is just the tip of the ice berg about how politics work in America. Do you guys know how retarded high the reelection rate is for congress? That's why its a huge deal when a handful of seats are flipped in a cycle. Not many congressmen fear a particular president unless that president happens to be from the same state or something and thus has valid political allies to call on to really fuck with you. So at best trump can affect both New York and New Jersey reps but even then that's a stretch because the GOP will likely protect their own.

I fear you misunderstand the new reality, cuck

trump has many options if repukelicans go against him, for instance, public shaming. imagine the impact a tweet of a list of recalcitrant cuckservatives would have. even just a few ringleaders to show the rest what will happen

can all senators and reps be recalled?

Not by voters only an act of congress can get rid of a congressman mid term. So good luck with that. And public shaming doesn't work on congress lol our congress is literally publicly shamed every fucking day by every political spectrum and in fact has had dismally low approval ratings for years now but it doesn't matter because we are dumb and every congressional district tends to have very favorable opinions of THEIR rep while hating congress as a whole. There are various reasons for this but ultimately the districts here are relatively small populations therefore they tend to have an intimate knowledge/relationship with the person they elect so every fucking voter is like a sports team homer pulling for their David v goliath hometown kid to bring back the federal bacon and make any town USA great again. Its a pretty nifty set up if you need to check executive power hard.

Congress is currently very red desu, they'll approve quite a bit of Trump's legislation if he wins. If not, midterms will bring hell.

well, that's the current thinking, based partiallly on this
>1967 United States Senator Frank Church of Idaho was the subject of an unsuccessful recall effort.[29] Courts ruled that a federal official is not subject to state recall laws.

but if he gets to pick supreme court justices, it could well be overturned

what do you mean congress is publicly shamed? by who? the MSM? the president? I'm actually interested

is there a procedure for removing or suspending a senator/congressman from the party?

Even fucking liberal ass Snopes disproves your retarded fake and gay quote. See below.

Ok then cuck, here you are fearmongering about how a republican majority house will shit on Trump, the Republican nominee, but they will fall in line for Hillary because...?

Yeah but the justices must be approved by congress first and even after that they serve life terms thus ensuring they don't really owe anybody any favors and they are already rich lawyers so all they have left to defend is their pride over the prowess of their legal mind and being on the "right" side of history this is why 2 of the current conservative justices have been swing votes depending on a particular issue at hand. And lol everybody, every president any time congress does something they don't like they try to use the bully pulpit in influence congress with varying degrees of success because it has to be part of a very detailed, well thought out strategy to strong arm enough reps and important reps who hold powerful committee positions to really move the meter as far as policy is concerned. Something like brexit couldn't even happen here because there is 0 direct democracy in our federal system. In many ways the UK has a more radically democratic system and our democracy remains famous because we were early adaptors.

They won't. We are most likely about to enter a one term totally cucked presidency no matter who wins.

Our government is divided into three branches:
1. Executive (federal employees who act out the law)
2. Legislative (legislators who write and approve new laws)
3. Judicial (judges who interpret the laws and make decisions on their meaning)

As president, Trump would be the head of the executive branch. He would have absolute power over all federal agencies. This means he can has absolute control over anyone who is responsible for enforcing or operating anything for the government.

He can suggest things to congress (legislators), and he has to sign their bills before they become laws, but more importantly this time around he'll be choosing the new heads of the supreme court. He can't control what the laws say, but he has an awful lot of power over what the government actually does to people.

If you see Obama doing "whatever he wants," it's because he's ignoring the laws and ordering around his federal agencies. He can fire who he wants, replace who he wants, move people around and punish them, and just generally tell them what to do. In particular Trump has argued that he will put the right people in charge of these agencies to manage them the way he wants.

A lot of what he's suggesting involves asking permission first, but he has an awful lot of power as the chief executive and could theoretically cobble together the policies he wants by reorganizing and ordering federal employees to enact them. Obama has set some extremely bad precedents with his behavior which would give Trump the justification to do just as much.

A party can drop their support but you wouldn't see an impact until the next election cycle because the parties are not actually constitutionally a part of our government and their power only comes from their amount of collective money and influence. George Washington was very much against their formation at all and he refused to join either of the popular parties of his day.

I agree with just about everything but I think even the example Obama has set is still a long ways away from what the other anons on this bread seem to think the president is capable of. And remember the president doesn't really "appoint" justices in an absolute sense because congress can, will, and has veto a nominee.

That is because our government was never intended to be a democracy. It was made to be a republic.

"What have you given us mister?"
"A republic, if you can keep it."-Ben Franklin

Parties aren't a real part of the government. Everyone in office is an individual, who may or may not associate with one.

The shit with Theresa May could not happen here because parties are not officially recognized and have no legitimate power. We only elect the person.

>And lol everybody, every president any time congress does something they don't like they try to use the bully pulpit in influence congress with varying degrees of success because it has to be part of a very detailed, well thought out strategy
every president for the last 100 years has been a puppet

did you ever hear about filegate?

that's why paul ryan lost his primary right? >trumpfag fagging so hard