Top Kino of 2017 (could be film, tv, or youtube):
1. Good Time (pic related)
2. Twin Peaks: The Return
3. lasagnacat return (best either Pipe Strip or Sex Survey)
4. Blade Runner 2049
5. ???
Top Kino of 2017 (could be film, tv, or youtube):
1. Good Time (pic related)
2. Twin Peaks: The Return
3. lasagnacat return (best either Pipe Strip or Sex Survey)
4. Blade Runner 2049
5. ???
IT (2017)
Oh yeah, forgot that. Haven't seen it yet.
My top 5, in no order
>Good Time (excellent choice OP)
>A Ghost Story
>Brigsby Bear
>Neo Yokio (unironically the funniest show I’ve watched in years).
Go back
Samurai Jack I guess. I didn't watch too many new films or shows this year and the ones that I did watch I mostly didn't enjoy.
Haven't heard much about Ghost Story, or Brigsby Bear. Thoughts?
Blade Runner
On one hand there's obviously a shortage of really good movies, compared to older decades.
But that said, what little there is has been quite impressive, between Good Time, Twin Peaks, and Blade Runner.
Both of them made me cry.
A Ghost Story’s definitely an arthouse movie. Slow and meditative. It makes it work though, because it provides a compelling and abstract look at mortality. Makes me sad as fuck, seeing the world go past without really any way of changing it. It hits on my existentialist fears, that fear of death and what lies beyond and if any of this means anything. It’s pretentious but I fucking loved it.
Brigsby hit me in the complete opposite direction. It mirrors my own passion for filmmaking. Ostensibly, this should be a silly story about a twentysomething manchild who was raised on a children’s show made specifically for him. For the most part, it fulfills that, but it’s also fucking perfect in showing how pure this guy is in terms of sheer will to create. He’s a nerd, an enthusiast, but seeing him express that passion and using it to fuel his own creative vision really hits me HARD as a wannabe twentysomething filmmaker.
Ghost Hunting
The Florida Project
El mar la mar
Personal Shopper
On the Beach at Night Alone
Dark Night
Sleep Has Her House
Thanks for the thoughts. Best of luck to you.
1: Get Out 2: Logan 3: Detroit 4: Song To Song 5: It Comes At Night Those are what I have watched so far user.
I generally hate capeshit. But is Logan recommended for someone who does? *shrug* Perhaps I'll give it a shot.
The only part that's capeshit at all is the very end and a brief scene with professor X. Logan could be a guy with a knife and the film would be basically the same. Go watch it
never heard of Good Time. The trailer looks pretty dope. I'll give it a look next time i get a chance. Cheers.
I still think it's movie of the year. Hope you enjoy it.
can't find a stream link though. guess i'll have to keep it on hold for now :/
watch it with the best visual and sound quality you can, user
cheers, user, will do
Where the hell are the torrents?
it doesn't seem to be shown in Canada, nor are there any streams or dl links. fuck me lads.
My top five so far, in no order
>Blade Runner
>Baby Driver
>It Comes at Night
>Ghost Story
I'm in the same boat man
this. someone do some anons I solid, im stumped
Baby Driver and It Comes At Night fall just short of true greatness for me. Much as I love them they don’t have that same spark, that “walking out of the theaters with your knees shaking a bit” feeling.
Still top 10 though.
>tfw no Good Time streaming anywhere except in Russian.
has it even had a digital release yet?
You list several I've been meaning to see, thanks user.
The Killing of a Sacred Deer looks promising
Good Time has barely left theaters, actually.
Best films I've seen this year are probably 2049, Dunkirk, and Baby Driver. I've barely seen anything that's come out this year though. I'd like to see Good Time, Call Me By Your Name, Logan, The Florida Project, Lady Bird, Sleep Has Her House, and Three Billboards.
Florida Project looks fucking beautiful. I go down there for vacations and the trailer really captures the vibe down there.
in no order,
Mother! (Fuck you its not without its merits)
Blade Runner 2049