
>flunked out of air force
>raped by own baby
>dyke in denial
>inherited powers but didn't want them
>voted out of the Avengers
>almost started cosmic world war
>supported superhuman registration
>literally took kids from their parents
>rips off power girl
>fucks up everything
>never learns from mistakes
>hates straight white men
>hates nice things
>hates mutants
>book restarted 6 times
>can't sell shit
>literally the Roman Reigns of superheroes
>fascistic twat who finds no moral fault in genocide
>most unlikeable character
>worst role model imaginable

Is she, dare I say, our girl?

>fascistic twat who finds no moral fault in genocide
her only positive character traits


Yep, another of her faults to add to the list.

>hates mutants
You know, maybe Carol isn't that bad.
Maybe we have been too harsh on her.

Yes. And before anyone asks "how can that be when so many people on Sup Forums hate her?" Let me ask you this:
What's more /ourgirl/ than being loathed?

You know instead of ignoring all her faults and making her generic YASS QUEEN, she would be at least semi-interesting

>literally the Roman Reigns of superheroes
Maybe in that y'all shitposting about her galvanizes the people who like her like her even more strongly.
I still say she's the Ziggler. Difference is her dues are paying off. :(

So what the supposed YAS QUEEN comic is actually doing, then?

All of this makes for a fantastic character if they would just EXPLORE it for fuck's sake.

But they won't. Because they want her to be a more boring version of Wonder Woman for some reason. Yass queen slay.

>almost started cosmic world war
This one's news to me.

>never learns from mistakes
Blatantly untrue.

I just want Murder-Carol back. Relieve her from her position of command, relieve her from responsibility, just unleash her in the universe and watch the carnage.

>flunked out of air force
That one's news to me too. Wasn't she forced into retirement because terrorists broke her fucking arm?

Remember that time she made fun of Magneto for being a Holocaust survivor?

Stohl seems eager to.
Both prior writers did as well. The last issue was literally her & a villain cycling through her misdemeanors.

Magneto deserves mockery. He survives the Holocaust, spends rest of life trying to Holocaust everybody.
He's fucking pathetic.

Thank god someone called him out on his hypocrisy.

>spends rest of life trying to Holocaust everybody
Where do you kids even get these memes


>rips off power girl

What do you think he meant by that?

Dude, come on, Mags is a BIT of an asshole.
Surely you can see the humor is the situation.

That blond bombshell bricks are a novel idea.
Also kek

Honestly, Carol looks like far more of an asshole at this point. The first Civil War was enough on that end.

Wait, so every time someone memes on "Magneto wants to Holocaust all humans" is about morrison's crap?! Even fucking Marvel disowned most of that run at this point.

Beats me, Carol can't even into being hot OR likeable at this point.

Not even that, she got recruited into intelligence and then retired for a cushy NASA job.

she needs a straight white male to have corrective sex with her and finally fix her

She needs to marry Spider-Woman already.

Go to bed, Perlmutter.

I'll put her down for "a dicking and some chicken wimgs".

even the xmen did not want her

>fascistic twat who finds no moral fault in genocide

>her only positive character traits

Which will not make it into a Disney Movie.

# EvilTyrant #notmyqueen #literallyclinton

the x men prefered a super villain who had stolen Carol's powers and memories to Carol.