Why didn't she say anything 20 years ago back when her career was still a thing?

Why didn't she say anything 20 years ago back when her career was still a thing?

Because she would have lost out on a whole bunch of cash.

She didn't want to fuck up any future roles.

She's a slut and she doesn't actually care about what Harvey did.

Interesting how she took $75k to shut up yet was still socialising with Harvey long after the alleged incident in the 90s


I'm out of the loop, what did she do?

blasted the rest of hollywood for staying quiet after the whole harvey weinstein thing broke

she also accused him of sexual harassment

it would seem that she took the weinstein hotdog to get roles back then, but he paid her 100k in a settlement out of court

Harvey "Rape is OK When You Blame the NRA" Weinstein
Harvey "Play with my semi if you want that Emmy" Weinstein
Harvey "A Star is Born When She Sucks My Horn" Weinstein
Harvey "Buying Her Silence After Sexual Violence" Weinstein
Harvey "Swallow My Sword If You Want An Award" Weinstein
Harvey "Rich and Famous If I Penetrate Your Anus" Weinstein
Harvey "Every New Actress Must Visit My Mattress" Weinstein
Harvey "I Got The Power So You Watch Me Shower" Weinstein
Harvey "Show me that Hole and you've got the Role" Weinstein
Harvey "Wear something scant or I'll find a potted plant" Weinstein
Harvey "If my children only knew, they'd get a boner too" Weinstein
Harvey "Going balls deep to create the next Meryl Streep" Weinstein
Harvey "If I diddle your clit you'll be walking the red carpet" Weinstein
Harvey "Swallow my cream if you want the American Dream" Weinstein
Harvey "Stop With The Kvetching It's Time For Some Stretching" Weinstein
Harvey "If you want to be in movies, then show me your boobies" Weinstein
Harvey "First You Ride On My Meat, Then Quentin Jerks Off On Your Feet" Weinstein

Harvey "Want An Oscar? Suck My Todger" Weinstein
Harvey "Lie Down, Relax And Think Of Miramax" Weinstein
Harvey "$100k Is Yours If You Drop Your Drawers" Weinstein
Harvey "Lick My Knob, But Don't Tell Brother Bob" Weinstein
Harvey "You'll Be Like Meryl Streep If You Let Me Creep" Weinstein

Now this news is mainstream, I'm looking forward to Gretchen Mol's autobiography. Especially the chapter on her being Harvey's piss mop.

>childless 40 something cunt who used to be pretty going insane after hitting the wall and losing her money

love it

She used to be sexy ;_;

She's such a hypocritical cunt, I hope she got raped a bunch of times.

How can her sex tape be hardcore as fuck yet terrible as fuck at the same time?

When it's with fat niggers?

>hardcore as fuck
its just a blowjob.........

Pretty sure the guy is white isn't he?


She got brain damage in the car crash. She didn’t think she was Rose McGowan until two weeks ago. She was going by the name Tulip McCalin

Blowjobs are pretty hardcore as far as celeb leaks go but nah dude I don't know what you watched but she gets deep dicked and flicks her bean in the full vid.

Because her career was still a thing back then.

Oh she just HAPPENS to have a book coming out about her called 'BRAVE'

I would call it 'Fraud'

Or 'Opportunism'

These people are vicious careerists who will sacrifice anything for money and fame, so it is hard to attribute any real suffering to them. Anything that looks like pain is probably just another tactic for exposure.

Weinstein jacking off into a pot plant is at least a genuine expression of emotion

Excuse me shitlords but you have no idea what it takes to be as stunning and brave as this beautiful, strong, and independent womyn is.

>Weinstein jacking off into a pot plant is at least a genuine expression of emotion

Actually, she has to have a lot of balls (or to be insane) to do that because everybody knows her career is over after that. Nobody will never hire her again. Everybody at Hollywood has secrets. Nobody wants to work with a bigmouth.

Her career has been over for years, just look at imdb

Cause womens are whores who want $$$$

Sup Forums & Sup Forums suddenly becoming feminists crying about rape culture is hilarious though

You mean just like Leah Remini?

They aren't, they're relishing in Hollywood imploding by being eaten by the same granola crusaders and queer red guards it empowers.

The right has always cared about genuine cases of rape and abuse, more so than the left.

Neither side gives a fuck unless it helps their narrative. You're both trash and I hope you Civil War yourselves off this mortal coil.

Go to bed, Dan.

Because Hollywood is full of snakes. These people will scratch the backs of higher-ups so long as they have a career. Now she has no career, and an opportunity to become moderately relevant for a minute again. So she'll backstab everybody she had no problem with for 20 years. They're all hypocrites.

Feminism I care nothing for, it's the hypocrisy of this whole episode that fucking stinks

She was a crazy feminist long before that became the cool thing for moronic rich white women to be, even in Hollywood. She's doomed.

Is that Casanova from American pie?


>resent women so much you'd rather side with a disgusting Jewish mogul
The absolute state of Sup Forumsirgins.
No one is saying McGowan isn't an opportunist whore. We're just glad this slimy arrogant kike who thought himself untouchable is going down.

Because she didn't want to lose her career in a time period where no one would give a shit and he'd make sure she never worked again?

Why pick a side at all between said slimy Jew producer and the raving mob of legbeards going after him? Why assume anyone else is taking a side instead of just enjoying the carnage? I don't get that user.

>alt-right means being as edgy as possible
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Fucking hell, she's ugly now. She used to be gorgeous.

Sporting the female feminist fucktard equivalent of the JUST haircut doesn't help. Nice quads by the way.

Her career when she had one was shit.