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I think we can all finally agree now the prequels were actually good

The prequels are decent action flicks just don't expect any depth to the dialogue. The cgi and battles are fucking amazing for when they were made.



In your dreams faggot. Just because the Force Awakens also sucks doesn't change anything about the prequels.

>new trailer of The last Jedi is fucking amazing
For what?


Hey buddy, you aren't welcome here.


I'm sorry that your hairline is so close to your eyebrows.

The prequels are boring


>The cgi and battles are fucking amazing


god it basically looks like current gen videogame gameplay footage

The CGI in I looks infinitely better than II

Which is a shame since II is basically 90% CGI

stop pretending the prequels were good just because you dont like nuwars.

Phatom menace is fun if you shut your brain off like return of the jedi. Revenge of the Sith is kino, It's only the second one that sucks dick and everyone hates the prequels because of it.

>this opinion is okay to have on Sup Forums now

Its 2002 you fucking nigger. Enjoy your kikefiesta now, cancerous shit.

TV used to have this opinion before all the autists took over using redlettermedia, which is mostly sarcasm, as bible on star wars critique.

Been here since 2007 new friend.

so? the film was overly reliant on new and undeveloped technology with very little practical effects that made the final result look like shit

also TLJ is looking great

george come on my back please
i mean cum back
god damnit just make more star wars
im sorrrrrrrry

>It's okay that I like shit because I've been on this website for ten years

Kill yourself, my man.

What for? I never criticised the prequels.

>apologize to the man who could have let the franchise die with dignity but instead decided he wanted more money so he made a bunch of trash films and then sold it to Disney to make even more trash films

original trilogy weren't particularly deep. star wars was a flick to begin with. production was it's strength

Fucking this so hard. recently watched matrix reloaded and revolutions. Appreciate them a lot more now. They came out around the same time. But the blend of practical effects and cgi makes it feel less dated besides a few scenes that don't hold up.

In fact revolutions looks like a move that could have came out within the last couple years compared to modern production line cgi that has severe quality issues.

Christ, 10 years? Like once a day? Get a life, brother.

>tfw you would rather see Gerorge retarded but new crap than shitty rehash by Disney

I didn't think it was possible

>new friends don't realize that we'll be browsing this website together by 2027


lmao jesus
don't remember it being this bad


>knowing specific subreddits
you have to go back

duel of fates is the best theme
prove me wrong

Im sorry

looks better than anything in The Farce Awakens and The Last Rehash

Never. The fans understand Star Wars better than the person who created it and while not perfect, TFA and Rogue One are infinitely better than any of the prequels.

Lucas just thought, "Oh people like the Jedi, so I'll make Star Wars all about the Jedi! Also the Force isn't a mystical thing anymore, it's powered by little organism that live inside your body. People on the fringes of society with smugglers and bounty hunters using scavenged technology to take on an oppressive regime? Forget about it! The Jedi ARE the oppressive regime hyuk hyuk and everything is super clean and sleek!"

Fuck George Lucas forever.


No faggot if you just madr something satisfying and didnt sell to Disney we wouldnt be in this predicament.

Don't say sorry to him, he's the one that sold it

No, it's fucking not. It was like 2001, they didn't have the processing power or the budget to pull off 90% CGI. Backgrounds are almost all miniatures, even that weird establishing shot of Dexter's diner or that chrome ship Padme owns. There's a fuckload of greenscreen, don't get me wrong, but all that shit behind McGregor is mostly something they actually built while ILM still had a miniatures department. CGI was for aliens.

Of course it doesn't, prequels always have been no worse tham originals.


I was being facetious, but it's still way more CGI than it should have been, and it's poorly done CGI even for the time.

iconic scene for people who grew up with these movies.

name one scene that is as memorable as this in nu-Star Wars.


no, idiot

The prequels sucked but anyone that even had the slightest thought that the new films would contend with the original trilogy at all is a complete mongoloid. Honestly I think the new trilogy is the worst of the 3 so far, it feels like a fanfic and doesn't even have a good reason to exist besides siphoning money from idiots

im sorry

>The trailer to The Last Jedi looked worse than anything in the Prequels

>new trailer of
>trailer of

sorry george :(

George was the lesser evil. He was a hack, but Disney is just soulless copy paste corporate machine with no redeeming qualities.


I'm sorry you're not dead, you fat fuck.

Why? I never talked shit about the man.

They were just snorefests though

This one is great scene with music. At least outside the context of literally whos fighting cartoony swamp people.

This one is bunch of cgi garbage thrown together. Just like Nu wars.

No, they're fucking shit. Die, you contrarian cunt.

The dumb thing is building that set would have cost infinitely less than cgi-ing it did.

Yes, only easily entertained retards think otherwise

how is the plains battle scene from phantom bad`?

Name one blockbuster with more depth than Lucas SW.

Even though I think George is a cunt I feel bad he was basically forced by fans to sell the franchise. Everyone hated him after the prequels but fans were still demanding films like autists. George knew if he sat on the IP and did nothing people would hate him and if he tried his hand at the new trilogy people would hate him even more.

He was fucked either way unless he actually churned out good star wars films but we knew that wasn't going to happen and George knew it himself too. If the new trilogy was created by George and turned out exactly the same way we got the new trilogy everyone would condemn George and claim it as a pile of dogshit but because someone else made the trilogy it is somehow good--spoiler alert, it's no better than the prequels at all and people will soon realize once time passes just like they did with the prequels

I don't have to apologize because I never hated George for the prequels.

I do hate him for the blu ray changes though

This is so true, the prequels actually had a few memorable sequence like the pod-races, gungans vs droids, fight against darth maul, the chase after the shapeshifting assassin, the arena scene, fight against Dooku, space battle opening of the 3rd movie, I AM THE SENATE, execute order 66 and final lava battle.
There was also a ton of new creative ship designs in those movies, which expanded the universe as a whole.

Honestly I can't remember shit about the new movies, they're just a blur of jump-cuts and nostalgia to me.

someone please make a webm with this aint me playing over this

>yfw you will never see George's secret experimental films

His bullshit holding back of the theatrical originals is why I fucking hate him. He can fuck off and die for all I care.

Doesn't Disney own those now? I'm sure they'll find a way to publish them, don't worry.

The prequels were a good idea badly executed.
The new trilogy is a bad idea, badly executed.

This is my favorite meme it triggers Sup Forums autists like no other

Ironically liking the prequels is hilarious but as the saying goes those who get amusement out of acting like idiots will soon find themselves surrounded by idiots who think they're in good company, its only a matter of time until its memed into unironic praise of the prequels

For what?

They won't do it while he's still alive.

They were fine, I think most people who saw them when they were kids liked them at least.

PT is the ultimate kino litmus test.

Source? I would also like to see the theatrical releases.

What if the new star Wars trilogy had been about /ourguy/, the Grand Admiral Thrawn

They even have a perfectly fine female protagonist with Mara Jade.

I have always loved Phantom Menace and Revenge but even 12 year old me knew Attack of the Clones was dogshit.
I distinctly remember the theater clapping at the end and a friend and me were just baffled by how absurd it was that a movie so shit got clapped.
Not even 'murrican.

I liked all the three movies but only for the light sabre battles
I usually skipped the Naboo scenes all together

I don't know why people shit on this scene so much, this looks good even today

The lightsaber battles were pretty cool though. Are there any other movies that have similar fight scenes? Only thing I can think of is chinese Kung-Fu movies.

Probably the same for me too. I watched the whole movie anyway always.
In PM and RotS the saber battles are nicely distributed towards the movie, so you are engaged every so often.
In Attack there is like one at the end and by that point I was fuming with rage because the movie was so bad and that single battle couldn't redeem it.
Same shit with the DBZ gods movie. It has a cool fight at the end, but the stuff leading up to it is so bad that it sours the experience too much.

Disney Wars should be right up your alley then.

I'm pretty ashamed because Sup Forums thinks it's a shit movie, but Narnia


Kinda feels like a betrayal to Lewis's intent

I'm sorry George, I didn't know that RLM was actually Disney Shills who tried to get the internet to bully you to sell Star Wars to Disney

I hated TFA but liked R1 for the fanservice that it was.

Not really
look at youtube.com/watch?v=yHqdESArkqU

It's got nice long undisturbed takes, great choreography(the actors are doing flips and shit) actual stakes and tension and hardly any jump cuts.

Eh, I would say that the fight there is much slower, but also choregraphied, but with a bit more symbolism
Jadis is seen as easily dominating her opponent but she's not finishing him because she enjoys playing with him
I do agree with you about Jump cuts

On the other hand, youtube.com/watch?v=J0mUVY9fLlw

>stop pretending the prequels were good just because you dont like nuwars.

Stop pretending "Nuwars" is good simply because you weren't alive during the PT nor the OT. Disneyfags seem entirely devoid of any critical thinking and will eat any piece of crap thrown their way.

Yes, I'm sure you noticed that on your first viewing.


That's a beautifully straight cut. Too bad it was aimed at the pipe.

The slightly effeminate hand movement also adds to the charm.


Check this out, these are actual fencers doing the fighting. Tell me, does this resemble the prequel fights more or the new movies.