Be Jew

>be Jew

It's like pottery

Other urls found in this thread:

>be Jew
>Sup Forums laughs at downfall

>be goy
>wtf he dindu NUFFIN
if i had a brain eyed b thinkin



>Muh strawman

Name one time, kike

>muh informal logical fallacies
Deal with the banter faggot

You kidding? They're pretty much sanctioned as long as they're a goy and not a libcuck.

President Donald J. Trump

He's a kike though

Kinda hope more women call out all the sexual abuse in Hollywood.

all those sluts willingly slept with him to further their careers. he didn't rape anyone.

Why are jews allowed?


If the goy is a progressive Marxist we would laugh as well.

But the accusations were bs.

I hate to defend a Jew but what did he do that was so terrible? He cheated on his wife sure but that's between him and his wife. I don't get the witch hunt for a guy who just wanted to fuck models.

Was Hollywood ever not Jewish? Nearly every big studio name from the 30s is a Jew.

I just looked into the silent era and you've got these guys

Both Jews. So it's like as soon as there was feature length motion picture in America there were Jews involved

The artstyle doesn't do Harvey's visage justice

What does him being jewish has to do with anything?

>Be Jew
>Exchange favors for sex with grown female models

>Be Christian Priest
>Bang 10 year old boys

rly makes me think

I don't get it. Because jews are well known for raping? I thought that was the Indians.

Why cant' neckbeards make anything of quality? Fucking parasites

Sup Forums makes up a lot of stereotypes about Jews then pretends it's real. Jews are rapists, Jews are pedos, Jews rub their hands, etc.. It's just kids being angsty. They'll say Jews have 3 feet or something soon then pretend it's real.

shut up kike


make me neckbeard faggot

t. child-diddling christian

>be woman
>be whore
>feel ashamed
>cry rape

jew faggots posing with nazi blanket?
so what else is new?

>every time I get caught engaging in sexual degeneracy....I'll just say it's a jewish forgery

lmao, pathetic faggot

>every time I get caught engaging in a jewish forgery....I'll just say it's white sexual degeneracy

Typical, jewish trick

christianity is an expanionistic religion that destroys personal responsibility of the people that believe in it, hence why the planet is environmentally wrecked

judaism is a religion that encourages self-improvement, education, and being a decent person even outside of the tribe

im saying this as a deist whose interested in religion, i call it the way i see it

OT >>> NT

LITERALLY worse than Hitler

this is an occurrence among rabis as well though.. just Jew media ofc won't talk about it as much


>hence why the planet is environmentally wrecked

wtf kind of logic leap is this...biggest polluter countries are not even Christian

>and being a decent person even outside of the tribe
Now that is just a straight up lie. We see every day what "nice persons" jews are

The only way anyone's gonna talk is if the benefits of shutting up stop outweighing the consequences of speaking up. There's no way any A-lister's are gonna finally break the silence on how flexible their buttholes had to get to reach their position.

Half of you people probably didn't even know who Mr. Weinstein was before that slanderous NYT hit piece. I work in the film industry and have met Mr. Weinstein at several different events and occasions. He is the most kindhearted, down to Earth, hilarious executive in Hollywood, and is the LAST person I want to see this happen to. Wait until the facts come out before you judge this man.


crazy how trump advocating sexual assault and incest was totally ok here but a man using his position to laid once and a while is suddenly triggering because he happens to be a kike

its almost as if you Sup Forumsfaggots have zero interest in a traditional moral code

Are all rich people degenerates? Does money attract them or does it all just go their heads?

>hates goyim
>infests their countries anyway

>gets kicked out 106 times
>still comes back like the cockroaches they are

fake talmud quotes

good job shilling christianity though, what will actually happen though is that Generation Z will take your influence but instead of using it to restore Christianity and deus vult, they will instead adopt nationalism and replace God with the nationstate. No God but the current leader :-)

places like india were influenced in the direction they developed by christian places like the UK which set an example, Christian african nations will also start to contribute when they industralize. America is also one of the bigger polutters

no one cares faggot

>fake talmud quotes
Which one is fake exactly, point it out

All of them are real

>is that Generation Z will take your influence but instead of using it to restore Christianity and deus vult, they will instead adopt nationalism and replace God with the nationstate. No God but the current leader :-)


>places like india were influenced in the direction they developed by christian places like the UK which set an example
What about China now or USSR being one of the biggest polluters..please rationalize this. You say Christianity destroys personal responsibility and single out America, yet Americans created a nation which depends on personal responsibility instead of a nanny state or dependence on goverment. Atheist leftist run countries go in the completely opposite direction.

>be Man

half of the christian bible belt states live on welfare lol, including the ones that are mostly white. i know because ive lived in one