Why didn't Gondor just accept all the peaceful Orc refugees?
Why didn't Gondor just accept all the peaceful Orc refugees?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Haha a high fantasy series where whether you're good or bad is decided SOLELY by your race is a great metaphor for the real world"
just like harry potter, the parallels are amazing for example Trump = Voldie. Amazing isn't it? we can learn so much from literature
Based tax policy
why didn't Aragorn accept the orcs demands to increase military aid to Mordor because Mordor is their greatest ally and the only democracy in middle earth?
why do conservashits always use pop culture in their shitty memes?>
Why are you like this? Why do you cloak what you're trying to say under meaningless irony? It just stops us from actually having a substantial conversation. Fucking hell.
>high fantasy series
LOTR is low fantasy user
Orcs are all terrible, but they're also fictional. In reality, there are good humans and bad humans and trying to simplistically divide humanity up by race or religion or nationality as "good" and "bad" doesn't work.
I don't care.