So, how badly is this piece of shit gonna flop compared to TFA and RO? Even among the normies I am sensing very little hype.
So, how badly is this piece of shit gonna flop compared to TFA and RO...
>gonna flop
We both know it's not going to flop, but it is going to be shit.
compared to TFA and RO, I said. Di$ney prob has unrealistic expectations which it will fail to meet due to oversaturation of the franchise by
If it makes less money than Awakens, that is a flop.
I sense that Star Wars is the "boomer entertainment" of Gen Xers. All the diehard fanboys on Youtube are 35 or older.
It's doing nothing new, it's a homage trilogy + strong women and a black shoehorned in.
>Even among the normies I am sensing very little hype.
game of thrones and rick and morty just finished up for a while. give it time.
Soon enough we'll see all the mouth gaping selfies of childlike joy by grown adults excited over a children's movie
>compared to TFA and RO, I said. Di$ney prob has unrealistic expectations which it will fail to meet due to oversaturation of the franchise by
Star Wars main entries should be every 4 or 5 years.
Even one spin off or main entry every two years is pushing it.
It might underperform but it could never "flop", star wars is the biggest movie franchise of all time.
Look here kiddo, I don't care what they do with Snoke, Poe, Finn, Rey, Kylo or any nu-character.
But what they did to Han, Leia and Luke is unacceptable. Complete butchery. Complete destruction of original canon. This is postmodernism for you folks, they just trample over the past, over anything that was once significant and sacred. It's adding insult to injury.
They just care about progressive ideas, ideologies. The story is second, the characters are second. This is Kathleen Kennedy's nuWars. Have fun, I'm outta this ride.
When did you find out you had autism?
Yeah, I don't give a fuck anymore either. That user wasn't wrong, even if he is autistic.