What are some other "secrets" Hollywood is hiding?

What are some other "secrets" Hollywood is hiding?

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Soylent Green is people.

Anakin is Darth Vader.

Frodo is gay.

Brad left Gwyneth because he found out she fucked Harvey to get Shakespeare in Love

What makes you say that user? anything you want to share?

Based on absolutely nothing, I'm willing to bet that Brad is one of the few good guys in Hollywood.

He definitely beat his wife's son on that jet. I don't believe them when they say it was an argument and he was definitely on drugs

Also Bryan Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington's husband definitely ran a gay paedo ring

>Also Bryan Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington's husband definitely ran a gay paedo ring

forgetting Bryan Cranston. After Bill Cosby and that pedophile comedian in britiain who ran all those childrens hospitals, I think they are all scumbags, and the ones that are the most liked are the biggest scumbags

Poor bastard comes home to Jolie's fucking menagerie of Benetton toddlers, half of them clicking and grunting under the kitchen table... I wouldn't hold it against him if he killed a drifter or two.

/ss/ with jolie you say?

bob saget molested the olsen twins