
Godspeed, penguin ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:


Godsneed, chuck ;_;


gudbai senpai

Video anyone? ;_;


someone photoshop goose from blade runner into this

goodbye sweet prince

Is this from a documentary?

encounters at the end of the world

Okay thank you. Is it any good?
I'll check it if so apart from looking our sweet princd up.
I also have a faint feeling that this is a well known meme/documentary and I am being a jackass pleb documentlet.

View from a normal person watching someone head over Sup Forums



I mean.. its Herzog. So maybe not just a documentlet. But yes its pretty good, I found I liked some of his others better but its still worth watching


Fist saw this on /f/ years ago.
Still gets me to this day.

Well if you like Herzog than sure, not his best though but still pretty good.


give me more documentarykino