Redpill me on Sandy Hook

The snopes article seemed to counter every conspiracy point pretty well, what really happened that day? Are we being lied to?

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesn't counter
>muh snopes
>redpill me


Just show me 1 body bag or sheet covered gurney, go ahead

I never really cared about Sandy hook, even though I was in a town close it when it happened. But anyways were there now bodies found?

Here's the only redpill you need:

It was a hoax so obongo could further his ploy to get the 2nd ammendmant repealed

Speg snapped and kill his dumbass worthless mother and a bunch of children.

Gun rights were not affected in the least. There is indisputable evidence (photos, families, 911 calls ect that prove it was just bowl cut acting alone.

There is no conspiracy. Just a bunch dead people and shattered lives. The end.

The truth is, they had a faulty security setup. Doors to the classrooms could only be locked from the outside and the janitor didn't or couldn't lock them. That's why lanza was able to walk around for about a minute and walk into the classrooms to begin shooting.

His mom didn't actually work at the school.
"One of several erroneous pieces of information promulgated in early reporting on the Sandy Hook tragedy was the claim that Adam Lanza's mother Nancy was a kindergarten teacher at that school. By the following day, most major news outlets were correctly reporting that Nancy Lanza did not have any connection to Sandy Hook Elementary School."

It was honestly an MK ultra experiment, trigger the aspie into going on a killing spree

I don't know about that and to be honest it's irrelevant.

The kid was so socially awkward he couldn't even get his hair cut without his mother stepping in. Instead of getting him serious in-patient treatment of her demented son who was (literally) wasting away she just let him lock himself in his room with garbage bags over the windows and a pile of weapons till he went ballastic.

Mother of the year

That's why it was such a big deal. Police suspect cannibalism was involved

>he ate 26 bodies.
Yeah fucking right

why would the police order custom subs, bananas, and chips (on dash cam footage) then proceed to eat it in the cafeteria of a school where 20 something kid were just slaughtered...why would the firefighters be more concerned about getting their pizzas than getting an area cleared for life-flight helicopters (which were never called in)....why would the grieving parents be pictured at the scene with cup holders full of coffee? would you stop on the way in or get straight there? How could those cops stand to eat in there? why did they order porta potties and have a "check in here" sign?

This was a exercise put on to push a great lie. I dont know who did it, I dont know how many know, but I do know that something different happened that day. Having police in my family and having worked as a firefighter for a time I can tell you a first responders mind would be on getting those kids to the hospital, securing the scene, calming the community, not eating pizza or subs inside the school cafeteria!

Her mom had nothing to do with it, but theres an interview where the school nurse says that yes she knew his mother

>Where are the pictures of dead kids?


>Redpill me on Sandy Hook

Anita Sarkesian was there.

Still waiting

That's not her, they look kind of alike but are different people.

k fag here
i shoot a few times a month

and if i shot at 26 people i know for a fucking fact i couldnt kill all 26 of them. especially in a high stress situation like that.
its impossible to kill everyone who you shot. someone wouldve taken non lethal hits and yet not one person was treated for any gunshot wounds.

They were having a routine training exercise for a school shooting at the school around the time, if I recall correctly.

Oy vey! We can't show them evidence, that would be in bad taste!

In every thread theres is a guy that was there or living nearby.

Just saying.


He used a combat rifle with 30 round magazines. His targets were children making macaroni art for their parents not soldiers. He was in a sperg trance and on a well thought out mission with months of planning. He was trained with weapons since he was a young child.

He did it. There was no conspiracy

What about the Syrian kid that was pushed by the media for 10,000 years? Pretty shit explanation if you ask me. There's also the thing about the dad laughing on camera after his kid supposedly died.

why are the shills always nonAmerican flags... fucking globalist niggers


>fuck all happened as a result of it

Holy fuck you conspiratards.

No you fuck. But, be logical. Where the fuck is the evidence?? Why are there only stages photos and crisis actors? Where are the fucking bodies??

One of my old friends use to travel to Newtown and surrounding areas for work. Even met some of the parents whose children were shot. Not funny to joke around about this shit, it happened.

Sandy Hook was 100% legit. There are Law Enforcement only training seminars regarding this (and the Aurora Movie Theater shooting), which have the pictures of the dead children. Because of the age of the victims, as well as the privacy rights therein, the photos taken by the constabulary are kept safeguarded and not distributed. Any of you with experience in traversing the more....unnoticed areas of the internet will find these powerpoints and individual photos used by LE.

If you think crisis actors are an actual thing you're too far gone.

What always weirded me out about this whole thing is just compare it to columbine.

That happened in 1999, thats 17 years ago. And we had footage of the shooting in action, pictures of the victims, and mountains of evidence.

You mean to tell me in the present day with the proliferation of smart phones and paranoid overdone camera systems we don't have so much as one blurry picture of the dude in action? We don't have any blood anywhere? Best we got are "cops walking" and pictures of his "room" which look like a garage sale.

I'm not saying its false, and even if it is, what difference does it make at this point we are lied to 90 times a day, but this has always bothered me any more than any far fetched "crisis actor" stuff.

go vegan!

are you joking? europe got flooded with niggers because of a picture of a dead kid. They only use pictures of dead kids when it helps their narrative.

They tries hard as shit to get a lot of guns banned, and some states banned certain guns and magazine sizes.

Plus all the people that were hired to stage it were rewarded handsomely, so there a huge green incentive by those that staged it.

When the Connecticut State Highway Patrol, the Social Security Office, and the FBI all post a report on annual murders for the county that match the event, I will believe it was legitimate. Possibly.

But so far, all 3 legal entities have posted NO such report of murders for the year.

CIA here, I was in town for a meeting (unrelated) at Newtown when Sandyhook happened, and I definitely heard many gunshots even from my conference room in my hotel. I got intel from inside channels, and yes it really happened.

the school was kept off limits and secured until they tore it down and spread the debris to the 4 corners of the earth.

never before has this been done to a school that had a shooting.


hurhur, you fucking scum. I used to be a shill too. Literally, I was paid to fucking shill. In fact, i ran a team of "community managers" for a while.

And if youre not a shill, youre a beta cuck

nice digits, but Bullshit has been called.

The first responder medical teams not allowed to enter the building don't buy it, and neither do I.

already vegan bruv

Sandy hook was fake a shit

Illuminati lizard people killed children to take muh semi auto Ar-15 that can help me defeat Drones and Tanks with its mystical powers bestowed upon it by god.

What did it accomplish, from a conspiratorial standpoint?

Did some Jew have life insurance policies on those kids? Because right now it's like saying FDR knew of and allowed the attacks on Pearl Harbor to occur but then didn't go to war or do much of anything else. The globalists didn't disarm us or weaken our position at all. Was it just a failed false flag?

Too far gone, on Sup Forums, hello fellow anons.

That's fine. Now explain why an entire municipality completely failed to follow the nationally mandated standard procedure. And if you have time, why all the cars were parked facing the same way.

and there it is

It did happen, however it done with handguns. It was not done with long guns or assault weapons with 90 round assaultclipazines.

So I guess Hitler never invaded Russia?

And here we go
Thank God nothing came of it. Part of me thinks maybe it was just a poorly covered event. That makes sense why its such a discussed tragedy. However, the more inquisitive side of me thinks there's way too much weird stuff for it to be real. Either it happened and they're hiding things about it for one reason or another, or it was all staged as a ploy to increase the argument for no guns.

Scientists tell Bigfoot believers that that they need a body before they can confirm Bigfoot exists. Why should Sandy Hook be any different?

really made me think

lol fuck off, keep up with the schizophrenic meme defense of "it they dont believe the same crazy shit I do they're a part of the conspiracy". How a conspiracy involving hundreds of peoples to kill a bunch of fucking little kids to accomplish, what was it again that happened as a result of sandy hook? nothing? makes more sense to you than it being the result of some crazy sperg jerking off over school shooters kill counts and wanting to be #1, I will never know.

But keep it up m8, anyone that disagrees is a shill or a cuck.

Thank you for correcting the record.

What do you think of Sofia smallstorms presentation of related information and the odds that it was a psyop. Do they take Cia like they do cops, just smart enough to carry out their job?

This is another reason why this has "false flag" written over it. The same thing happened during 9/11 with the "training exercises" that prevented immediate response because everyone knew simulations were taking place.

Go look at the statistics for survival rates if shot with medical attention afterwards. Even if they're kids there's only a limited amount of areas on the human body capable of instantly killing someone. If you get wounded in a non lethal area there's a good chance you will survive if given proper medical attention which they had. It's the same thing with the gay nightclub scenario. Who are these expert marksman shooters killing more people than multi-tour decorated veterans? Ask one of them how hard it is to kill someone you simple fuck.

>What are long term goals through various psyops?

really promotes frontal lobe activation

Tell me what you think is going on, a conspiracy of hundreds of people stages shottings every couple of years to slowly change gun laws? Or am I wrong about that? Can you explain how that is more likely, how that makes more sense to you then these shootings being the result of mentally ill individuals wanting to just kill some people?

That's even how they pick presidents m8. What do you think?

So rather than believe that an event could be tied to a President who has had several instances of
>thing happened
>no evidence
>putting in more money fo dem programs
>fuck off, whitey
You instead choose to believe that a retarded child with no social interaction beyond his family was secretly training himself to be a super soldier by doing nothing in his room for years at a time and buying up tens of thousands of dollars worth of weapons, ammunition, and accessories without anyone's knowledge and with no source of income to carry out a single shooter, live fire exercise with greater precision than any recorded special forces soldier has ever conducted a solo operation in history without the benefit of any real life firefight experience, yet achieving not only no wounds, but 100% destruction on every single target to the point that their bodies were never recovered.
That's your insane alternative, but go ahead and dress it up as "dude conspiracies lmao" you ignorant fuck.

Amazing how there always seems to be a training session for the kind of scenario that is exactly happening on the same day ???

care to share those powerpoints?

I think you're full of shit

I can't believe any of you fucking autists believe Sandy Hook was a conspiracy. Alex Jones doesn't even believe it was a government conspiracy. I lived in Sandy Hook until I was 8 I went to the elementary school for a couple years, shit I fuckin lived in Lanza's neighborhood, and my parents had met his mom. My parents knew one of the families who lost a child. The only conspiracy here is that Obama took advantage of the situation and tried to pass anti-gun legislation (hella lame) which isn't even a fucking conspiracy. It's ten minutes of google.

>super soldier

They were a bunch of kids pissing their pants in their classrooms. No moving targets, point blank range shots. Does your fatass consider having to mover from classroom door to classroom door to fire upon a room full of kids a supersoldier feat of marksmanship that was done with "greater precision than any recorded special forces soldier"?

>tens of thousands of dollars worth of weapons, ammunition, and accessories without anyone's knowledge and with no source of income

He used his moms gun you fucking sperg holy shit.

>but 100% destruction on every single target to the point that their bodies were never recovered.

Give me ONE SOURCE thats not "" to back that up.

>Tell me what you think is going on, a conspiracy of hundreds of people stages shottings every couple of years to slowly change gun laws?
Yup. And fear. Plebs think the world is just about money or BASIC UTILITY and ignore that the ruling class practices control as an art.

>Or am I wrong about that? Can you explain how that is more likely, how that makes more sense to you then these shootings being the result of mentally ill individuals wanting to just kill some people?

I didn't say that doesn't happen but Sandy Hook doesn't seem like one of those cases. Do you really think it would be hard for the government that already spies on all of us and has in depth profiles on us to spot who would be the type to take a couple grand for an acting gig in the name of serving your country and face legal or state problems if you ever told someone about it? Are you this simple? Stop being a stupid pleb. There's evidence that at least two of the people given the most attention and airtime during the Pulse shooting were desperate low budget actors.

as i understand it the weapons weren't his but his mothers. it's irrelevant to the case as a whole but just something to point out


Honestly I've never believed a conspiracy before but something just seems off about SH. But since I can't really explain other than "muh feels". I can't really debate it.

Almost as if CT was one of the most densely populated places in the country...

Pretty sure the spooks took your ongoing Project Mockingbird to the next level after the 11 of 9. The spooks and coadjutors are everywhere from Pastor Alex Jones to Anderson Cooper and everything in between.

Some might be staged, some embellished and some just happen and are milked hard. I duno what the stats are for being caught up in a mass shooting but probably slimmer than the lighting bolt. Same with getting blown away in a terra attack, highly unlikely, yet like a tidal wave of laws destroying constitutions that took centuries to establish. Media and spin control is a huge part of that attack. There are also a shitload of people bound by extreme blood oaths through the occult who "believe" and will obey and obscene order coming down from above, many are in positions of power. It's that easy to carry out an agenda.

Likely a real event but some incredibly strange circumstantial evidence, possibly from just poor media coverage.

> People walking in circles through a building
> strong circumstantial evidence that the school had been decommissioned some time back
> Questionable if Adam Lanza could actually have committed the crimes he did. Anorexia, Severe OCD.

"...he frequently washed his hands and changed his socks 20 times a day, to the point where his mother did three loads of laundry a day.[144] In addition, he would sometimes go through a box of tissues in one day because he could not touch a doorknob with his bare hand..."

So you're going to tell me he was OK with shooting people but made sure to use a fresh tissue for every doorknob he opened on his shooting spree?

".. at one point communicated with his mother, who lived in the same house, only by email. "

Individuals with this level of autism generally don't handle social interactions, or the mere concept of social interactions, at all well. Shooting someone would definitely be a social interaction.

Weirder shit has happened but for him to suddenly overcome ALL of his mental instability and go on a rampage seems highly unlikely.

I'm not disagreeing with you. But you living there is not an argument.

Connecticut fag here.
I actually work as a janitor in an office building off of elm street in new town. I had just got into work and I heard the shots. So yeah op it did happen.

This might literally be the most autistic thing I've ever read. I'm not gonna even try and debunk your post because it's all shit just about your whole post is misinformation. I love it when retards like you read other retards opinions which aren't based on anything other than speculation. Kill yourself.

post payroll stub and office ID


Oh, this was an obvious bait thread all along, I feel retarded for responding.
6/10, you got me mad and I believed it, but your followup lacked punch and didn't keep me here. Sage.

It kind of is considering some of these half-baked theories include Lanza not being real and the parents being actors.

That's a guy.

>Fuck off with your conspiracy theories tinfoilfags
>No you can't have any evidence just believe me it's true

Gun rights were not affected in the least.
Bull fuckinh shit. The "safe act" was passed illegally overnight by that dickwad cuomo. I can't even buy ammo online anymore.

Having never really researched sandy hook this makes me believe it happened.

>In addition, he would sometimes go through a box of tissues in one day because he could not touch a doorknob with his bare hand..."

At his age I jerked it alot also.

>sperg trance


I would still fuck.

Sandy Hoax was a complete fraud.

>Full of crisis actors (actual small-time actors, with hollywood experience)
>Massive media shitstorm, indicates government control and staging
>Zero evidence whatsoever that anyone was even injured, much less killed
>Government immediately jumped on the media hype to shill for gun control.

Sandy Hoax was a staged "Port Arthur event" meant to cause the sheeple so much inner tension and inner fear and turmoil, that they would finally demand or accept gun confiscation. (It mostly failed, because we're keeping our guns, and we don't care what cucks like Obongo say)

Sandy Hoax, Orlando Hoax, etc, think of them as pathetic, fake, staged, bad acting infomercials for gun control.

>Oh and laughing "grieving fathers" of the dead, or "dead" laughing their ass off on camera, because he just signed a deal with bloomberg and the feds, to shill for gun control with Obama, for one thousand dollars a day, for the rest of his life.

>Some might be staged, some embellished and some just happen and are milked hard.

This is what I should have said to be clear. I don't think it's all fabricated but there can also be prior knowledge to an event that gets utilized for the psyops or heavy embellishment like you said. False flags are a very common strategy.

Also forgot to add the no blood on the Nice truck nor any dismembered bodies. The human body vs. a multi ton truck = hamburger meat. This is Hollywood tier bullshit.

>If a gunshot victim's heart is still beating upon arrival at a hospital, there is a 95 percent chance of survival, Dr. DiMaio said. (People shot in vital organs usually do not make it that far, he added.) Shots to roughly 80 percent of targets on the body would not be fatal blows, Dr. Fackler said.


What does that make you?
We're stupid, and you're a guy who devotes all his free time to stupid people that he hates.
Even in your own weltanschauung we come out on top.
You are a living Viper cover.

It takes the military months of work to train a soldier to become a killing machine. Bowl cut achieves it by changing his socks a lot. Okay.

>quad dubs

Almighty Kek has endorsed your post

They use them for drills all the time, why don't you actually look into it, instead of assuming you're correct?


Name please kind sir


Almost got me

>ignoring the occult museum in the next town that featured a satanic object of worship in the woods from sandy hook.
>there was a satanic church there in the 90s
>the wolfgang guy was a policeman and asked all sorts of questions, none of which were answered, not even where the porto-potties came from.
> Mom buys her kid the shittiest of video games despite their ownership of a half million dollar house, yet has the money and dedication to take her extremely autistic son out to blast his bushmaster.
>the school adam lanza attended had a pedo teacher that was a former catholic priest.
>The images of the Sandy hook strike zone in the batman movies, where Nathan Rowley (nephew of allistair Crowley) was the set designer for that piece and others.
>Many nice houses in Newtown were bought for dirt cheap in the year prior to the incident. Some homes selling for 5k or less.
> The weird thing with Anderson and the owls.
>having the kids sing the wizard of oz song on national news.

I don't know man. It's all too weird.

Because it was a staged event Anderson. (just kidding) (only about calling you anderson) (because he's a faggot) (And a illuminati stooge)

not arguing but what kind of janitor goes into work at 9:30 am on a friday?

Do you vacuum around the children while they are trying to learn?

LOL @ the sudden influx of the "hurr durr conspiracy tards LMAO" shills on 4chann in the last few weeks. Do you assholes really think we're all retarded and just wouldn't notice how you popped out of the woodwork as soon as the MSM started talking about this website?

oh different building nm


OK bro. Are you on a career path to go from online shilling for a few shekels, to landing a prime crisis actor roll like Robby Parker? He gets a thousand dollars a day, to structure his life around a lie, while you get mere shekels per post shilling for gun control.