She said HALF of Trump's supporters are deplorable. If you weren't deplorable...

She said HALF of Trump's supporters are deplorable. If you weren't deplorable, you'd just assume she wasn't talking about you. But you know she was talking about you. Because it's true. So why does it trigger you so much?

>If you weren't deplorable, you'd just assume she wasn't talking about you
This doesn't make sense. If somebody calls you a nigger, do you assume they're not talking about you, nigger?

IDK Taiwan

I didn't even care, but you'd be stupid to think it won't affect the election and a lot of the voters.

She can't deplort me I'm an American

She has blood on her hands, I don't

the point is that she called ANY large group of americans deplorable

It doesn't trigger me. It electrifies me.

If someone said "Half of all Taiwanese people are weirdos" would you still feel the same way?
Everyone thinks they're a little weird.
Everyone thinks they're a little deplorable.

Get over yourself.
You're a shit Sup Forums-tier excuse for a psychologist.

>bombs iraq to distract from blowjob scandal
ok chaps

Not really. I mean, it's fucking Clinton. She doesn't exactly speak from moral high ground.

Dubs of truth

If you ever call half of muslims terrorists or half of blacks criminals, you will be roasted alive for rayciss.

I hope we killed her so hard the next hillary dies sooner

You mean kinda like
>illegal immigrants are criminals and some, I assume, are good people
Turned into

>I didn't mean you. You're not like other niggers.
>I didn't mean you. You're not like other queers.
>I didn't mean you. You're not like other women.
>I didn't mean you. You're not like other Trump supporters.


I once got a basket of deplorables for easter.

>Opinions on anything

Obviously she's talking about us, since her definition of 'deplorable' involves naming theJew, calling out black ghetto violence and refusing to suck Islamic cock. But is it fair to say those things are deplorable?


Or rather, as proven by science, conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives.

People know that they have a different interpretation of "deplorable" than Hillary does. Good righteous people know that Hillary meant them when they said deplorable, even though they are not actually deplorable.

Get a brain, you rat.

I believe you meant to say "Chinese Taipei"
And get that blue stain off your glorious Chinese Communist Flag.

Proxy Chink spotted
Back to the other side of the wall you go

You're confused. We're not triggered, we're joyful that she shot herself in the foot.

Half of Trump's supporters would still be in the region of 60 million people you dipshit. The implication that 60 MILLION Americans are Nazis is fucking absurd, it's like 1 in 5 people, if that were true there'd be a Swastika on a fifth of the cars in the country.


It doesn't.
I think it's hilarious tbqh fampai.

There are like 20,000 members of this board. There are tens of millions of Trump supporter. If we are the deplorables, then why lump us in with millions of normies? We should get all the credit.

It's because we've dealt with for the longest time liberals crying wolf when name calling. It's that people know they are non of those things, yet they are called those things.

That means you have issues with the doctrines of Islam and are weary of failed multiculturalism

that means you are not voting for Hillary and/or understand what is behind the "gender pay gap."

That means you are for securing our borders and for tighter vetting with our immigration policy.

Lol this isn't 2003 anymore.

Homophobic is especially funny combined with her claim that Milo is one of our leaders.