My life as a teenage robot

This show's really good.

She's punching a hot dog. That's weird, man.

>Posting Jenny literally beating meat

Subtley at it's finest.

Anyway, this is on my long list of shows I need to rewatch.

This was supposed to be a cool, eclectic show like Powerpuff Girls. It languished in the "comedy or nothing" environment at Nick.

jenny was one of my first waifus

Vexus is a better waifu than Jenny

Do you guys actually talk about the show or is it just another waifu circlejerk thread?

You're on Sup Forums, what do you think?

Jenny is one of the most circlejerked waifus.

Was the lack of a pleasure option on her nerve gear too sexual to put in so they used tickle instead?


What are the best episodes which shows Jenny's character development

Why would she have pusspuss though?
Maybe there's a USB slot under there though...

there isnt much left that hasnt been discussed to death already.

USB Type C(unny)


Escape from cluster prime is the best episode

That options was essencialy two modes of response to touch - negative and positive.
So I think, Jenny could learn to feel pleasure with touches on tickle mode, with some help from friends

>just another
this show is THE waifu circlejerk

Wouldn't her mind collapse under the unrelenting tickling first?

Jenny is looking forward to the new year.

No she's not. It just brings her one more year closer to obsolescence.


I'm done with season 1 and its already better robot story than westworld.

Enjoy your ban, sicko.

bumping for my robotfu


What's the name of the art style? Aside from a few children books I read two decades ago, I've never seen it again

Yup, it's a great show. I've just recently rewatched the entire thing and had a great time.

>limits are built in

Man, this show must have been really bad if all Sup Forums can talk about is how the protagonist got them hard.




It's merely a case of how long ago most people watched it. There's nothing to discuss. Give it a go if you never watched it. It's Renzetti's work. If you are unfamiliar with who he is merely know - if there's a godtier cartoon you like, be it the original PPG, Samurai Jack, or any of the classics and a whole lot of newer stuff he had his hand in creating it. He's the unsung hero of cartoons.


>Jenny would have probably been tossed into the basement with her sister by now for the shinier and new model 10

still the most attractive hairstyle she ever had. wish they kept it.

I never thought the show was that entertaining but I always loved the art style and design

That's how any reboot should start, with Jenny sobbing in the deepest sub-basement wondering what she did to deserve this.

A or B?

look up butch hartman maybe?

>tfw Jenny will never punch your hot dog

It's a combination of art deco and 50's animation

Wtf is that full ass robotboy on the right bruh

The voice sold it.

It's her best hair.

So now the dumb fuck that always zombie-bumps the threads, is here, along with that shitposting pedophile? And it was shaping up to be a decent thread, too.

>really good.
confirmed for not watching

It's not a terrible show, but much of it feels bland

Yes. Thank you, I think you've really put this into words that I have felt before.

Skaadi and Diseasoid cameo.

A robot who is ready to dance for the new year.

She likes to beat meat.

Jenny was actually one of my least favourite characters in the show and I still really enjoyed it. It had difficulty finding its place and identity, but there's certainly a valuable charm that's there.

The robot lost to time.
>Jenny reactivates to realize everyone has moved on without her
>She's still her teenage self, but everyone around her has matured in the last 14 years
This is 100% workable.

Why don't we actually talk about the show?

What is your favorite episode? As I mentioned before , it's the TV movie. Everything felt very "in-sync" on that one.

Only episode I remotely remember was the Japanese vocals one, and that was mainly because I never saw how it ended. Like a lot of people here said, show was remembered for design but really forgettable in context.




B (also known as the "Tron Bonne" cut)



that episode where she friendzones that geek


delete this you fucking son of a bitch
jenny is NOT for lewd