I'm waiting
The Americans is a struggle to watch most of the time, literally nothing happens for the majority of the season or it ends up being a plot that goes absolutely nowhere, something about super-wheat was it? Can't even remember.
>literally nothing happens
Shut the fuck up and never watch my show again you filthy plot-fag
It's excellent! But...
I agree it can be a struggle to watch, but not for the reason you point out,which is really, really sub-moronic. The reason the show sometimes slogs is the children and their imbecilic subplots. The daughter's finding religion subplot is just plain boring. Nearly everything else the show does is fantastic.
Considering Twin Peaks just aired...
The Paige finding religion was phenomenal. They're russian atheist spies and their own daughter has embraced an ideology that's almost diametrically opposed to their doctrine. They struggle with it and Phillip completely loses it when he BTFO that bible in that scene.
They were basically losing their own daughter to the enemy and you say that was a dumb plotline?
The Americans is nothing but leftist propaganda disguised as an actual TV show. Everyone knows that the Soviet Union was basically an evil empire builted on an hatred for personal freedom, yet the show is sympathetic with these two commies. Since cultural marxists are losing the war they shoehorn their sick ideology through shows disguised as "cool" and "hip" and you fell for this meme. Unless you're one of those C.M., here to shill and not giving any real contribution