Are you happy for Patton Oswalt's engagement?

Are you happy for Patton Oswalt's engagement?

Personally, I thought Grub Worm was a great movie

Guy has been through some shit. Hope he finally finds some happiness

who's he marrying?

I wish this fat little monster would just die already

Wow. Kinda soon isn't it? Her bodies not even cold yet. Yeah, he killed her.

Does he still live with his mom?

Engagement? Didn't he JUST kill his wife?

Let's see if he manages to keep this one alive

>kills his wife by feeding her pills
>calls other people grub worms when he himself is 4 feet tall

The slutty cop from lake placid

Who's his next victim?

How long before his new wife "overdoses."

say what you want about Oswalt but I just love his diction. I could listen to him for fucking hours.

I'm sure his millions of dollars helps.

How long does she have?

this poor woman

Who's the soon to be deceased?

I used to make jokes alleging that Patton Oswald was the serial killer his wife was investigating shortly before she died. Then I found my dog decapitated and drained of blood on my porch with the words GRUB WORM written in blood in the wall. I'd recommend you fellas tread carefully, desu.


Not bad, Os-kun

>killed his ex wife to trade up

Makes sense

He already got the JUST look and he didnt even kill her yet


So did Patton Oswalt kill his wife?

She better have a high tolerance for fentanyl.

I wish he'd got on the wrong plane to somewhere in the caucus and get tortured to death by hajis
fuckin faggot

what critics? everyone kisses this guy's ass desu

Nice titties for an old chick


so thats why he killed his wife? he loved another woman?

pretty romantic desu

of course, he doesn't like trump so he is now guilty of all things

>announces his new engagement

That poor woman...

he's deflecting
get some more recent headlines about himself to divert attention

His next wife

Not for long.

what kind of broken woman is this?
an ugly manlet angry heartbroken comedian nerd single father..
he has money but really is it worth it? she could find some divorced betabucks dentist or doctor and just slut it up to lock it down

how do we stop him from killing again?

We've got to remove this goblin.

Guys it's been a whole year and a half, how long do you want him to grieve, geez

>how long do you want him to grieve, geez

until he dies, love is supposed to be forever.

He never really grieved to begin with. His dead wife was autistically searching for the Golden State Killer and Patton Oswalt got tired of her.

this little troll murdered his last wife and got away with it. he's the biggest POS of all the king of queens cast

Was she related Robert?

However long the judge decides.