One more day lads
One more day lads
until wat
What's the scientific explanation for me being turned on by long socks
Let's explore it. Are you turned on in general by women being covered up in excess? Do you like feet? Do short socks turn you on? If given the chance to choose between long socks and no socks which would you prefer? Does it remind you of cheerleaders or some other specific group?
I'm sure you could figure it out on your own but just ask yourself a few questions and you'll get to the reason.
still want to know... one more day until what?
Can someone explain to me the appeal of the chubby beaner girl? She’s not even cute.
Hey doc, while you're in here, can you explain the whole brap fetish thing? Asking for a friend.
until the op changes his sex.
Social justice propaganda, masquerading as a teen drama.
And wifus.
does that redhead have a nice ass or was that camera trickery?
giv betty gf
They don't exist in real life.
giv betty gf
You have good taste is why. Hinting>>showing.
lol check out this low test faggot
But really, who's excited? I'm gonna try to start a /riverdale/ general tomorrow, we'll see how that goes
>Lili Reinhart was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio.
>53.3% black population
Fuck off to tumblr with this shit honestly.
I'm so glad this is posted in every thread because it perfectly expresses my feelings
She needs to show them.
is she autistic?
but cute!
The actress who plays Betty was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, 53.2% black population.
Why did they kiss? I don't watch the show
I'm so excited
Thats hot
>he posted it again
You have obviously never been to any big city, or you will know that demographics have nothing to do with where in the city she personally lived in, which could very well be 90+%.
You know what I mean.
WTF is wrong with you? This is hardly household name content. No one knows what the fuck this is, other than creep central. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?
She is from Bay Village, which I believe is 97% white. I'm from a similar Cleveland suburb, there was maybe one black family in our town of ~30,000
And you know this?
Riverdale, AKA "Dark Archie"
It's a fairly generic CW teen soap about yet another small town with yet another seedy underbelly.
>Ronnie will never eat you alive
>that nose
>that chin
>no upper lip
I didn't know KJ was a kiwi until pretty recently when I saw a blooper reel of season 1.
I, at 24, just realized that I'm finally older than most current TV "teens," even if only by a couple years.
I am also posting on Sup Forums while drunk and alone, 6 hours before work.
I am also coming to grips with the fact that I have no one left to look up to because there's nowhere left to go. The future was and is a fucking lie.
nice try, whore
she will never stop eating
Honestly this show is a trainwreck but I can't seem to help but (hate)watch it. Which I know is not actually different from simply enjoying it, but still.
blessed giv poster
i want to RAPE ronnie
good god those juicy thighs
any other fags wanna talk about how actually hot Archie is? or the DILFs of Riverdale?
or how atrocious Archie's dye job was at first or something but mostly I want validation w/r/t my now decades spanning crush on skeet ulrich
ronnie is for lovemaking
cheryl is for raep
This show sure has a lot of musical segments considering how unremarkable the musical talent of most of the cast is. At first I thought it was all a joke about The Archies, etc but they've given too much screen time to Archie's music for that to be the case.
Archie and Jugghead's dads are HOT AF.
>The future was and is a fucking lie.
fuck you nigger im going to mars quote me on this
I wish I wasn't as attracted to Fred Andrews as I yet here I am
fuck that useless "homo from small town" kevin who serves LITERALLY no purpose other than to be another lonely faggot checking a representation box. his fake boyfriend was almost cute but that's it.
Moose was almost interesting but they dropped the closeted bi dumbass after 3 episodes so
I genuinely hope you get to, but I know I'm not.
cease your faggotry user