How do you interpret American Pyscho?

I think this expression says a lot. To me my interpretation of the film, if not the book, is that it really was all in his head and that he's not a psycho, just extremely exhausted causing him to confuse reality and imagination. He's very compassionate at times during the film... to me it's about that feeling of going mad as you try to keep up with others and feel intensely jealous of them, not about the 80s culture. We've all fantasised Iabout shutting up at that asshole in class or at work, and wall street is just the perfect way to exaggerate that. It's also why I think of the movie as a comedy more than anything

** and as for the prostitutes and affairs, fantasising sexually and though it's more taboo about taking out your anger

GREAT sea urchin ceviche

sea urchin looks disgusting

Nice projection, faggot. Everything in the movie was real to him. People just didn't care.

The author has literally confirmed you are wrong. So sick of seeing these fucking threads

Nice! Check my reservation!


>It was all in his head!

It was just a critique of yuppie sub culture and how self absorbed it was, to the point that people wouldn't give a shit if they knew they were working with a mass murderer.


I'd like to see the source. But the book and the film are two different things.

The movie isn't meant to have a definite answer to that question. Most people recoil at this kind of ambiguity, but its one of the few films that does it right. The world of American Psycho is sufficiently homogenized and anonymous that it doesn't matter whether he did it or not. We have to ask ourselves if he did to arrive at this conclusion-but the ultimate answer or lack thereof is meant to bring us into his mental space. He's the only one aware of either the murders, or his own madness, and he finds no catharsis in admitting to either.

We're meant to be in that space of irresolution as well. We're meant to share in his misery, knowing that to find certainty in either possibility would be of SOME relief. the film functions better when it deprives you of that knowledge, there is no puzzle here, no mistake we can pinpoint to find the truth, because that would defeat the whole fucking purpose.

lets settle this once and for all, and while im at it i'll get a couple other movies sorted out as well

-patrick bateman did kill at least some of the people in the movie (cop shootout may have been halucination)
-in the thing, childs was infected at the end
-sneeds feed and seed is a bit of ribald wordplay alluding to the former name of the establishment being "chucks suck and fuck"
- deckard was a replicant

cop shootout is definitely hallucination. he looks at his gun when the police car blows up

The point is that even though Patrick shows signs of humanity and introspection, he is incapable of showing people anything but malice or the yuppie persona he has constructed.

cool thread

It's him realizing dubs checkem

i said the book is a different kettle of fish you plebs

also what makes me say this is the others continually say he's 'spineless and weak'. Even if it's not true i think this way is the most interesting way it could have been

my trips continue to elude me. This post has meant nothing.

Great quads, Marcus, really