I think this expression says a lot. To me my interpretation of the film, if not the book, is that it really was all in his head and that he's not a psycho, just extremely exhausted causing him to confuse reality and imagination. He's very compassionate at times during the film... to me it's about that feeling of going mad as you try to keep up with others and feel intensely jealous of them, not about the 80s culture. We've all fantasised Iabout shutting up at that asshole in class or at work, and wall street is just the perfect way to exaggerate that. It's also why I think of the movie as a comedy more than anything
How do you interpret American Pyscho?
Luis Williams
Jaxon Ross
** and as for the prostitutes and affairs, fantasising sexually and though it's more taboo about taking out your anger
Easton Reed
GREAT sea urchin ceviche
Bentley Hernandez
sea urchin looks disgusting
Andrew Taylor
Nice projection, faggot. Everything in the movie was real to him. People just didn't care.
Adrian Campbell
The author has literally confirmed you are wrong. So sick of seeing these fucking threads
Blake Sullivan
Nice! Check my reservation!
Justin Garcia
Samuel Robinson
>It was all in his head!
John Wilson
It was just a critique of yuppie sub culture and how self absorbed it was, to the point that people wouldn't give a shit if they knew they were working with a mass murderer.