>going to the theater alone
I hope Sup Forums doesn't do this.
Going to the theater alone
>i base my action on what other people might think of
woman spotted
I'm very tempted to do this to watch Blade Runner.
>posting on Sup Forums
Shiggydidyggidydygg famalalamalam
>tfw multiple times a year I watch horror shlock with my qt indian friend (female) and yell BOO! at her every 30 minutes because she's easily scared
no, I don't.
>and yell BOO! at her every 30 minutes because she's easily scared
Does she cling on to you when you do that?
I just grab them lightly but quickly to startle the qt on a scary part. They squeeze me and I tease them
I went alone two nights in a row, QR:
>Sunday- Kingsman 2 9:50: One other person sitting in middle of theater.
>Monday- Blade Runner 8:00: About ten or twelve other people in there
>Sit down in a seat that's too close
>Change seats, sit further back
>Too far
>Change seats a second time, and enjoy the movie while eating both 3 Musketeers bars I brought in
No fucks given about changing seats TWICE. I feel like I overcame some type of barrier in my life by doing it, felt good man.
I'm literally doing this right now to watch Blade Runner kek
>going to the theater at all
It's a genuinely inconsiderate thing to do. We're living in a scary time, seriously guys. Do you have to make everyone else in the theater feel unsafe and attacked just because you want to see a movie? Go with your friends, or not at all.
I paid to see this movie and I couldn't even fucking enjoy it because there was this creepy loner sitting three rows ahead of us. I spent the whole runtime preparing myself to run for the exits if the guy pulled a gun out.
going alone always. I's time to watch a fucking movie, not talk about 'heheh what a funny line' with retards eating chips and spilling cola all around.
take phone pics and post them in this thread
Not even once
In civilized countries they shoot up schools so as to not inconvenience anybody, everybody just gets a day off
the true retards are the ones who go to the bathroom during a movie.
Fuck off, you one-off normie.
You only have to worry about singles when the theaters are packed, why would someone shoot up a theater with only 2 people in it unless they're just trying to grind up to the next level?
There is literally nothing wrong with going to see comfykino by yourself. fite me
there are 7 billion people in the world right now
at least half of them are female
I just can't explain this in better way...how the fuck you don't have a gf? How is this possible? I think virgins are just a big meme, just like the no singles policy, just like anything else. A big joke.
>not wearing depends like a pro
depends on the movie, I like watching shitty movies that non of my friends wants to watch.
Here's a cool lifehack: don't waste your money on clean diapers like a sucker, just dumpster dive for used ones, microwave them to kill the bacteria and make the poop warm and toasty and you're good to go
>liking faggoty friends and gf constantly asking "what did he/she just say/what just happened?" while on phone
>people you should keep a relationship with
What if you've already seen it?
I'm not alone if I bring my falcon.
soloanon checking in, did this with Bladerunner Friday night
I brought a torta and a mexican coke in with me from my local taco cart too
comfy as FUCK
Stop right there, criminal scum!
fuck off normie, men are talking here
People actually do this?
I've never been to a movie alone and I've never heard of anyone I know doing it.
it feels weird at first but then it gets comfy when there's only like 10 other people in the theater
I probably wouldn't go to a packed theater on opening night myself, but later in the week on an afternoon showing, pure comfy. Nobody to bother you or ask you retarded questions, just pure enjoyment of a film on the big screen
There's 1 chad for every 7 lesser males
Each Chad sleeps with 4 or 5 of those women
That means that for every 8 males their 4 or 5 of their counterpart females are in committed harem relationships with just 1 of the guys
Of the remaining 4 or 3 girls at least 1 is gay and 1 is crazy, that leaves 1 or 2 max prospective partners for every 7 men
Statistically half of those 7 are below average in attractiveness
I have no chance
statistically those aren't statistics, you just pulled those numbers out of your ass
I do this all the damn time. What's the problem? I love watching movies by myself.
I'm a scientist, fag
Shut your stupid face
This 100%,
you're right, I should bring my 12 nig nog friends and we'll all scream and holler and blast music during the movie
No, that would be very sad, I been wanting to see the new blade runner but my brothers are always busy / out with friends on the weekends and I'm a loser with no friends or a girlfriend. I hate Fridays.
Getting a gf isn't that hard mate.
I am self-conscious and shy and autistic to the point of barely being able to order food from a counter, but I have NEVER felt weird about going to the movies alone. maybe it's because I don't have any friends and I want to go see movies.
I saw it alone with a sprite and sour patch kids I snuck in from the dollar store, and I had a blanket. Maximum comfy
I did it once to kill time waiting for someone. Super comfy. Zero fucks given. The International was the movie. I'd do it again.
I'll have to go alone to watch Blade Runner. I have no friends in my current city that have watched the first one or would appreciate the first one.
Just did it today. $5 ticket and an empty theater at noon. Max comfy.
I went Sunday and I think more people in the theater were alone than with others. - San Francisco
I really wish they implemented proper NSP at my theather. I hate when we get those undesignated shooters who end up killing themselves when they realize that their high score was completely invalid
The WHO confirmed this ages ago.
I did once, to see The Lobster. No regrets it was a cozy little theater and I liked the movie.
nigs love taking pictures of white people
>mfw I remember reading that shit and openly gagging
My friends have a terrible taste, I have no option but to go alone.
>his kinorama doesn't serve pickle juice