Colbert Finally Tears Into Hillary

He provided us with a hashtag to use! #Lunghazi

Does this mean the media tide is turning? He even defended Trump's supporters earlier in the night

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(((They))) know it's finally over. (((They))) quit shilling for her.

Seems they're going to kill her and drop in Michelle for Obama terms 3 and 4

>that's pneumonia with a "P" btw why is that "p" there and who silenced

jesus christ dude

She's dying so her checks stopped flowing in, that money is going to medical treatments and to her family. They have no real incentive to shill for her now

>David Axelrod
>Can you imagine
>Opening the door
>and he's delivering your pizza

I don't understand the joke

This is insane.
It's like the MSM just turned on her overnight.

>He provided us with a hashtag to use! #Lunghazi
He's making fun of you dense fucks. As he is a diehard liberal, he sees your obsession with her health the same as the obsession with "m-muh Benghazi!!", and he's mocking you.

Do rightwingers really not understand irony, satire or parody? I mean you idiots still think pewdiepie is genuinely a trump supporter

>Sorry, frog in my throat


This. Jfc

holy shit

His show gets faggier and faggier each day.

it followed from the "whose real name is also his porn name" joke.


I think the media is attacking her now so they wont seem suspicious to the viewers. It would otherwise show how the media is colluding with her campaign.

Fucking this.
I pray to Kek this this thread is CTR.

>legitimizes the pneumonia story
>"feeds the narrative"
>lists conspiracy theories: "Clinton foundation slush fund? Is she alien lizard? HUE HUE HUE"

I can't get over the fact that liberals still think Hitler analogies are clever.

No wonder his ratings are shit

he looks depressed. he'll be found next week striken with a case of beating himself to death.


Imagine if the media actually stops demonizing us and accepts us again. Life might actually go back to being happy and fun again, and I might actually get my fucking social life back. I really miss those days.

>"Clinton foundation slush fund? Is she alien lizard? HUE HUE HUE"
>I'm going to list some legitimate concerns then say something about lizards or flat earth haha
>t. every liberal comedian pretending to be a journalist

She's going to be replaced.

First time I've laughed and enjoyed Colbert in ages. Fuck yeah. I missed him, to be honest senpai. We need to keep pushing for more of this.

>Does this mean the media tide is turning?

No you retard. They'll fecklessly critique the figurehead, but never their own beliefs.

>be jew
>use your shill candidate
>your shill candidate is too fucked up from the drugs you pumped into her and the MKultra conditioning so she keeps doing dumb shit
>your own media catches that shit too often and has to post at least 1% of the fuck ups
>now you have to dump $hillary and find new candidate
Watch Johnsons coverage rocket.

not that funny writing at all though other than colbert who is a natural imo

10/10 I laughed

man look into his eyes.
do you think he hasnt completely sold his soul yet?
it would be pretty nice if he got back to making real comedy

This is cringe and they threw that hag under the bus .

The media elites know that Hillary Clinton has already died.

They're trying to keep it a secret as long as possible.

I dont agree. I dont think this makes Clinton looks good in any way




maybe. it's sad though. ever since the SJW problem arose, life really changed for me. I do miss being able to turn on the TV and go out and really feel like I'm a part of the world.

honestly that's half of why I'm in this so much. I want to make the world a place where I can not only fit in, but thrive. that just isn't possible right now.

>she dies
>'sorry, frog in my throat''
Top kek


>As he is a diehard liberal
Didn't he play a conservative character some years ago? I'm not surprised this guy turns with the wind desu.

>Frog in my throat


Holy shit Colbert is lame. I haven't watched him since 2010. Was he funny back then or was it that I was retarded? His "jokes" are seriously shit. The whole time I was thinking how this guy was Reddit personified

this was cringeworthy

He was a bit funnier, mainly due to his character being high energy and zany. Still shit though.

Implicitly he is just mocking everyone who is talking about her health condition.
Once a shill, die a shill.

Neo Sup Forums can't into liberal irony. No wonder neo Sup Forums thought Er ist wieder da was redpilled.

definetely know the feel
theres no going back

If the "tide is turning", you can be damn sure that (((they))) are going to replace Hillary with a new puppet.

Alternatively, they "jump ship" to the winning side in an attempt to stay in power and keep their pockets heavy with shekels. And of course, this would mean that they would start ruining Trump's government from the inside.

How did he defend?

It must be true on some level that the SJWs, the ones really pushing this whole thing from the absolute top of the mountain, are hardcore Maoists.

From a third person perspective, look what they've actually done to us. They want us dead. And if not that, just to ruin our lives and render us basically socially and economically destroyed. They're warmongers.


Why doesn't she want to drink water? Scott Adams has a hypothesis she wants to dehydrate so she can avoid going to the bathroom because she has a shy bladder, but is that really it? Seems weird.


We need to address the problem of the (((media))) or we'll just get this bullshit again in future.

Him playing a die-hard Republican was only a foil to lampoon the right wing. He's always been liberal, leftist leaning scum

and did he disavow?

This is what HRC's "deplorable" comments really revealed, and the media is intentionally or unintentionally missing the point, which is that she called us "irredeemable:" she and her kind have no interest in or desire to listen to our concerns or govern us, they just want us to die, because we're irredeemable nuisances to them.

A new day arrives filled with fruits of hope

they fucked up.

True. And the left wants the same for the blacks (the rich left, not their useful idiots) We are all (every American) inferior to them, just slaves to the establishment.
Let's hope so.

It's just so unfunny. Even the audience doesn't sound like it wants to laugh.

The media only has been doing this for 3 reasons: to manipulate world politics, to manipulate domestic politics, and to get interviews from the president. If Hillary consistently avoids the camera, and repeatedly claims to have different infectious illnesses (when the reality is worse), then she won't do interviews, so the third group will stop playing along.

Wow that is soooooooooo sexist. Mhm.

He made a joke about David Axelrod being a porn star name and his regular name, which was pretty funny and he couldn't even keep a straight face.

Porn sometimes have shitty stories to go along with the fucking and the stereotype used to be a plumber coming to fix the pipes or the pizza delivery guy.

On a side note he is still back handily pushing the conservatives making "conspiracy theories lizard people LOLOOLOL". This annoys me to no end because conservatives even the really cooky ones like Alex Jones prove to be right over and over and over.

Liberals living in lala land is nothing new though I guess.

Now is a great time to show them that #Lunghazi can trend 1000% more than Drumpf

I thought it was funny that her hairball had Trump hair. No coincidence, I'm sure, and neither was the "frog in my throat" reference.

Hi, Mr. Colbert. Lurk more.

Probably this.

The media is looking incredibly biased during this election and it's hurting them. Hillary being replaced allows them to rip into her, hoping to restore the illusion is impartiality while the hype is being built up for whoever replaces her, who will once again be sacrosanct, beyond repudiation.

But more importantly, the MSM want to be kingmakers. They didn't fully let go on Trump until he chided them openly, denying them access. Now with the Clinton campaign shutting out reporters to hide how sick she really is, the MSM are turning on her. Whoever denies the MSM needs to be brought down.

It's called gas-lighting and you are not the only one who feels this way.

First TV is terrible and always has been. Just be happy its gone.

Second the (((media))) is pushing liberal Jewish Marxist propaganda in a bombardment. Your options are A) to accept it and bow to their every whim and genocide the white countries or B) resist and say no think for yourself while at the same time can't called a Nazi for having views that 10 years ago were normal and sane.

Trump is our last hope to turn this around.

Otherwise I might have to flee the country to eastern Europe or something.

colbert has gotten lazy i think he knows he can just make a gesture and the audience will know its time to laugh

Remember when someone asked Seinfeld why he doesn't really perform anymore and he replied that political correctness had killed comedy?

I imagine he's not the only comedian who feels this way. Mind you, they are still traitors for hiding their feelings and going with the program. Don't assume that all of them believe the bullshit or agree with it, though. The ones who do are pretty obvious--Jon (((Stewart))) for example. But notice how absent from the scene Craig Ferguson's been? Yeah. The one special he did recently was tellingly titled "Just Being Honest."

Quote: "It’s on the topic of “offense” that Ferguson launches into one of those ranting, impassioned—though always redeemably thoughtful and astute—monologues that were a highlight of his late-night run. “It seems to me that the climate of the day is that if you disagree with what someone thinks, you get called a fucking Nazi,” he says. “But I think the whole idea is that you can have evolving opinions about things.”

>praising liberal fags for throwing each other under the bus as usual

Suck his dick more, faggot.

It'd be great now if Colbert joined the Trump brigade.

The cartoon Hillary have more charisma than the real Hillary.

I don't either. It's quite passive-aggressive but yeah. For him, for nowadays, it's almost savage at points. One way to tell is, imagine you're Hillary Clinton watching this. It would be shoot the television time.

>juifs throwing their champion under the bus
not really surprising

You're probably in your twenties, right? Make some older friends. I'm in my 40s, utterly un-PC, never even accepted it from the very beginning. Cheerfully racist, etc. I have a couple of friends in their early to mid 20s who say hanging out with me and my pals saves their sanity. I do understand that a lot of people your age are seriously brainwashed. You've really got my sympathy here. It must completely suck.

This is just emphasizing how sick she is so that all the left feel sorry for her and want to support her like their grandmother. It also means trump cant go hard on her in debates without being viewed as a bully.

They arent changing sides at all.

This means that Trump is on bussiness with the jews.
>This smells bad

a memo must have gone out

This, so much this. And holy shit--in CA where I live they are standardizing police codes statewide as much as possible.

>11-44 means "send the coroner."

Pay attention to these messages.


>the media actually stops demonizing us and accepts us again.

the (((media))) is out to destroy you

He's pathetically unfunny.

We have the old Colbert back!

Hillary has early alzheimers, my grandmother was the same. Her balance started going dodgy about three years before the serious problems came. She also got pneumonia because she refused to drink. Hillary calling trump her husband and that deer-in-the-headlights look. Feeling "confused". It's happening.

>she refused to drink
Weird. I read somewhere that Hillary refuses to drink water for some reason, that her staff had to push her to do it.

He's actually very funny. You know who's not funny? You faggots trying to be witty with you stupid jokes

The Jews need a healthy president. Prepare for 8 years of Trump.

Even CNN showed the video of her collapsing raw and unedited, they are throwing her under the bus and its pretty blatant.

you will see a massive 180 turn from most celebrities when Trumps victory becomes inevitable. Understand they are all FORCED to support Hillary regardless of their opinions but when the establishment goes down they will try to save their own asses or try as best as they can to disassociate themselves from the "evil" that will be exposed.

>She's going to be replaced.
deadline for most states have past. if the dems don't have hillary, they don;t have a candidate at all.

So what happens if she died? No option to vote for democrats at all?

Fucking hell lads they got a signal that the bias is too much and they are trying to salvage some credibility with some soft-ball jokes.
Colbert was always a partisan sell-out, it's just compared to Bush anyone was better. But even when Obama did everything Bush did and worse by inflicting identity politics, they bent over for Black Jesus.

It's too late. They are all cunts (with the exception of BASED DOBBS) and by the end of this decade television will be visibly dying.

I don't think it has ever happened, but seems that way.

>a frog killed hillary

What did they mean by this?

>sorry, frog in my throat

>colbert finally sees which way the winds are blowing and tries to jump ship
Too little too late... what a bandwagoner

This is why third worlders shouldn't comment on jokes made in the English language.


its because they are vultures and just want to survive

ignore them and let them die, dont fall for their tricks and give them attention or money

slay the beast



The shills just couldn't hide it anymore. This gets them off the hook from ever mentioning it again.

Rightwingers are confirmed to have lower IQs, it's not hard to see how they get so easily misled by satire.

>1 post by this ID

its a blantant fucking shill thread,
>video is uploaded
>immediately posted on Sup Forums

they are getting desperate and its sad, Stephen has turned into such a cuck