THOR: RAGNAROK Early Reactions

It keeps happening!



>funniest yet

>epic badassery


Wow literally just turn off your brain. Does it end with a dance off?

>This Marvel movie is so FUNNY and totally EPIC guys! XD
Sound like every Marvel review.


>tfw only watching it because of waititi
Give me the quick rundown since the first avengers

Is it funny and/or fun? I can't tell by these reviews

Why do you guys expect a movie that is made purely for entertainment and selling merchandise to be anything more than dumb fun?

Damn. That funny? JUSTice League is finished.

It's so FUN you'll bust a NUT.
Laughs abound in Marvel's funniest flick yet, also remember the 6 million.

Funniest marvel movie is like saying tastiest McDonalds burger. It's all the same tasteless crap everytime.

>just wanted ONE good Thor movie
>its full of meme shit

whatever i guess. never going to see his actual power level and shit on stark.

So the movie is about the end of the world and Thor has to fight the Norse ruler of the Underworld and they decided to make it a comedy

so another capeshit crap? 800 mil worldwide or more?

dude its capeshit
capeshit is made for people that turn off their brain
might as well be funny

>might as well be funny
it won't be though, it never is.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople was my favorite movie of last year, but I don't care about Thor shit.

>looks feels like an 80s video game

I just saw Thor Ragnarok.
The new MCU has to be the most impressive superhero movie I've seen in years. Literally years..
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters.



DCucks on suicide watch

Peak Quipfaggotry

>it's FUNNY
>muh 80's
kek, superhero cartoons literally made for children have more self respect than these movies.

>all this damage control over early impressions


Waikiki, Gunn > > > > > > > > > > Russo schmos

What We Do In The Shadows and Hunt For The Wilderpeople are fucking great, so I’ve got a bit of hope.

it's a marvel movie, he didn't have any control over anything.

>This shit will make 10x more money than Villeneuve 2049
This is the world we deserve.

YESS SO MUCH FUN! I”ll make sure to laugh out loud in the cinema!

I'm gonna laugh and cry and clap so hard at the cinema watching THOR ! ! ! ! !

>Black Valkyrie
I think I'm good.

>tfw "muh fun family Thor adventure" has so little to fall back on, so little depth, that MCUcks and mouse-shills are working overtime to force the "MUH QUIPS AND LAFFS!" angle because they already know that two of the most widely anticipated movies of the year, Justice League and Star Wars are going to blow Thor the FUCK out, completely and utterly

Seriously though, JL and TLJ only have to be average and they will rocket past 1 billion, what hope does Thor 3 have? Hulk might put a few more people in the seats, but why would people go watch Snarky Marvel Quipfest™, rather then literally anything else?

>brands and actual film franchises compared on equal terms

nigga what, otherwise marvel movies are a bit sub-par

Every Thor movie is filler till the next avengers, you ain't gonna miss shit by going blind.

If you seriously think McD's tastes bad you're either contrarian for contrarianism's sake or the only McD's you've ever been to were ones where they had shitskin teenagers preparing the food with their dicks in their hands

>ONE good Thor movie
Dark World. Shit was kino

are these people or bots?


>he thinks capeshit is supposed to be deep

>that MCUcks and mouse-shills are working overtime to force the "MUH QUIPS AND LAFFS!" angle
This is something I noticed recently, I mean Marvel has been taking a more comedic approach since the avengers, but it's been the past couple years that now marketing it as VERY FUNNY and BEST JOKES THAT MARVEL HAS TO OFFER, rather than focusing on the action or loyalty to source material like all comic movies used to. I don't really have a dog in this fight but it's sad to see people lower the bar so easily in a genre where the bar is already low as it is.

Simply Epic.

Epic for the win.

>replies to everyone guy
It's just insufferable not having upvotes to be the center of attention, isn't it you fucking reddicuck faggot?

>Thor's mom is dead
>Loki is presumed dead but is actually disguised as Odin
>Thor is rightfully the king of Asgard but turned it down so he could fuck Jane on the reg
>Hulk is MIA
>Thor had a vision in avengers 2 of a blinded Heimdall and all of Asgard going to hel because of the infinity stones
All caught up

>watch Age of Ultron
>scene with Thor in pond foreshadowing Ragnarök
>Norse. Apocalypse. FUCK. YES.
>Thor 3 gets announced
>fast forward
>"SO FUN!!!!!!"

I can't even properly explain how disappointed I am. I am aware that Marveldrones will eat up all the shit Disney throws at them but I am actually sad for all the fans that wanted a proper movie with a serious tone that actually reflects the goddamn theme of the movie. Biggest letdown of any post-Phase 1 MCU movie and this time around, I didn't even have to see it to be able to say this

I love this strawman

I actually liked it. It was shit though.

Cut out any scene with portman and the fat chick and its instantly better.

>"It's a goofy good time!"
Just like Baywatch

if the movies the directors made before were any indication of the MCU quality, we wouldn't have so many generic movies. The fucking suits ruin everything with their cookie cutter garbage. I wish Disney had never bought Marvel

if you want a "proper movie with a serious tone" you should consider growing the fuck up and moving on from super heroes

>all these people noting what a hilarious comedy it is

This is going to be homecoming levels of bad

Great. They took the only really earnest Marvel hero and made him a snarky quipster in a "RETROOOOOO" meme movie.

DUDE! THE 80S!!!!!!!!

what kind of stupid argument is that? you really want a movie with a title that literally deals with the destiny of the norse gods to be funny? I have seen many pathetic excuses for Marvel movies but that's one that will never stop being retarded

Isn't their "Captain Marvel" movie supposed to be GOTG set in duh 90s? How do you keep eating this shit?

>if you want a "proper movie with a serious tone"

yeah, why the fuck would anyone want a proper movie. I really wonder

So which Marvel Studios film will be the first to get the dreaded Rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes? I'm leaning towards one of the two remaining Avengers, probably the second.

It's Main Event Time Sup Forums!


Are you ready for the greatest gladiator match of all time?

It's going to be awesome!

It's Ragnarok. The end of all DC things!

Captain Marvel is going to be more like a remake of John Carter and Green Lantern and Thor 1.

Disney is always playing it safe with the MCU. there's no way they'll produce a movie with a bad score. They put too much humour in it and test the fuck out of it to make sure the humour distracts from the overall experience

People who actually care about movies and actual Marvel comics fans will mostly find the movies okay to shit but that doesn't matter because the masses rake in the revenue. We just have to deal with movies which don't cater to the real fans but to retards who act like they have been comicbook readers all their lives

wow great argument

>laughed from beginning to end
comedy film of 2017, folks. it'll get a Golden Globe nom for Best Picture

they never will so long as we have faggy "nerds" for critics. It won't be till post IW2 that normies will burn out though, they're already jumping ship to the new flavor of the week star wars.

Looking forward to it.l I hear they're going for a Flash Gordon feel.

Marvels done it again boys!

Meanwhile JL is connected to two rapists, Whedon and Weinstein.

