What is Goose thinking here?

What is Goose thinking here?

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probably about whatever denis is saying you autist fuck

>tfw no hologram waifu

He's thinking "Why can't these fags keep all this shit in one thread."

No wait, that's what I'm thinking.

>i should have kept making cinema with refn instead of faux cinema with this guy

>Which of my characters would win in a street race. Me as Officer K or me as The Driver?

> What am I supposed to do with my arms when I walk?

>the fucks this french dude talking about? i just wanna Drive (2011 film) - Wikipedia outta here

>Why is everyone looking at me? am I making a weird face or something?
>Harrison, stop breathing on me
>I don't know what to do with my hands
>Stop looking at me
>fuck, why do they make me do these things?
>I wanna go home
>What should my face be doing right now?
>Why does this bitch keep staring at me, she's gonna get me in trouble with Eva and I won't get any fruit snacks
>Sup Forums's gonna make fun of me again I just know it
>My life sucks

>Girls are icky

>i miss the mickey mouse club days

literally /ourguy/



>mfw some plebs say that the movie was too long

>my feet hurt
>how long will this old man ramble?
>this girl keeps staring its making me uncomfortable
>i miss refn
>i could be shitposting at Sup Forums right now
>"i drive..." heh

>going straight past the female and locking your arm with Gyllenbro

holy fuck goose is hilarious

Kek, how can one man be this based.

So they fucked, right?

The Goose cannot withstand the spanish/latin pusy.

>The Goose cannot withstand the spanish/latin pusy.
you do know to whom goose is married to right?

Goose is beyond pedestrian desires. Denis has enlightened him and now Goose believes he really is K.

>she's laughing at his autism
Why can't I be him?



someone whos closer to 50 than 30

He's thinking about ways to avert the global crisis that will soon come about due to electrical infetterence.

kek thats good

>I have about as much respect for Villeneuve films as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. They're reddit. They're video game hotpocket. They're capeshit. They're cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it. They're the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. They're saturday morning cartoon. They're non-neurotypicality. They're memes. They're video game. They're tarantino. They're imdb.

why is this guy such a fucking memeface factory

why is Ryan's upper back so rounded? He has so much money; Why doesn't he pay a doctor to fix his kyphosis?

>video game hotpocket
always funny


2049 is better than anything refn has done
And this is coming from a big fan who has seen all his movies

I want to see another Goose+Refn kino really badly.

Fuck that, I was hoping it would never end



I want Goose to direct a movie starring Refn.

>fruit snacks

I don't know why but that got me

>engage personality/human interaction circuit


>this triggered over saying lol vs le sekret club kek

that's a pretty normal kyphosis, plus he's extending his arms so that rounds his back more.


>i told eva people like the denim

>I wish I was watching comfy movies and fucking 18 year old escorts with Russell

Goose is a tall guy.

he's being sandwiched by two girls >8/10
he's got kids
he's trying to defy his innate male programming to gram a handful of what is being offered to him

this post was physically painful to read

I want to do coke off of evas tits

I think you got it tho other way around.

t. Colombiana

should've included kek there so you'd know that i don't like that either


literally, unironically, our guy

Yeah instead of replying to the post we should implement a voting system for comments to let eachother know what we did and didnt like

you just know

>>Why does this bitch keep staring at me, she's gonna get me in trouble with Eva and I won't get any fruit snacks

>he's got kids
Yeah he has two daughters that literally have the same name

>the absolute state of reddit

always seeing celebrities getting into normal cars

I always expect they'd have slightly flashier lifestyles with that money

>ywn hang out with ryan gosling

nah i like it this way


Fuck... I want to just walk up to gos on the street and be like "I know how it is dude I'm an autist too" and then he just gets weirdly uncomfortable like he doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about and politely asks me to leave him alone

>Goose will never be your bro roommate

"its...you fall-"
the goose broke her heart lads


I just realized how massive Goose's head and face is.

The sad thing is that this is probably the closest to what is actually going on in his mind that you will find is this thread.

Yeah he doesn´t have the most symmetrical face. Still would tho.

Yeah haha, what a loser, so fucking sad how he's awkward and vulnerable enough to make you fall in love with him


This is pretty good

Does Sup Forums actually think he's /ourguy/ or is the autist-goose thing a meme? Have you seen interviews with il goose? Dude's smooth as all-fuck. Harrison is almost certainly on the spectrum, though

>Harrison is almost certainly on the spectrum, though
Tough to say where the DUDE WEED ends and the autism begins. Han Solo is high as a kite 24/7

It's probably because of the fact that he really thought he was Rambo when he was a kid and because of all the weird shit he's said.

Like said I don't know what is drugs and what is autism. His old interviews he was smoother but even then you can tell something is kind of off. Could be the drugs starting to work on him and now they have just taken over.

He legitimately caught it from Refn, there's no meme here

>all these pathetic autists self-inserting as based goose

you are right, user. it's definitely time you killed yourself.

Goddamn that mirin

Like what?

They just give each other shit nonstop. It's great

>that moderator
jesus christ

Like bringing kitchen knives to school to throw at people who picked on him

I heard they had a sex scene. Is it good?

100% true

He has attention deficit disorder, so he's /myguy/

look at this fuckin autist. shuts down as soon as there's a qt in the room. verified /ourguy/

>I won't get any fruit snacks

>you'll never have Ana look at you like that

>>What should my face be doing right now?



lmao it makes her look so uncomfortable, like she just photobombed their bro pic. gotta love the goose, absolute savage with his subtle trolling

Goose, to the untrained eye like yourself, is autistic. And he's faking it until he makes it. It's easy to spot if you know what to look for

>sandwhiched by two qts
>hands in pockets


>I could be driving right now

>the asian girl is literally me


he's thinking about that time he showed angourie what a rim job was

interviews are a lot different than how you actually are

interviews are part of your job


post tits

Her laugh had me in stitches