Was the Empire really evil?

Was the Empire really evil?

Only the upper echelons of its leadership. Most people in it recognise a need for a strong centralised government in contrast to the shitty fragmented galaxy.

So incredibly evil.

Sheev posting is back on the menu boys

only from a certain point of view

Star Wars is liberal propaganda

from my point of view the jedi are evil

No, just Palpatine.

The Empire was a dictatorship established by a practitioner of a literally hate based death cult that teaches you to murder the guy you're apprenticing with the first chance you get. Also he had children slaughtered and they blew up a populated planet after already getting the information they said they'd take in exchange for not blowing up that planet. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more blatant example of unmitigated evil. George Lucas doesn't do nuance with that shit.

This. Also wasn't there some formerly canon story about Palpatine (Sidious) knowing about the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and building up the Imperial Navy beyond what was necessary to keep order in preparation to fight it?

Who's the bad guy now?


>implying alderaanans didn't deserve it

>formerly canon story
If it's not in the six movies, it might as well not exist
>but muh books
>muh thrawn
fuck you nerd

Sith teachings are based on passion, not hatred. They were force sensitives that didn't want to be the robots the Jedi order required them to be.

you gotta be fucking kidding me

the Machiavellian way he coordinated

a) the amassing of an army
b) the trade route dispute
c) the ambush of the jedi through fog of war

was actually genius.

but yeah pretty evil.

>and they blew up a populated planet

It was done on the whim of ONE man. Blaming
the Empire for one persons decision is fucking retarded.

Not at all. Sneriously? How did the average citizen of the Republic see their lives change under the empire? It was probably mostly the same.

sheev did nothing wrong

>Two Blue Balls (23:13)
that's Sup Forums whenever a Sheryl scene ends, right?

If they didn't remove him then they're complicit in it, because apparently they didn't think it was a big deal. Besides, it speaks to stupidity on the empire's part if it approved the creation of a planet destroying superweapon without any mechanisms to keep its commander accountable

Imagine if there was an NYPD officer who likened himself to Judgre Dredd, ignoring that whole 'due process nonsense' and dispensing 'justice' as he saw fit. If his superiors never reprimanded, fired, or arrested him for his actions, then it's an indictment of the organization as a whole, innit?
>We're innocent! it's just one guy!
>even though we're not actually taking any steps to control his misbehavior despite him being subordinate to us

That's like saying Americans aren't at fault for their government drone murdering Arab children.

Reminder that Alderaan's goddamn princess and senator was actively aiding a rebellion against the Empire
The Empire did literally nothing wrong

erm, they imprisoned her first?

>You can't blame an empire for what the Emperor's pawn does!
Sheev probably ordered it in the first place

Sheev may have orchestrated a war to take control, but the only casualities were droids, clones and jedi cultists. He did nothing wrong

By the same logic, the government would be justified in carpet bombing wherever you live, killing you and countless others, just because they suspected someone in the mayor's office was a criminal. You realize you're really grasping at straws here to justify contrarianism towards what is, to non-autists, a black and white good versus evil story, right?

Sheev established the empire because he forsaw the invasion of the force resistant, biotech equipped Vong. The Jedi would have not stood a chance against them while the strong all round military of the Empire would have.

So? Clearly the Alderaan population had to be made an example of after not one but two of their consecutive elected leaders had been actively working against the empire and arming, organizing and otherwise aiding a insurrection

The animation series is canon too. Which means that Thrawn is also. Suck a dick nigger.

stop with this EU shit. non of that is canon and/or relevant. it's pure fan theory.

You made a mistake there, I think what you meant was "an autistic black and white good versus evil story"

Not sure if you're trying to make a joke, but he meant it's a good vs. evil story with no grey in between and that this was so hamfistedly obvious that you would have to be retarded (i.e. autistic) to interpret it otherwise.

genocide/planetcide is not an appropriate response to anything, Sithcuck

It a galaxy with the population of trillions or some shit, doesn't seem too bad

>The Empire was a dictatorship
So? Democracy was clearly shown to be a terrible system for a galaxy-spanning civilization with hundreds of thousands of independent planets. It's pure corrupt bureaucracy.
>established by a practitioner of a literally hate based death cult that teaches you to murder the guy you're apprenticing with the first chance you get.
Inaccurate. This is slander against Sheev for practicing a religion you don't like. Compare that to the Jedi controlling the government from behind the scenes and kidnapping children to use as soldiers.
>Also he had children slaughtered and they blew up a populated planet after already getting the information they said they'd take in exchange for not blowing up that planet.
The government kills children all the time. It's called star WARS for a reason, pussy. Alderaan was a completely valid military target, crawling with rebels traitors. They were harboring weapons of mass destruction and Sheev had no choice.


Sithism is a religion of peace

>murder is okay just so long as there are a lot of other people
The Earth has 7 billion people and change, would it be okay if I came to your home and killed you? I mean, it's a drop in the bucket, there are still 7.5 billion more people out there.

>Sithism is a religion of peace
reminds me that the rebellion in Rogue One tentacle tortured an arab looking guy for no reason.

>would it be okay if I came to your home and killed you?
Obviously not for me, I care about my life
I doubt someone who didn't know me would particularly care
After all people already die prematurely due to violence, disease or hunger all the time all over the world and I'm certain you don't spend a single second of your day thinking about them

if anything the Empire probably cut down on the rampant corruption and raids on the old republic trade routes


>cut down on corruption
The fucking inanities Sup Forumsbabbies convince each other of.

>They were harboring weapons of mass destruction
Where are the PROOFS?

They had aluminum tubes


from a certain point of view

Absence of evidence is not the evidence to absence

wasn't there a story line in the EU where a Monstrous evil immune to the force attacks and kills most of the Galaxy proving Palpatine was right all along

No, I see the Empire as the United States of America and the Sith as the Jews.

In one of the newer books Palpatine says something about how political power is meaningless compared to the power of the darkside and how founding the Empire was just to keep the Jedi off their back so Palpatine could perform evil Sith rituals at an altar built beneath the Jedi temple

The Sith are literally in it for personal power, to become immortal gods essentially while the goyish military are trying to build a good future for humanity as a race.

I wrote a little bit of a script for episode 7 before it came out where the Empire had changed to be an ethnostate for humans across the worlds of the core, and due to the decision by Bothan SJWs in the New Republic to tax human worlds at higher rates than alien worlds Senate human worlds were leaving the New Republic to rejoin the Empire and some of the Jedi were helping the New Republic perform secret operations in a kind of galactic Cold War

it wasn't the alliance though but a rogue anti empire so extremist even the rebels didn't want to have him in their ranks

he just loved his job, give the man a break

The empire didn't engineer a army of slave warrior clones inb4 palpatine done at, but the senate voted for it.