will there been any women exposed for abusing their power and sexually abusing male actors?
who do think is capable of it?
will there been any women exposed for abusing their power and sexually abusing male actors?
who do think is capable of it?
no guys would ever come forward with that shit, too embarrassing
There are no women powerful enough to make a man fuck an ugly woman
>consensual flirting
>being the same as sexual abuse
So, since women don't flirt with you, you think they shouldn't flirt with anyone?
Same goes both ways. It’s fine as long as they’re not ugly. DJ is in a “grey” territory.
dude that interviewer is all about the 'mirin. he'd be out of a job otherwise
Amy Pascal.
Men don't put up with that shit. Also a man would probably record it and use it as blackmail.
ummm sweetie women cannot abuse their power because they have historically been oppressed.
I would say I'm not sure she's bright enough to get away with it, but the president is dumb as a rock and has gotten away with it for decades.