Talking politics with libcuck mom

>talking politics with libcuck mom
>she mentions "alt-right" unironically

Are these people this daft?


they're the reason they let their little normie movements get labeled, then massively shit on and successfully humiliated out of public domain

>calling mom a retard
>having half her genes
>having the other half from someone dumb enough to marry her

What do you mean user? I'm confused by your post. I was saying that she was actually using that meme term in serious conversation

She's not a retard by any means. She has a JDMBA and is very intelligent, just really into women's rights and cares who gets appointed to the Supreme Court.

>mom mentions conspiracy sites who think hillary has parkinsons and not just pneumonia
>me: haha yeah those crazy guys

My mom knows I doubt hillarys health and think she's a corrupt liar. She tries to act smug but I just remain quiet. She's too far gone to be redpilled.

my mom's been a right-wing drone for quite a while, trusted fox more than she trusts her own family. i guess its a small blessing that fox has somehow become one of the more truthful news sources on tv.

>mom is such a cuckservative

Try fucking you mom.

>be 80s child
>authoritarian Christian "conservatives" in power ruin everything they touch
>idiotic paranoia
>Congress holds hearings about Twisted Sister and Prince corrupting the youth
>satanic panic
>D.A.R.E and 'Just Say No' and'this is your brain on drugs'
>continues through Clinton years because Republishit Congress
>pendulum swings
>now rebel kids roll their eyes at their libcuck parents just like we did at our conservative parents

I love it.

All women are dumb. Having a degree doesnt change that.

>very intelligent
choose one

>Everyone I know who is over 25 is at minimum entry level redpilled

Stop with this meme. Women are just as smart as men.

This is empirically false.
Why are there gender separations for mental contests like chess?
Why aren't women funny?
Why do women ruin societies?

They are ridiculously dumb, only capable of rote memorization ask a woman to reason through some logic and she will fail 100% of the time.

They're funny to each other. Look at Rachel Maddow.

My mum and i discuss white genocide and the jews.


Women humor isnt about humor, its grandstanding, it's a broach. Look at me dance all silly look at me l! Give me attention.
Look at this altered picture of me! I'm so funny.
They have nothing original, quoting taylor swift to show how much they fit in with the crowd. Its posturing.

Even female comics its all about the only thing that gives worth to their being their vagina.

My mom had to deal with an impressive load of bullshit since she started working, so she actually got redpilled long ago. (Unsurprisingly because of mudslimes)

empirically false my arse. There are far more male chess players than female, this point proves nothing. I'm sick of people using pseudo-science and wonky logic to disguise their unjustifiable bigotry.

>duuuurp herrp
There canbe 500 runners and 3 male runners and those 3 males could out run all the females. It doesnt matter the gender lines. Its a 1 v 1 competition and women arent good enough. AT ANYTHING. Even cooking men are better.

Men are better at everything besides probably being a kindergarten teacher because we have very little tolerance for stupidity and kindergarteners are idiots.

>fox has somehow become one of the more truthful news sources on tv
>conservashits actually believe this

>irrelevant argument
Well duh, of course men outperform women in physical contests, we're talking about intellect. There is no evidence to support your claim that men have a higher iq on average than women, although male iq does have greater variation. Do some research.

Men outperform women in the purely intellectual game of chess. That's why they need to segregate it.

The evidence is mankind. The evidence is they had to make up multiple intelligences so niggers and women didnt get left behind. Tge evidence is woman drivers.
Men are top of their field in every field. Female CEOs bankrupt companies. Women arent good at anything.

They're attacking the alt right boogie man and their mascot pepe. We have them dancing to our tune now.

>I'm a big girl with a big piece of paper, that means I'm a scientist wheeeeeee!

First of all, this is not true. Women can and have participated at the top level of the game with men. The real question that should be asked is why there are so few women at this top level. This can be explained by two ways:

1) Men are more innately skilled at a game like chess OR

2) The lack of women at the top of chess is a reflection of the lack of female players

There is evidence to support both of these claims, with 96% of difference between genders being explained by the larger sample sizes of male players.

Even if, generally speaking, men were better than women at chess, this is a very narrow interpretation of intelligence. Besides, in many developed nations, women actually outscore men in IQ tests.

The history of mankind is not your friend here, you know, counting all the years of ingrained sexism. Men are more ambitious than women, generally speaking, more driven to become CEOs and such, but this doesn't prove anything about differences in intelligence between the sexes.

There was no institutional sexism in tribes. Matriarchies dont exist except in fairy tales because women are stupid. Intelligence, strength, and skill are rainbow colored feathers of the male peacock. Women didnt evolve these because they are sexually selected rather than competing.


>be me
>talking to mom (she's apolitical) about Trump/election
>"Trump? That guys an idiot, why would you like him?"

>Stare at her blankly
>"I want a goddamn wall and goddamn deportations so MY future kids might not be minorities in our own fucking country."
>She acts like i'm crazy
>"When did you become so hateful? I did NOT raise you this way user. You know there are plenty of trashy white people too"

>She thinks that's crazy talk and that whites are doing just fine.
>Ask her what percentage of the world population she thinks white people are...
>"Um idk, 60%"
>mfw this fucking woman has had the ability to vote for 30 years.
>mfw her girl-friends all think the same way

>Look into her eyes and tell her
>"Don't. Fucking. Vote."

Dad was right. Dad was always fucking right.

the older generation is still brainwashed, they didnt have the internet when they were teenagers or younger