Do you guys like work or being a NEET?
Do you guys like work or being a NEET?
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I'm looking for a researcher job actually
I prefer being a neet but I need money to live
I like working.
If I hadn't decided to get my arse in gear, I'd still be in my bedroom, living with my mum and violently masturbating myself into an early grave..
>Like to feel free or looking to be a whore?
Easy answer.
NEETs are degenerate and lazy, they are useless nigger-tier subhumans. There is no place for them in a redpilled society.
Work from home in my bathrobe making 12/hr as IT for the elderly/clueless.
Mostly run free software and help people with shit too basic to think about.
Would prefer to not have to do this to survive. but whatever.
I like being able to buy whatever I want so I'll keep my 80k job and MGTOW
Running your own (online) business is the best option.
It's like NEETdom with more money, freedom purpose.
NEETS are surprisingly close minded to the opportunities in developing countries where they can take advantage of the lawlessness and laissez faire system to make much more than their tax burdened country.
But most are just degenerate scum who prefer virtual reality to reality.
I'm in a quality control lab, but I'd rather be working on research.
NEETs aren't so bad if that take on a caregiving role.
Listen up, NEETs in this thread, you can still have a purpose. Clean your home, your property, fix things, learn how to fix things, be nice to who is sustaining your NEET lifestyle, and learn to cook.
Stop keeping cum bottles.
I enjoy my job but some days I just want to work in my garden then grab a beer and play video games for the rest of the day
>There is no place for them in a redpilled society.
But what about a bluepilled society like we have at the moment?
I like working, earning the day, and everything, but I hate how hourly wages are so fucking low you should work for all your entire wake time to be able to be fully independent. So between being a slave and being a NEET, I prefer being the latter.
I work in tourism.
When the weather's good I get paid to travel around with tourists, sight-seeing, shit-talking and having nature as my office.
When the weather's bad I literally get paid to just sit at the office and wait.
That means that I technically, on rainy days, get money to browse Sup Forums.
Best job ever.
I like working but that's because I like my job.
If I stay at home longer than 2 days with out working I start to feel lonely. Most of my co-workers are friends.
Pic related its my job.
i hate both for different reasons
>kill me
I like being happy
We'll then there purpose is to bankrupt the welfare state.
It's nice to have my family proud of me instead of me being a complete drain of their resources.
Perhaps NEETS set the price for selling their soul way higher than some baubles trinkets and fancy fare.
I could make a lot of money selling potentially carcinogen/toxin/virus laced weed purchased from the Isis via the deepweb to vapid rich kids in my local vicinity and make a small fortune, use that fortune as an overhead to coke to them a few years down the line, fairly quickly I'd be able to disconnect myself from the possession element and I'd be immune to prosecution whilst making more money than Hugo Chavez....
I choose NEETdom because at the price of ruining my own life I avoid ruining countless others. Even taking a job would result in someone else being left without one.
The worlds in a sick state where you either exploit whatever you can to get ahead, or you bend the knee submit to servitude and compete with the other slaves by playing a despicable game of musical chairs to acquire "employment".
I like being a part of the machine, not an obstacle to the machine, I can change my position at any time, but the machine cannot.
I like the physical aspect of my job as I gain nearly 10 pounds when I'm off for a week, but my job is nothing to boast about.
Im not mad at NEETs, maybe a bit jealous as they have seemingly infinite free time and can enjoy such things as seeing the sunset, which I haven't since 2008.
I'm shitposting from work.
I like the personal freedom of being a NEET, but I need the financial security of being a wageslave. The past few years I've basically worked on becoming my own boss. My business is profitable, but without a bigger financial investment in it, I can not generate enough income for myself to entirely live off it. Had some people who were interested in investing, but they expected unrealistic results with the currently available funds.
Same user.
I like serving a purpose, but I also like being able to change purposes when needed.
>Like to be free or looking to be a whore?
Easy answer. Work.
Ameribro, a man after my own heart.
been NEET for a little while, it's pretty comfy but you do tend to hate yourself a lot.
Both have their perks. I like to be alone but i also have to work to keep my mind and social skills in a sustainable level. It's all about balance. I also need money to do... things.
I swing trade futures from my bedroom, more or less 20 minutes per day.
Insanely stressful, which is why i usually shitpost on /adv/ or Sup Forums most of my time, rarely visit Sup Forums. But i make in one week what most of my normie peers make in one year, so there's that.
My social interactions are limited to gym and occasionally going out in a few rustic restaurants of my choice where they still actually make the wine they serve you and where the meat you're eating comes from their own farmland. Travels once in a while, nothing too flashy, going alone and unbeknownst to my normie """""friends""""
Feels good man
>TFW 23 and NEET
another day another lost dollar :/
Interesting. How long did it actually took you to get to that point?
Did you go to some school or did you learn that by yourself?
Are you self employed or do you have a "boss"?
>NEETS are surprisingly close minded to the opportunities in developing countries
Yes, you guys are all over countries like Ivory Coast to prove it. You're right, but western NEET are poorly prepared to take advantage of those type of situations. They were brought up expecting institutions to just work and everyone to more or less follow the rules, it takes a lot of of time to adapt to the chaos and corruption of a developing countries and figure out how to get things done there.
People like the Lebanese aren't burdened with the same notions and can do very well for themselves in those environments.
I started doing this 6 months ago, mowing lawn, renovating and fixing the house and other stuff to make myself helpful. It made me feel much better about myself and as a bonus dad said he will give me the house in his will.
Interesting. How long did it actually take you to get to that point?
Did you go to some school or did you learn that by yourself?
Are you self-employed or do you have a "boss"?
Work is fine.
The kids can be a handful sometimes but all in all they're great to work with. My co-workers are all decent people and my boss pretty much leaves me alone. Pay could be better but it's not terrible and my apartment (paid for by the company) is on the top floor of a highrise which is pretty cool.
Little to no overtime and a pretty stable 40ish hour week.
If I didn't have to work I wouldn't but I don't can't say I mind it too much. I have ample time for my hobbies and I work out six days a week so I guess I can't complain.
>Interesting. How long did it actually took you to get to that point?
2 years and a couple of months. 10 hours a day of non retributed screen time, even more on the weekends, parents didn't understand what was going on and thought i had some kind of autistic gambling addiction. An ungodly amount of time spen reviewing hundreds of spreadsheets containing all kind of statistics, studying books 60% of which were absolute crap. And a nice hole in the resume. But i did it all by myself (considering there are no universities teaching this kind of stuff and a lot of "trading schools" online which are nothing but scams"
Self employed, and religiously so. I could get into prop trading wth an institutional firm if i wanted to, a guy i know works there and they basically move billions of liquidity per day.
But i just don't give a shit, i'm a frugal guy
I hate working, but I love money so I work anyway.
I've never been as non-degenerate as I am now as a welfare NEET to be honest.
>no soul killing job so no need to escape my existence with booze, weed, porn, masturbation, sluts and cigarettes
>lots of free time so I tend to take walks, ride my bike, meditate, work in the garden and make healthy meals
>more time for family, socialising with them and helping my grandmas with stuff and the like
>read more, learn more, generally challenge myself mentally and educate myself everyday
>looking into volunteering so that my productivity goes towards human well-being rather than mere economic value
I think my value to society is much greater now than when I was stacking boxes for minimum wage making some international corporation richer, and I'm much happier myself as well. Seems like a win/win.
being neet is extremely demoralizing and sad after awhile
also unless you live in some Scandinavian NEET utopia or are a rich trust-fund baby, you're under the constant threat of homelessness, as the folks are getting older and can't take care of you forever
I'm pretty much a NEET but I really don't want to stay one. Doing nothing but sitting on ur ass at home all day gets really old really fast.
I've applied for so many jobs it just gets so degrading after awhile I just stopped looking.
I am a student, but work, 100%. It is more fulfilling. I feel much happier when studying on working on a project than when not.
Working in what I love.
It's like being a NEET but with salary, because I'd do it anyways if I weren't employed.
I actually like working. I was a neet for about 9 months between jobs and it was great at first but soon became excruciatingly boring and depressing. Also making good money never hurts
I'm working now, but I've been on both sides. The grass is always greener.
I like money.
You work to live, you don't live to work.
I am a NEET and work at the same time
I was neet once for a few months when i was 17 but my dad got fed up of me sitting at home doing nothing with my life and drove me to the job center.
Been in work since then and i'am 30 now.
Where do I send my cv? I have to work come rain, sunshine or apocalypse and usually outside in it.
I love working, it gives purpose to my life. Too bad there is no full time jobs left
cool, seems nice
>work 3 years at same place
>thought it was my dreamjob
>turns out it is hard
>get good at it
>break down after 3 years
>realize i didnt make friends
>did nothing but work
>Scared to go back
>Its been months
>too tired to look for a job
>means i have to be around people
No thanks
I do similar, just not futures. And a bit more than 20 min a day. But I'm still starting and learning so it takes a bit more time. But I can see already this business is (although hard, demanding and stressful) boring as fuck so I understand those 20 min. Can't wait till I get to that point ...
Fucking autist.
>I'll save the white race by not having any children.
I love the fruits of my labour, entire 30% of my gross income after contributions, income tax, fuel levies, utilities and VAT
I'm 18 and about to go to university.
Wish me luck lads.
Should autists be allowed to breed?
Which assets senpai?
>Even taking a job would result in someone else being left without one.
Not how it works.
Your entire post is delusional and retarded. There is dignity in work.
I'm looking for a job right now desperately. I need something to fill my time. I wake up at 4:30 every morning to go to the gym and eat if I feel like it and then do jack shit all day. I'm Jewish so I do freelance diamond brokerage for private clients but the market isn't so great so my phone isn't exactly ringing off of the hook. I'm getting my certification for colored stones right now (already have the diamond ones) so I can get my appraisers' license and work for a large insurance company or auction house. That'll be nice when I'm finally finished with it. Have a job interview today though and then one in Chicago next week.
Hehe, nice meme kid.
No but seriously he's just being stupid.
Being a white man smart enough to make 80k and then refusing to breed should be illegal in this day and age.
Are diamonds any good as safe asset? I've heard they were being jewed by the artificial ones getting better than the ones extracted
All I want to do is be a neet and I am willing to help out, clean the house, mow the lawn, wash the cars, walk the dogs, cook clean dishes, etc.
Parents still won't let me.
They kicked me out and now I'm homeless because I can't hold down a job.
The reason is becase it's not taxed. And a very positive thing about it is that it's correlated. Which is helpful, you can increase you chances by comparing several fx pairs.
I'm about to go to metals and energies soon, just need a couple of weeks to have a better idea how my new technical strategy plays out in medium term. I was working on it for some time, switched to it last week, and omfg, it's amazing. I make as much in a day as I did in a week before this strategy.
I listen to audiobooks for 12 hours while driving a forklift and other industrial trucks and get paid more than most college graduates with no college education. I'm not going to go into debt to read books. You college faggots are literally paying more than an average persons salary per year to read and comprehend books.
I'm an industrial gas plumber, 26, bought my own house, have a Pomeranian
Pic related
Feels good
Come to Israel. We will take care of you, there are so many great benefits for new immigrants. I love it here and can give you advice if you want.
care to point out any quality resources about how one gets into it or did you have a mentor? I'm a financial illiterate for I've been a gold bug all my life and wageslavery is starting to get old
...PRAISE HIM. Checked.
You have been blessed
Dude, listen. I understand your excitement, but if you want a chance at succeeding you must be able to answer to all of these questions in less than 30 seconds
>what are your entries and exits?
>what is your average win rate?
>what is your RRR?
>what is your strategy trying to accomplish?
>how much do you risk per trade?
>what is your maximum drawdown (both historical and simulated by Monte Carlo method)?
The answers to the abve usually comes after painstaking months passed collecting statistics, hundreds of positions taken. The whole game has enough variance to fool anybody into believing they have an edge, it's much harder than it looks like, and making tons of money due to sheer randomness doesn't help either
>>i payed for my college education
That's exactly what I'm doing right now.
And what's wrong with it? NEET life is amazing. No stress. No fuss. I just sit on my ass all day playing GTA.
It's fucking AWESOME.
I've had jobs before - my first job for over a year, then second job for 6 months, then third job for 3 months, then my last job for 1.5 years.
And let me tell you, not working beats working ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
I work a part time job, around 20-25 hours a week. It's great, I get enough money and I get to neet around in between. I think it's the best solution if you can actually manage to not live on full time employment
My brother works in the field and is also my mentor. I started doing this because I couldn't get a job. Now I'm happy I never became wageslave.
Lahko si pa prebereš kaj več na strani trgovanje eu.
I have to work. When I do take time off after about 4 days I am losing it. Gotta get back to the office and get to work.
Damn that's a comfy dog.
I see you gave it a little pepe cape, good man.
The only ones in Ireland that I found offering training were soul destroying call centre jobs, so I applied for teaching in Japan, and got one before finding a meaningful one at home.
I took it because I could see myself having the laughs at the underpopulated rural beach for the rest of my life and became alarmed at the likelihood of the prospect. I also like having money, but it turns out time is not money because I have money but no time. What the hell?!
What's the pay? I wouldn't mind getting into the field or a similar trade.
But if he breeds he won't be able to make 80k anymore though
Synthetic diamonds will go the way of the portable DVD player. Mark my words. Real diamonds that have been certified by a reputable grading house (one of which I'm interviewing with in an hour) will trounce the value of any synthetics. Yes, we can tell synthetics. Their growth patterns are different than true diamonds.
This, it's extremely healthy and tasty unlike other bodily fluids which are expelled because they are waste. Anyone have the pic that shows how to get bigger loads?
Thanks merchant, cheers!
He will make 3 beautiful white children though who will carry on his genetic line and make his existence on earth worth something lasting.
I've been to Israel twice, absolutely love it. The owner of the place I am interviewing with in Chicago is Israeli. I just know the cost of living is high there, and I want to start my own diamond house in Manhattan. But go on with the advice Israelbrah, I'd like to hear.
Even though working can be stressful sometimes, the few times I've been a NEET when I was looking for a job were just awful. Constant outbursts of crying and shit, or weeks of depression where I could barely get out of bed. When I'm focused on a job, my mental stability goes way up. When I have no focus, my mental stability completely falls away.
Comfy is an understatement
How do I convince my parents to let me be a neet? My dad just yells at me and says I'm on my own and he won't let me stay in his house anymore.
I like working but my current job sucks because I don't like any of my coworkers. I was a NEET for 2 months because of my broken arm but Jesus, that sucked after 2 weeks of not doing anything. I don't understand how people can stand not having a purpose in life.
I'm a temporary fmla neet and 6 weeks in, I literally can only be online maybe 30 minutes a day, I'm otherwise doing things I can do that my injury allows
perma-neets who sit on the internet 12 hours a day disgust me. I am objectively superior to them in every way.
You got yourself a waifu or a gf to share that home with you?
Keep educating snackbars in chemistry. I hope you die.
I'm not a that new anymore, I've blown a couple an account or two before I got consistent...
>what are your entries and exits?
Before my new strategy I traded technical patterns. Now I do that too, but the pattern I trade isn't really in any books...
>what is your average win rate?
roughly 50:50, a bit less (so I lose more often than I win)
>what is your RRR?
I aim for 1:10 and more. Usually it's more like 1:5. Ofcourse, if the pattern reaches it's target.
>what is your strategy trying to accomplish?
Highest possible RRR
>how much do you risk per trade?
This is pretty much the answer how to become consistent earner. I risk 1-2%. Before that I was regularly losing.
>what is your maximum drawdown (both historical and simulated by Monte Carlo method)?
I've blown my account. But that was in first month, so if that doesn't count, 20%
I know this shit isn't easy, it's frustrating as hell. It takes months (some traders took years) to learn and the market is constantly changing so it's never the same. But, it's a neet life so I'll just stick to it.
Work sucks, but is immensely fulfilling every once in a while and has improved my social skills threefold. Also a constant flow of money that just piles up in my account because I don't spend it on beer or women.
Being a NEET was nice, nothing in life really sucked, but it was a burden on my parents and it felt like I was just waiting for a life to fall in my lap. I will definitely go back to the lifestyle after I retire at 40.
I run my own business, so overheads are pretty high, once you take into account my work car, fuel, wages I pay my book keeper etc.
My hourly rate is $150, time and a half on Saturday or after 5pm, and double time on Sunday's. But I mark up all the parts I replace by 30% at the least, which is where most the money comes from