Are there any African countries that are somewhat liveable?
Are there any African countries that are somewhat liveable?
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Egypt jumps to mind.
Cape verde is peaceful. Portugal is also good, but it's almost Europe.
Tunisia i think
basically spain
I'm feeling pretty comfy tbqh
i am comfy in my compound. also botswana namibia and ofc the island nations cept madagascar.
I lived in South Africa in the late 90's, it's a miracle my family wasnt raped, tortured and killed. We were just robbed of a few items but I wouldnt recommend visiting any African country, they are all shitholes.
Mauritius seems alright
A friend of mine recently went to Tanzania.
He said it was poor AF but safe and stable.
The biggest lefty liberal I know came back saying that Africans have a problem with planning, forward thinking and work in general. That is to say, they're impulsive and lazy
I kek'd
As a holiday destination maybe. I wouldn't live in any other African country besides SA
>South Africa
The rape and murder capital of Africa folks. And even worse if you're white.
Namibia, Malawi, Seychelles, Mauritius.
Just like everywhere else, if it's a small country, it's usually better. Go ahead, ask me why I'm anti-EU.
isn't angola okay because it's catholic?
>rape and murder capital
Probably because it's the only African nation that actually keeps statistics on it.
>I lived in South Africa in the late 90's, it's a miracle my family wasnt raped, tortured and killed.
Sounds like you're white to me. I'm surprised Sven let you in. Did they just take a look at your papers and assume you were a cultural enricher?
Why are you anti-EU?
Paris, France
Morocco is the last remain of a stable Maghreb, though it might turn sour any moment now.
Namibia and Botswana are essentially trying to stay the way they were during the colonial era. They're both nice as long as you stay away from the Angolan border for Namibia, and the Zimbabwean border for Botswana. Once you get there, you start to have rampant alcoholism, ethnic infighting, AIDS, etc.
Island nations like Cape Verde, the Seychelles and Sao Tome are okay.
I've heard Durban, J-burg, and Cape Town are nice, but I've also heard that Port Elizabeth is going to shite. Is this true?
Libya was pretty wealthy, safe and surprisingly non-durka durka before Clinton and Sarkozy fucked it in the ass
West Africa is actually quite comfy. I visited Ghana, Togo, and Benin for a few months and they like to drink like it's the end of the world, so I partied a lot.
Durban and Joburg are the shitty areas. PE is essentially a miniature Cape Town
Depends on where in the city you are. Northern suburbs in Joburg are comfy as fuck, same with Hillcrest etc in Durbs
Angola is absolute shit unless you are an oil oligarch.
Egypt pre revolution
Morocco, northern Tunisia
>they like to drink like it's the end of the world
the live in africa everyday is the end of the world
I think the capital cities of a lot of African countries are fairly liveable desu
In SSA, you have Botswana. In North Africa, you have Morocco.
West Footscray, Victoria, Australia.
Basically the Sudans.
Ghana looks lovely. As does Mali, Senegal and Ivory Coast.
Every place in SA has decent areas and really crappy areas, including small towns. It's just that people see what goes on in shitty areas and assume that the rest of SA is like that. People don't really understand how SA is like 2 countries in one
look, i would be inclined to believe you, if you didnt live in a walled compound with wtf security measures
>Western Sahara
Huh. Had never even heard of these two before.
Because they want to turn the current EU into a federalist superstate where the individual citizen loses power. We are already seeing this, with the EC openly considering the public's scepticism as a nuisance, rather than their democratic right. In practice the EU will be a closed party for the bigwigs in France and Germany, and no-one else. For instance, despite having voted for Schengen and knowing its implications, France and Germany try to pressure our government into making weed illegal again. Because their own citizens excercise their Schengen rights by travelling here and stimulating our economy with their druggie habits. None of this reaches the international press the way outrage over Eastern Europeans building fences does, of course.
The Netherlands is one of the biggest per capita contributors to the EU, yet we have zero power and our leaders are cajoled with promises of EU careers. In a federalist EU, we would become nothing more than the European equivalent of a "fly-over state" with no say in our own affairs, yet none of the advantages a federalist EU would bring, while the EU would actively try to undermine our national identity, probably by "encouraging" us to move and work abroad, which translates to them fucking up the labour market some more.
We have no conceivable reason to be in favour of a federalist EU, and that's exactly why our leaders are being corrupted into selling us out.
You seem thirsty for some (You)s. Enjoy
>Abuja is the 9th most populous city in Nigeria
>it was purpose-built in 1981
>replaced Lagos as capital in 1991
>is one of the wealthiest cities in Africa
>does not suffer from nearly as much crime and pollution as Lagos does
I'm impressed.
Not everyone lives like that. Wealthier people tend to have more security, and not all whites are wealthy. All I have is a large-ish fence and an alarm system which I never use and I've never had a break in before
If quads:
i also dont use my alarm system, but i keep on paying adt lol
mauritius is more indian than african
Gonna take a guess.
Alex is that you?
right here
France maybe?
Western Sahara is not internationally recognized, Morocco still considers it to be part of its southern provinces.
Mauritania is a piece of desert. There isn't much going on there except slavery.
The countries of the Guinean Gulf and Golden Coast are neat apparently, but still struggling with poverty and ethnical conflict, not to mention lack of devlopment. Oh, and they regularly have revolts and violent police intervention any time there is an election.
Mali is the local jihadist recruitment center. It has even more problems with poverty since, unlike countries of the Golden Coast, it has no access to the sea and as such can't benefit from much trade.
didnt rly hear anything about algeria during the arab spring, is it ok?
and i imagine certain cities of ghana and nigeria are pretty urbanized by now
Mauritius is the best one
Nah, it's shit here, don't come
do you know ghadaffi smuggled out his money to south africa? literally tons of gold dollars and diamonds. several warehouses full.
based muhammad bringing the bants
In Africa you either have freedom OR stability. The only country (lets forget about the islands) in Africa who has a relatively stable democracy is Tunisia. The north of the country is holds fairly secular believes. Then you have unstable democracies like South Africa where literal communists who wish to expell all whites are gaining power. Authoritarian states are probably the better option in Africa right now, atleast until the country develops further. Stable monarchies/dictatorships are all over the country, wether its Morocco or Rwanda.
Morocco and Tunisia
pretty comfy tbqh
They are still poor as shit but I think Botswana has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world for the last like 20 years or something. It might be alright in the future
Botswana is pretty good as long as you stick with the bigger cities.
South Africa is shit, don't believe the lies, even the white people are nigger-tier.
Ethiopian people are very good and kind people, the kind of people you wouldn't mind living around, but they're regrettably not smart enough to build a functioning society.
Oh, and Madagascar, but I'd count that as ASEAN rather than Africa.
If they're so shitty, why is rent still so high?!
How is SA's democracy unstable? Sure we have baboons running the country, but the electoral system here is by far the most stable in Africa. The system isn't the problem, it's the majority who blindly vote ANC. As for the EFF, they're too small to do anything and they won't get into power any time soon
favorite one
Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
They have republic in the name... how bad could they be?
Funny memes, friend. I'll give you a 3/10
Morocco. Also, we are taking over, by first getting back what is rightfully ours, then we will make North Africa great again.
Used or be Libya but you can thank the kikes for that
Inb4 the south African kike shows up
well, some shit changes from the last time I bought a map
I am just here to remind you to vote for the Authenticity and Modernity party in 3 weeks.
Going to Kenya on vacation in December. Looks pretty nice to me. Gonna spend 1 week in a luxury resort and 1 week doing Safari.
It shows promises in terms of devlopment, but it's either going to be overthrown because of authoritarian manoeuvres (which there has been a lot of recently and which have refueled ethnic conflicts within the country) or stay stable but get long-term cucked by China who is already pushing them into debt.
I'm not even voting anyway
You're old
>make North Africa great again
Like before 1956?
I'm a libyan rapefugee in the UK (I moved here in 2011 during the war).
Libya was much, much better under Gaddafi than it is presently, that much is undeniable. But do not fall for the lies here about how it was a good place to live back then. It was very repressed, and just speaking the most mildly negative thing about Gaddafi or his government placed you at risk of imprisonment, torture, or execution in the wrong person heard it. A neighbour of mine one day simply didn't come home from work, not a single person knew where he was until he came back 3 years later, mentally unhinged, and we learned that he was imprisoned and tortured for criticising Gaddafi's regime for pretending to be democratic when it was really not democratic in the slightest. Libya also had an absolutely abhorrently awful healthcare system, police that were openly and obviously corrupt, failing infrastructure, poor irrigation and water distribution (I grew up drinking water out of a well, and never even imagined that you could have fresh water from a tap. Tapwater in Libya is undrinkable).
There were some positives to Gaddafi's rule - he kept the Islamist maniacs completely in line, and showed no mercy to any of them. There was a joke that if you grew a beard in Gaddafi's Libya, there was probably somebody watching you and deciding whether to throw you in prison or not.
But by western standards, it was still very much shit. You westerners should feel very fortunate for having inherited such beautifully structured, libertarian and prosperous nations.
Namibia is good
Liberia that's what VICE told me
in all honesty, almost any country is good if you're rich enough. If you wanna make sure that you're safe then SADC countries are best (Morocco and Egypt are good too)
>You westerners should feel very fortunate for having inherited such beautifully structured, libertarian and prosperous nations.
Most people on Sup Forums do. Most liberals do not however, and think it's a hellhole ruled by white males that needs to be taken over by women, immigrants and muslims, none of whom we should be allowed to criticize.
Most of my chick friends agree that Western white women are crazy if they think that they are oppressed
On a side note, I went to Dublin and Limerick last year, the guys there are all great drinking buddies
But will it ever be enough to get a decent run at the rugby WC?
na, we dont have the development-facilities plus all our actually good players join South Africa (cc:Percy Montgomery). I think we do well considering our potential rugby player pool is about 25,000 people at most
>South Africa
I'm 27 and I have cold war maps too.
Algeria cracks down hard on any Muzzies or commies that get uppity ever since they threw a hissy fit in the 90s.