Why do Indians always outperform every one when there is free market and meritocracy rather than nepotism
Are Indias the true master race
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I don't get it
India has one of the worst education systems of the world. Why does everyone here act like we 'can't compete' with them.
>tfw no Indian gf
Our education system emphasizes on memorization which produces the best Doctors
To be honest if we named our kids the same two things Khan and Patel would be at the bottom.
Indian women love white men
Indians are good workers I'll give them that, but their social skills. Their methods with women and overall in general when it comes to communicating with some one else outside of work. Is insanely cringy.
I hoping you guys duke it out with the Arabs already.
How? Please let me know as I will be immigrating to America soon
That's because medicine studies are cheap as fuck in India, so there is a lot of shit doctors around the world. Same problem in France, medicine studies are so high-level a lot of students goes to Romania to get an equivalent, easier, degree
Calling bullshit. No way Dr. taylor is more popular than dr chan or dr wong or dr lee
Slit eyed doctors are pretty much unheard of in the UK
But you are not having any kids
there's way too many white names on this list for it to be believable
>there's like a billion indians
>they have a culture of making their kids actually study a lot
>they all name their kids the same shit
Its not hard.
Congratulations you have produced 5 billion people, what an accomplishment
How'd you do in the Olympics, master race?
So studying is bad?
>poo in loo logic
add up smith, jones, william, thomas, taylor and davies. then compare it to khan and patel, rajesh
Won a gold in Paralympics
Like any vermin because there's so fucking many of you bastards.
That list is surnames
Thats the same problem that exists in China. Rather than valuing your own capabilty of rationalized thinking and solving problems independently, all you do is learning discipline. That makes you great workers of course, but bad innovators who need to copy everything.
>which produces the best Doctors
the quality of the doctors is not important when you are in such dire need of them
you guys just produce a shitton of them. The they all come to the west because India is shit. Yet everyone praises Indians for being so smart kek
Why being abusive m8
"Free market" is another way of saying the countries will be ranked by population. Once they open themselves up to the free market and their population is greater than everyone else's, then it's only a matter of time before they outrank everyone else. The US has benefited from this for decades, but now that India is becoming a force in the global market, they will inevitably pass the US If China opened up, they would pass everyone else, as well. The more important thing is success per capita in a nation.
The same goes for GDP; nominal GDP is effectively nothing more than a ranking of population among countries that have opened themselves to the free market. China is projected to pass the US next decade, and India is projected to climb into the top 5 within a couple decades too. The growth correlates with nothing more than population.
Pic strongly related
India has the worst case of brain drain in the world. Youre nearly double the population of Europe, yet have a GDP comparable to Australia which has a population 20 million. The fact that alot of elite Indians are migrating to the west, instead building businesses in India or making strategic sectors of the economy competitive with the rest of the developed world, will in the long term impoverish india.
>I don't know what affirmative action is
Indian doctors are great. Affirmative action makes it harder for Asians to get into college in America, so the Asian doctors are all better students, smarter, and better doctors. Blacks are the worst because it is easier for them to pass.
But tell me, Patel -- how does it feel knowing that the best and smartest people from your country are leaving it behind? You are losing you best genetic material to the Western world.
Brain drain is real and will have consequences.
Actually its just because indian men are usually short and feminine. White women only go for alphas; otherwise look but don't touch and you'll save yourself some heartbreak
No, there are like three Indian last names to choose from. If they included anything that had Berg, Stein, Farb, Thal, Blum, you'd be BTFO.
Hear me on this one. Retarded people innovative solutions.
Why waste your time and effort when you can just copy an invention an rebrand?
Emphasis on innovation has ruined Whites
because they dont gang rape them?
Stop fucking calling me telling me your name is mike or Dave or whatever and trying to tell me my computer needs mending. FUCK OFF
But Germany provide free postgraduation to Indian Doctors
One whole gold medal?? Wow, that's really good. Well done. Better than the one silver and one bronze you got in the Olympics.
>6 Ahmed
Imagine half of the biggest ethnic group on earth use the same surename and yet they only can manage to make it to 6th place. This isn't even funny anymore.
>Dr. Pajeet is cheaper to pay than others
>Poos in India who aren't the elites who could afford to move abroad think that they're superior for this
yes because we are not willing to train enough doctors
Most of the world's gold is around the necks and wrists of indian wives, so I imagine they don't compelled to compete for more
But I am moving to USA soon. My family has a hospital there. Soon my entire family members will
>muh Olympics
>muh gotta go fast niggers
>I don't get it
>India has one of the worst education systems of the world. Why does everyone here act like we 'can't compete' with them.
> There are 1.25 Billion of them
> There are 80 Million Germans
> There are more smart Indians in the world than Germans
> There are so many Indians that they can produce products at a fraction of the cost in the West
They can destroy your local industries on trade (clothing is a good example) while their upper-class comes and takes away your doctor / professor / etc jobs.
I like Indians, the upper class ones. But the world turning into India itself is horrifying. Dehli is one of the most fucked up places I have ever seen
This. We have brains you have brawns
I know, especially your eastern regions got pretty ladies
You wanna marry my sister? She's a NEET
>implying i don't have both
>But I am moving to USA soon. My family has a hospital there. Soon my entire family members will
Then how do you feel about abandoning your country?
You might still care about India, but within one or two generations your children will be fully Americanized. They will not visit as much as they should, they will not speak Hindi, they will eat meat even if the family is vegetarian, they will marry other peoples etc. etc. etc.
How can I marry a Nordic Norwegian beauty?
they are not taking anything away though
they only fill up the vacancies which stem from a lack of med schools in Germany
I won't reproduce tbqh. I feel sorry for innocent and naive white men
Nope Indians don't assimilate. My family in USA still acts like animals like they did in India.
I don't fucking get it, why the fuck do Indians gave the highest achievement to ego ratio? I am a street shitter myself but for fucks sake we are not nearly close to what the west has achieved. The fact that our guys come abroad and outperform the competition isn't something to be proud of, it just goes to show how shitty the systems back home are.
cancer peasant speak that competes for english in order to prevent indians for improving their socio-economic status
all the bollywood film scripts are done in english with lines practised in hindi, even hindi is often written in latin script in formal settings
Who cares? They'll never be leaders and never succeed as a race because of their deeply ingrained crab mentality.
>street shitters believe this
>they are not taking anything away though
>they only fill up the vacancies which stem from a lack of med schools in Germany
Look into labor economics. The more competition there is for jobs, the lower the jobs pay. The lower the jobs pay, the fewer students pursue those careers.
Those students pursue other careers, increasing competition in those fields and lowering salaries again.
Any added labor to an economy will bring down wages in general.
I'm not against Indian doctors, but they are certainly taking jobs away from you.
The ones that benefit from immigration are business owners who can pay employees less, and governments, who collect more taxes.
Pretty much this. Any Indian smart enough to become middle/upper class in a western country knows enough to GTFO India. The crowned Prince of Poo st. isn't going to live nearly as well as anyone who's even moderately well off in the US or EU. Plus their children will have superior citizenship so that's a plus.
Even I have thought about that for years. Maybe it's genetic
I sued some Indian doctor for malpractice and now i'm on easy street. i think he ended up killing himself when his wife left him for some wide guy.
no, fucking like swine in mud is not an accomplishment to be proud of. shitting in the street and having corpses float in your shit-filled rivers is not something to be proud of
wtf nice digits 2
>Nope Indians don't assimilate. My family in USA still acts like animals like they did in India.
How long have they been here though?
I know a few Indians who were born here and they are Americanized. They sleep with white people and that's basically it. They will probably race-mix away into bland American within two generations. Culture destroyed
My Indian ex started out cute and conservative sounding, but eventually let her mask slip that she's a westernized whore that cheated on every bf she ever a had, including me.
>falling for the Indian-american jew
Future belongs to the Jews anyways
*outperform* he says, i dont know about doctors but indian programmers are THE crappiest shit that is ever hired, and is hired only because of slave wages and diversity
>I don't fucking get it, why the fuck do Indians gave the highest achievement to ego ratio? I am a street shitter myself but for fucks sake we are not nearly close to what the west has achieved. The fact that our guys come abroad and outperform the competition isn't something to be proud of, it just goes to show how shitty the systems back home are.
You have to realize you are the Indian elite. A majority of the people you left behind are low-IQ people who will not be able to fix their country
Tamil hindus recirculate over a billion dollars worth of gold jewelry as religious offerings in just 2 indian states
>confusing gold with the prestige of being the best in your sport.
It's like you're trying to be retarded.
What did he do? Are Indian Doctors frowned upon in Australia?
I think with statistics like this it's because there's a billion of you and you all have the same name.
How many olympic medals does your superior race have btw? Or is because of nepotism?
What you fail to state Mr.Poo is that this is in the UK
>India has the worst case of brain drain in the world. Youre nearly double the population of Europe, yet have a GDP comparable to Australia which has a population 20 million. The fact that alot of elite Indians are migrating to the west, instead building businesses in India or making strategic sectors of the economy competitive with the rest of the developed world, will in the long term impoverish india.
Globalisation destroyed any chance that they 3rd world had.
Those places will be permanently poor
>The more competition there is for jobs, the lower the jobs pay. The lower the jobs pay, the fewer students pursue those careers.
ahh the American did not factor in that I live in a socialist hellhole. The doctors here are all organized in some sort of union who make contracts with the government owned insurance companies. The wages do not follow the rules of supply and demand
that's also the reason why German doctors earn way less than American ones. Hence why Indians prefer America over Germany
2 generation
>Why do Indians always outperform every one when there is free market and meritocracy rather than nepotism
They don't outperform. The best western educated doctors/surgeons go to where the most money is,private hospitals, leaving a shortage of medical personal in national hospitals. This forces countries to look to eastern countries and poach theirs.
India is a source of cheaper doctors.
Mud people mis-representing facts because they want to be proud of the fact they have no imagination or individuality.
It just a quip, Nigel. Also we have more medals than you so kys
The best of them emigrate from India to countries such as the US. Surely over 1 billion makes some good doctors. You retarded or what?
Good question we value education over everything else
Is it true that they hate niggers?
>a fuckhuge population of weird mongrel fuckos
>the best of them come to the west
Ayooo Indians in Amerika outperform whites in income and education levels!!!!!!!
>Fifty trillion indian shitters
>Top 0.001% move to the US
>Suddenly the entire population of the US is displaced by smart indian shitters
There you go.
It's not a free market when the government gives diversity points to companies who outsource, gives immigration privileges to shitty Indian phds and allows brahmins (with loads of cash and resources) to flood over the borders completely unbridled. It's just stupidity on the part of our government, a kind of strange racism of low expectations.
gave me antibiotics when I really had kidney cancer. went to a different doctor a month later and got a kidney removed. if Dr. pajeet had of given correct diagnoses I would of nod needed to have one of my kidneys removed. Got 2 million cause I had cash for a jew lawyer. Now I don't have to work but I can't drink booze anymore
>Why waste your time and effort when you can just copy an invention an rebrand?
Because innovation is what produced that invention in the first place. It's not our fault indians and chinks are nigger-tier inventors and can't produce anything without breaking copyright laws.
But hey, I guess there's absolutely no reason as to why Europe and the USA are richer than China and India.
Please stay home you dirty piece of Indian filth
>that image
>2 poo in loo names
>2 terrorist names
>2 english names
>4 welsh names
Why aren't you bowing before your Welsh masters, pol?
was it worth it?
Lol serves him right
You Indian descendants here called Cigani are still not POOING IN THE LOO bro...
I had a 87℅ in my 12th grade, and no Delhi university college would take me because cuttoffs are 95℅ now. That sucks. This education system that the Indians talk about is bullshit. If you are from the top 10 in India you are somewhere in society... The rest are shit. There is no 2 tier. You are a fucked faggot. Hopefully your parents have the money to send you abroad and study and you kinda make it.
Wow it even looks liek New Dehli slums!
Is this Europe? Looks like my hometown
I want to but my family forcing me