LA Times poll is jumping up BIGLY!
It's Happening! Trump has this on lock
>Joel B. Pollak
Did you just say nigly? I knew this was a racist white supremacist nazi webzone. Reported to he FBI for hate crimes.
>its happening
is breitbart a subsidiary of Sup Forums?
breitbart's ceo is trumps campaign manager too... did we actually meme a candidate to the white house
>breitbart politburo
How big is the sample size?
I can't wait for the debates.
>trump losing in Sup Forums
"all polls have been rigged by the jews"
>trump is in lead
"totally real"
The pollsters are cooking the books so they can drop his numbers throughout the debate season. This will give the media the opportunity to fill the 24 hour news cycle with yammer about why Trump's numbers are doing so bad, which will be explained away with a river of CTR diarrhea.
Let my people know the truth.
How big is that relative to yuge?
That's a goy name
The Jewish population of Poland mysteriously dropped in 1940s and hasn't recovered
>M A S T E R
they are always rigged against trump
For example now it says they are 5% in his favor when in fact they are 10% in his favor
>He questions the power of memes
its big league
look at the long term trends you disgusting goat-fucking pseudo-pooinloo pedophile
>look at the long term trends
>in public opinion polls
this dingo is a moron.
This is the faggot who defended Michelle field's made up story.
Something I haven't seen a reason for, desu. I haven't seen a single Trump supporter explain why it's rigged if he's losing and real when he's winning.
Those Trump supporters saying it's rigged so if Trump drops it'll look devastating are sane.
>shouldn't you be at work?
As if this is anything new.
Still provided a hearty chuckle. Bless you Mr. Trump
well is there is anybody who would know about what the general population of america is thinking, its defiantly someone sitting thousands of miles away.
I just take rigged in the context of polls to mean biased or weighted in favour of a particular candidate.
It means that (((they))) aren't rigging hard enough. I'm sure (((they're))) gonna fix this soon.
>Trump supporter
>explaining things
pick one.
Nice dubs
Here is a breitbart poll saying hillary is in the lead.
Now tell me more about how the jews rigged all the polls.
I explain it EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I see this question.
and every time they say its rigged
its because they're oversampling democrats, women, or undersampling independents, etc. etc.
Feel free to check our work. In fact, PLEASE check our work.
When Trump's winning, carefully check to make sure they're not oversampling republicans, oversampling men, oversampling married women, oversampling independents, undersampling dems, etc. etc.
2550 Likely Voters
Again: here is a breitbart poll saying hillary is in the lead. Now shut the fuckup.
shouldnt you be in England by now?
This: (wrong tag)
Old data. LA Times is only poll post-Hillary collapse. America won't elect a coffin case.
Well the media is actively shilling against him so if he's leading despite them trying to rig it, it's very legitimate he's winning,
Aug 14.
Over a month ago.
Keep telling YOURSELF that... you're the only one listening.
this pol may be one of the best in the biz and shows Daily flow, would not be in the Real Clear average if not a proper player in the game.
"the bad jews are too mean"
Don't get complacent.
We can not get cocky about this, we need to keep railing on her. She needs to be crushed, once and for all.
It's all rigged
>Sup Forums
>has its own constituency
>has its own media outlet
>has its own candidate
>has its own ideology
Bernie plebbit BTFO, Sup Forums > reddit. Its pretty funny how squarely Sup Forums's candidate surpassed Reddit's candidate.
It's a fucking outlier poll, every single time. by far the most inaccurate of all the polls.
inb4 reddit gets shut down or sued or something like gawker
No... It's the Leading Indicator poll, look at it for the past two months of data.
LA Times Wishes this poll didn't have these results, they opened up a can a worms they can't contain.
It's OVER!
Finally a happening!!
Oh just the 85920th Trump thread.
This place fucking sucks.
did you read all 85920 of em... you must have severe BUTTHURT
muslim trash detected
Or you know just keep it in the trump general thread. Which there is always atleast 5 of.
>This place fucking sucks
You must mean Sweden right?
Man I bet you only wish you could MSGA
But you folks are getting Cucked, your women prefer black men and you're letting the enemy in on a trojan horse.... Sweden isn't Sweden anymore, many people have said!
Fuck off. In America we dont' take kind when Told what to do. That's when we do the exact opposite... I'll now post a Dozen more threads today just because you said not to....
Says the niggerloving burger.
Yes we have alot of niggers and sandniggers.
Never seen a white girl with one though.
The younger women are more into albanians and other balkan people than arabs and niggers.
Who put you in charge? Piss off.
Thing is LA times cant adjust its sampling for more democrats or women like others do, they are stuck.
Noone, just seems like common sense, which I should know there is none to be found on Sup Forums, i might be too naive.
newshits that type this shit should be public banned on sight. kill yourself
actually they can and I think they did about a week ago when Shill took a two point lead.
I think I read something like 400 to 500 are the same each day since the beginning but they add 2k random to each days poll.... but I could be wrong
Check 'Em
It's rigged by over sampling democrats and likely Democrat voters. If he's losing he is not losing by as much or may even be tied or winning. If he's winning then he's fucking WINNING.
Triggered shart :^)
Kek and my libshit professor said last week that trumps as high as he will ever get in the polls.
Praise Kek!
You missed his point.
>Sup Forumsack.
This is scary. We're surrounded by fascist and truly evil people. I blame a good part of it on the distortions that the main stream media has been all to willing to exploit. The pneumonia incident itself makes one wonder if the MSM is getting their talking points directly from the republican party. The way Hillary is treated by the media verses Trump demonstrates more than anything how distorted the media coverage is.
Trump infringes on the First Amendment of the Washington Post and others by banning them from his events, and hardly a word is mentioned. If Hillary pulled the same stunt, you could imagine the 24/7 coverage of it. Interesting that Trump has lifted that media ban a few days ago, and it makes me wonder if there were insurances from some of the media that they would provide more favorable coverage of him.
Fuck off your dirty goat fucker. Everyone admitted she was up last month but this is SEPTEMBER not AUGUST, it's a new month.
>ever doubting Sup Forums
Autism trully is the greatest superpower known to mankind
Sup Forums is a military intelligence psy warfare outfit
reddit is conde nast publishing
Trump's gonna say something stupid in the next couple days and he'll drop like a rock
Hillary made it very clear who she was referring to as deplorables, but the media left out the context intentionally. The Matt Lauer interview also demonstrated the two different standards the media behaves toward the candidates.
The media is corrupt and trying to sink HRC! In order to stop it, please donate, volunteer, and VOTE for HRC!!!!
No wonder her knees were so weak after that reaming!
Bans BLM and other people that would storm the stage like Bernie.
Almost gets shot at rally for being too lenient on who is at rally.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Sauce on VN? I hear it's futa but these gifs are too good. Have another one.
Hillary is coming from an outfit that was handing pre filmed reels to news outlets
and they've been doing this for decades
we've always been surrounded by fascists, make no mistake the power will try to push Trump into doing creepy fascist shit, it is up to all of us to push back, because of Trump's ego he will want to be remembered well thus the game is in the people's favor for once
Does he say 'bigly' or 'big league'? I have trouble telling which.
>The media is corrupt and trying to sink HRC! In order to stop it, please donate, volunteer, and VOTE for HRC!!!!
?? are you nuts?
for more dead Americans? she was shit last time why would this time be any different?
yeah... that's the important part... weak troll
He said "Big League" you degenerate faggot.
In the Information Age, he who possesses the autists rules the world.
Praise KEK!!!
no, i don't believe in polls either way
I was there... he said Bigly... like he always does
He's right
nice flag....
The Winter Wall is Coming!!!
as others have already said, undersampling of dems (and you couldn't even refute the argument yet). An interesting point in time was after the DNC-debacle where the sampling methodology drastically changed as damage control and was passed off as her "Convention gain" (despite DNC leaks having dragged her down at this point).
I want to have sex with that forehead.
CTRrrrRRRrrrr...come out to plllAAAaaaaAAAaay
Kek I wonder if this has anything to do with hilldog making an utter fool of herself by raging over Pepe.
I want to fug that Mako until my my penis stops functioning and I die of a heart attack.
I'm pro-Trump through and through. I just wanted to know.
A fucking banana!
Polls were always rigged against Trump. His polling is the worst rollercoster ride in the last century that could be summed.
Trump's gonna win Ohio.
Trump's gonna win MAINE. The whole state.
This means he's probably also taking New Hampshire too.
Holy fuck. Are we gonna see a Nixon/Reagan level blowout?