Will this be the rise of the Führer?
> 87000 posts to go
> 509 posts the last 300 seconds
> ~85 minutes left
Be witness
Will this be the rise of the Führer?
> 87000 posts to go
> 509 posts the last 300 seconds
> ~85 minutes left
Be witness
Other urls found in this thread:
it's happening
May Kek bless
I have my rabbit foot out and will do everything in my power to guarantee that Moloch gets
more like 8 hours left t b h
>eight 8's
>Heil Hitler
>yfw the 88888888 get resurrects Uncle Adolf
The Reich will rise again
Some user last night had much better math then you and said it won't be until another 6-8 hours
it will be a psy-op (((mod))) get
Gonna be a shit get, just wait and see.
2 hours 43 minutes 21 seconds
screencap this
1= singularity
2= duality of man
3= trinity and mans relationship with the divine
4= the nature of life and the sun
5= aether
6= void
7= heavenly bodies and the like
8= absolution, divinity
9= god consciousness, inexplicability
0= absence, nothing, nirvana
okay lets see how close you are
>implying it won't be a bot get
I'm going to post my doggo. Hope he gets the 8s and becomes a meme.
"the doggo of 8s" they'll call him.
The closer we get the more board will invade and Plebbit will be here too, once there's a big get close things start to go lightspeed fast.
You might want to recalculate that. It's actually ~850 seconds with the numbers you posted
~850 minutes I mean
It'll be a Kek script get. The last one was. Anybody got the screencap? It was
885555555 or something.
Probably gonna be a shitty get
It'll be a fuckshow since 50 people will try to use a script all at the same time.
>implying it won't predict a Trump victory
The get will mark the second coming of lord KEK.
Get will be a KEK post, there is no way to avoid it.
Get will contain info for further steps.
Salvation starts at the get.
The fact that so many people use scripts makes it random again, so kek can show us his will.
blessed is the swarm
It'll be another Sup Forums get.
kek is a false idol-
your virgin power and imagination can change the universe, if you all together hate hillary very much, she will die.
keke is just sigil to unifiy and focus
t: grand wizard
tis the time of the great reveal
Is it time?
If a faggot drops to his knees in a forest, can anyone hear his suckles?
Just checking
Praise him!
You dropped this
How does a script work?
It basically autoposts when the number is due to come up. It can sometimes fuck up and post too late. Google Sup Forums Get Script and look at the YouTube videos.
Next get will be in next 19 hours
>1 post per 0.8 seconds
Trump will win the presidency. Any and all disasters that will fall on earth is cancelled indefintly. A mutation in niggers makes them a bit more smarter, enough to take care of themself without gibs.
Jews are burned for 1000 years for their treachery. Any left will stop their shit.
What's the origin of that weird frog picture? Isn't it on some killers manifesto or some shit
It's horrifying!
>Reply „yes" if you agree
How did a nigger like you manage to operate a calculator?
Did you get rewarded for using the abacus in 10th grade?
Trump will win
Trump will win
Clinton's death is near
Trump will win, kek wills it
Hillary will croak
kek is great
Hillary wins. Dies. Biden takes the reins
Kek is the end-all be-all
Australia will be banned along with fucking leaf.
Don't fuck this up Sup Forums.
>tfw this is going to be the highlight of my week
Too early for this shit.
The NWO won't allow Trump to win.
Dead men dont rise.
Simply delight
How the fuck did we go from 77777777 to 88888888 so fucking fast?
Like shit, has traffic gone done skyrocketed lately?
Its all the Hillary shills that keep raiding us.
Heil Hitler!
Also I'll probably be in class still so I'll miss chance to see this once in a lifetime get unfortunately.
going to crack a nice brew when this big boy lands.
oath cunt.
It's fucking redditors, Sup Forums has exploded recently.
Is this bad then? Everything changes.
Yes, it's bad. It's full of memers and shitpotsing.
>tfw Sup Forums is on the way to becoming as bad as Sup Forums
Ask kek for help.
it won't happen in this thread
Its bad when thing change for worst
It's probably an art project or some band.
Fuck it's probably Chris Jericho.
That reply number
check em
My bus to work is 'b31' I consider my ID better than quads
LOL numerologists! My GF is one!
...but, then again, she is right about a lot of stuff.....
Those digimon...
shills, sjws, CTRs amd the like are accelerating our meme magic
Kek witholds his blessing to you this day.
Turn off the computer and contemplate how to realign yourself with kek
When will it be OP
Hi this is Kek, and I fully support this initiative.
If you think kek won't punish you for impersonating him, think again.