or you're a faggot

> or you're a faggot

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nah mate let 'em do what they want desu cunt

Vote yes so they can shut the fuck up and we can move on to other more important issues.

>he doesn't want to recruit the faggots to fight against Muslims and chinks
Silly bugguh

>he thinks they move on after they get what they want

Have you not been paying attention? Give an inch and they take a mile. Next thing you know trannies are getting doctors to reassign their 4 year old kids so they can marry muslim goats.

No fucking way that shit will happen here m800. Most people I have spoken to think that is fucking stupid. I also don't live in Melbourne so I'm not surrounded by left wing fuckwits.

>what is safe schools

I agree, OP. Vote no or you're a fag enabler.

You're a retard if you think that won't happen there. It happens to literally every country that goes down this path, it's inevitable.

Fuck no cunt.