or you're a faggot

> or you're a faggot

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nah mate let 'em do what they want desu cunt

Vote yes so they can shut the fuck up and we can move on to other more important issues.

>he doesn't want to recruit the faggots to fight against Muslims and chinks
Silly bugguh

>he thinks they move on after they get what they want

Have you not been paying attention? Give an inch and they take a mile. Next thing you know trannies are getting doctors to reassign their 4 year old kids so they can marry muslim goats.

No fucking way that shit will happen here m800. Most people I have spoken to think that is fucking stupid. I also don't live in Melbourne so I'm not surrounded by left wing fuckwits.

>what is safe schools

I agree, OP. Vote no or you're a fag enabler.

You're a retard if you think that won't happen there. It happens to literally every country that goes down this path, it's inevitable.

Fuck no cunt.


it wiII happen mate.
Not immediateIy, but it wiII.
Never give mentaIIy iII peopIe a foot to stand on.

Leaf, the fuck do you know about what goes on here?

We don't have safe schools, and we never will, they'll just create more problems. If you aren't gonna get bullied for being a faggot, you'll get bullied by other faggots for being fat or ugly.

>We don't have safe schools, and we never will,


NSW, NT and QLD, ACT don't have any so its all good.

Theres some in ACT, im a fucking blind cunt

Slippery slope man, don't believe thee people who say there is no such thing. They know there is, they just want to use it and for you not to believe that there is such a thing

>mfw this prick

t. Faggot

Fag here, vote fucking no so they have to keep pushing for this shit while everyone else focuses on actual important issues. Give them this and they might choose something that actually matters next time.


yeah okay sure thing. i will take time out of my life to go and vote for something i don't care about. for sure, see you there.

haha i will also pay my taxes!

vote no so that we can tell the leftist to fuck off and we are a homophobic nation and they should move to canada

What's going on cunts?

they want everyone to vote if fags can get married but the leftist cunts don't want to let us all decide because they know the silent majority will vote no and they will get BFTO

fags should be able to get married because divorce is good for the economy
why do they make it a political issue
fuck politics

they can come up with their own shit mate, we have civil union which grants them the same rights as married people.

the government should just say they no longer issue marriage licenses and leave it up to the churches

I recommend every listen to Cory Bernardi's most recent podcast on it

basically the surmise is that parliament has rejected any change to marriage 16 times, the left has seen this and STILL demands another review, so when the Liberals say "ok, obviously we can't decide, we'll ask the people" the left says "No some hypothetical spaz kid will kill himself or something, trust me"

Fuck I hate Labor so much, I'm voting 'no' out of spite

they don't even see that pushing this shit is making people hostile towards it


Australia has always being a bit behind American political trends. It may take a while, it may come to be through different types of events & have localisation issues, but the outcomes will be the same

> see safe schools

What are the pros and cons of voting yes and no respectively?

Faggots can you please get the fuck off my board? Go back to where you fucking came from