A mixture of nationalism/traditionalism with the Scandinavian model of socialism is the best form of governemnt for the white man.
Prove me wrong. Top tip: you can't.
>inb4 ameriburgers with their "muh individualism" memes
A mixture of nationalism/traditionalism with the Scandinavian model of socialism is the best form of governemnt for the white man.
Prove me wrong. Top tip: you can't.
>inb4 ameriburgers with their "muh individualism" memes
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High taxes combined with a welfare state is not socialism you duck
Scandinavian socialism is the meme form of socialism
whites are degenerate by nature. they should be wiped out.
It's social democracy, which is an attempt to synthesise socialist ideas with capitalism.
t. Soros fueling race tension for his divide and conquer strategy
Yes, socialist ideas in their broadest sense are a white mans idea. Whites evolved strong morals and empathy for each other, hence why we can be shamed into accepting shitskins.
Only if you can hack it, we Anglos can't. You have to be Germanic or Nordic to make that ideal work.
One problem. Nationalism and Traditionalism cannot be combined with pozzed Nordic Socialism. Your ideal system literally breeds dependent sterile faggots who will never perpetuate society.
>b-but traditionalism!
Traditionalism only makes sense if traditional family structures are necessary. You know what renders them unnecessary? Nordic Socialism that carries you from cradle to grave.
Thus any Secular Liberal society, no matter how well intentioned or traditionalist in bent, will inevitably be destroyed by Social Democracy because it is a Kike plot to laser-target everything that makes a society sustainable.
You reorganise the policies to support nationalist/tradionalist ideas. For example, special privileges, like grants and benefits, for married couples with children. Especially if they will have more than 3 and they are educated/intelligent.
They get addicted to drugs alot quicker then any other race
You speak of degeneracy but I only see taste and art de vivre.
they're only useful as prostitutes, both genders. seriously, I'm sorry but that's fact.
Looks Finnish
I discuss that with my local korean massage service. I'm always in a talkative mood after I got my load off.
I still apreciate your white language skills though
no its just a democracy with extra theft
you're right
Sounds crap m8
>>anti white
>>posts most classy example of whites
>American saying dumb shit about politics
How typical. Nobody cares about your opinion, your country is 60% white. The real figure is even lower than that, since most spics are classed as white in your country.
Lmfao white girls are hawt but asians can't pull so they only know the prostitutes hahahaha lmfao
You think getting blind drunk and then putting your cock inside a kangaroo sounds good, so your opinion is invalid.
I agree with the brit. So long as we are talking ethno nationalism and not civic nationalism
a constitutional republic consisting of independently governed states to best eliminate government bureaucracy is objectively the best for white people
i wish cuck yuropoors would just fuck off of this board. these "people" are so desperate for big daddy government to shove their cock down their throat at every opportunity. subhumans
Korea you are in no place to talk about women considering all of yours were such dirt tier that their only worth was being sex slaves for the japs
> model of socialism
Stop with this socialismus meme, it's never ever going to fucking work.
Yes. For people of European descent.
Is that why Norway is one of the best, if not the best, place to live for middle class whites?
And working class whites.
Reminder that we were the 8th most powerful military in the world before not-socialism
>middle class whites
You mean economic slaves?
You as a european should know that northern europe doesn't have socialism. We have social democracy
A fucking gook
Speaking of which, most of your women are sex trade workers
You and I share the same ideology, friendo. I just hope you're prepared for some fascism to get the ball rolling.
>muh individualism and muh feefees
The individual is nothing without the social body.
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/88806926
Don't make us fight another war on your land, Kim.
Instead of just McDonalds, we'll leave you with all the marxist crap which is ruining the West.
I though there were a lot of natsocs here?
Someone explain the Nazi's idea of socialism
>population lower than massachusetts
>ethnically homogeneous
>96% white
>small country so regional differences are obsolete
>spend nothing on military
Yeah if the US were an isolationist confederacy, kicked out 95% of all the non-white population, including kikes, then maybe socialism would work here too.
White societies have always been able to take care of their own and dont need governement welfare
Hows the EU going m8? do you not see the problem with socialism? Your whites only pipe dream is just that, a dream.
No you moron, socialism is purely just worker controlled means of production.
Social democracy is not a terrible model if you have a high trust society where you can reasonably expect people to be acting in good faith. The moment politicians start borrowing money for gibs or importing migrants and start pretending they're a colorblind multicultural nation, it's over. You can have free shit or open borders, not both.
America is a shit hole and already lost. It's culturally Jewish (worships the jewish shekel) and below 60% white.
The only way to rescue it is for states to secede, but even cultural kikeism will exist.
I'm talking specifically for Europe. And yes, it would require whites only, which is the whole point. We get rid of them and have a government for whites.
Look you social democracy, retard.
That's the idea that gave rise to the welfare states. It was a response by Western European elites to stave off revolutions in their own countries.
>nationalism/traditionalism with the Scandinavian model of socialism
>is the best form of government for the white man.
>national... socialism
ta daah
Hence why I said for Europeans only.
No you're thinking Jewish Plutocracy
ye we have it pretty good in here, but unemployed ppl get too much welfare and retarded people are left to live as a burden for the society
I specifically didn't mention national socialism because its aesthetic is done for and people view it as immoral. Nor would I support the type of rhetoric used by Nazi's. I'm not interested in a repeat of Nazi Germany.
> muh white skin will fix socialism
You can't fix socialism retard, socialism is broken.
Which is what unrestrained capitalism always leads to. Hence why I'm arguing for reconciling capitalism with socialism. Keep private ownership, but use the state.
I would even support many syndicalist ideas (like giving workers shares in the companies they work for).
I'm not arguing for socialism in the Marxian sense I.e. worker or state control over everything.
And yes, having a white, culturally homogenous population, that is instilled with an ideology of loving your country and people will fix it. Nationalism is the only form of true socialism, where even the people of the lowest social rung will be contributing to the good of the nation.
Would it be perfect or entirely void of problems? Obviously not, but I'd be better than the vapid, nihilistic, liberal societies we have now, where everything is subjected to finance and profit for its own sake.
I'm down with socialism as long as it's all white people in that society and they all contribute.
>americans invented individualism
New Labour really did rung out our traditions, didn't they?
An aunty of mine is a retard (can't speak, has terrible control over her body, etc). She was born perfectly healthy, but medical negligence turned her into a retard.
So what should be done with her? She should be murdered by the state?
>Hence why I said for Europeans only.
Not even that. The nordic model wouldn't work with individualistic cultures like France or Italy that cannot into authoritarianism.
The mindset of nordic countries is very different, they're natural collectivists, culturally predisposed to form high trust society based on a strong consensus.
You can have some amount of collectivized services in most societies, just not full blown socialism.
New Labour is/was toryism with welfare and lefty rhetoric.
I'm not suggesting full blown socialism. Nordic societies are not full blown socialism.
its not, socialism and protectionism will only breed degeneracy in the long run. this or you rule the country with a iron fist censoring any "degenerate" media, and other thought crimes but such system wouldn't breed any innovation in the long run. It would turn into a private playground for the rulling party.
Isn't it ironic how WWII was fought against people who were doing that very same thing?
>Italians can't into authoritarianism
>What is Mussolini
>What is the Roman Empire
Italians invented Authoritarianism bruh
All European societies were authoritarean less than 100 years ago and were for their entire history. It's only within the last 60 years that leftism has really seeped in and changed the culture.
>It would turn into a private playground for the rulling party.
Checks and balances would have to be implemented to prevent that.
>its not, socialism and protectionism will only breed degeneracy in the long run.
And the current system doesn't breed degeneracy on a daily basis?
>muh collectivism and muh feefees
>I can't think, act, or work for myself so I want to have the government do it for me
No white working man, that earns an honest living, supports any socialist idea. Protip: socialism is the brainchild of the eternal NEETs of our society. Marx was a NEET, and so is Sanders, and so is every flavor of socialist on this board. Try working for a living, then tell us about how you'd like to give more money to the state.
>supports any socialist idea
right because military, police, fire, and roads are all really stupid ideas that no working white man would ever support.
>wants to have a white nationalist socialist traditionalist society
>doesn't think he is a Nazi
How do you propose eliminating people of different races or ethnicities from your meme society? There is literally no moral or just way to do that. Your grandfathers that fought the Nazis would be ahsamed to read your posts today.
I believe it does so because of the two previously mentioned culprits(socialism and protectionism). this user put it well into words
>Traditionalism only makes sense if traditional family structures are necessary
in socialism, you don't need a family or a supporting society (church) no matter how weak you are. this creates the phenomenon known as "degeneracy". For example in a modern society nothing stops you from being polygamist lifestyle, because whats the worst thing that can happen? the state will pay for your AIDS bills and if you give birth to a bastards thats even better - the state will pay for all of it.
another thing is, I don't thing is, you can't force tradionalism in a forceful manner as such goes against it. You can only encourage such lifestyle via reason. And whats the reason, or benefit from living in a tradionalistic manner today? making more kids and having a good job so you can pay more taxes for welfare queens? go figure where such structure is going to evolve the society after a few generations.
socialism exists in nearly every form of government, at least the ones that actually work. you lolbertarians and anarchocapitalists can fuck off.
It isn't about what you're giving to the state it's about what programs that money is going into and what you're getting back.
the current system in the US is retarded because government is currently fighting to get bigger and bigger so it can justify higher salaries for politicians who don't get shit done. we are losing big time in this system.
Government services /= Socialism
Take a fucking economics class and learn what a public good is.
eh fucking typos, shit that happens when you edit the post to much and forget the previous parts. I hope you can figure out my intentions though.
>muh morals
in the US we had internment camps for both japanese and italians
we had slavery and segregation too, for a really long time. Segregation didn't end until 1964. Most of our parents can probably remember going to all white schools, assuming you're white.
These aren't new concepts. Your problem is that you still haven't crossed the plane to where muh morals is not an argument. You must be new here.
>another American with retarded views of politics
Socialism in its broadest sense predates Marx by thousands of years, you retard.
>A mixture of nationalism/traditionalism with the Scandinavian model of socialism
Traditionalism doesnt give a fuck about these decadent """"progressive"""" ideas like socialism and nationalism
I never suggested that they need to be eliminated.
There are ways to do a peaceful transition. I'm sure there would be riots and trouble, but the majority will leave peacefully, with some agreement with their governments and some financial aid.
>government owned
>not socialist
>anything owned by the government means socialism!
Spotted the libertarian retard.
some state interference is required or else you end up in a anarchy (which over time return to a non anarchy system) the way you put the line is one of the hardest questions for libertarians, I personally advocate for using the tragedy of the commons theorem.
Basically if something is too inefficient, due lets say limited resources (e.g roads) or harmful in a competitive environment (co2 emissions) you can excused to solve such via the state. However you have to be very careful, you can fuck shit up very easly even with the best intentions.
>The individual is nothing without the social body.
How fucking spooked are you right now?
Leave a new born baby in the middle of nowhere and see what happens, dummy.
But muh morals IS an argument. Here in America, some of us still unironically believe in liberty, justice, and equality. Not because muh brainwashing or whatever your strawman is bound to be, but because some of us have objectively reached the conclusion that freedom is GREAT. based on facts... free societies of the world are objectively the best places to live. Societies that engage in ethnic cleansing or full blown socialism are absolute shit tier. Prove me wrong.
>inb4 its because they are nonwhite, eastern europe has many examples of white nations destroyed by socialism.
>he has the mental capacity of a 14 year old
Why do you have to be like this? Why are you incapable of understanding consequences?
Your arguments only consist of your own personal feelings, and poorly thought out arguments such as
Yeah, let's look at a small, techincally advanced country with oil reserves and a homogeneous population and assume that the same would apply everywhere else.
Norway is not successful due to social democracy, it is successful in spite of it.
We are not arguing for full state ownership over the means of production like in the Soviet Union, retard.
Let's see how "muh freedums" is working out for you
>60% white (real number is much less)
>entire cities taken over by niggers and spics
>ruled by an oligarchy only interested in real politik and shekels
>white minority within 3 or 4 decades
Stuff your freedumbs up your ass, mate. I'd rather have a homogenous society based on an organic state than 20 different brands of coca cola.
Where will they go? You'd be loading up hundreds of thousands of people a year into boxcars, taking them from their homes, their jobs, everything.. then send them where? What about a half-poo, half-white qt that was born in britain? Does she get to stay? What if she is married to a white guy? You are advocating deporting all non-whites for the sake of having a homogenous society.. this proves how delusional you are m8. It will never happen.. Your beliefs are not anywhere close to being based in reality. The mere fact that NatSocs resort to use of government force to accomplish their racial purity plans proves how they lack any critical thinking. The only real solution is to close the borders, severely limit migration. This is a real goal that can really be accomplished. Trump is about to make it happen. Fucking Nazi faggots saying we need to have a homogeneous white society are counterproductive to people like me, who still believe in freedom, but don't want to keep letting 3rd worlders into our countries. Because now I get labled a Nazi with you lot of idiots just becausr I'm voting Trump and want to build a wall.
Sweden + no immigration+physical removal + anti-sexual degeneracy laws + limited sufferage + expanded powers for monarchy + state capitalism = best system
>Yeah, let's look at a small, techincally advanced country with oil reserves and a homogeneous population and assume that the same would apply everywhere else.
Calls others dumb, makes strawman arguments.
I already said, the societies would have to made homogenous through education and other means, such as sending back shitskins and Muslims.
Most European counties aren't that large. If you sent back all the non-whites, the populations would decrease substantially.
Norway isn't the only example. We have your country, Denmark, and Finland.
>in spite of it
Good post, agreed.
>Where will they go?
-stop new arrivals
-put criminal immigrants to labour camps and/or deport them (depending on crime)
- stop supporting their culture and finance anti racist/shitskin organizations
this way you would get rid of most troubled elements, some will leave on their own, while those who stay would be fever and easier to assimilate
How is that a strawman? You are literally the one making the strawman by bringing in Norway as an example.
All of these countries would be better off with smaller governments, you cuck.
We pay 56% of our GDP in taxes, and it is not sustainable, even if you take immigrants out of the equation.
says the korean. east asians are next boyo. your women hate you guys.
Yes, I agree with all of that.
The Brit I've been arguing with seems to want to just round up everyone that isn't white.. regardless of circumstances.
I'll probably get memed and heckled and told that that IS IN FACT what we want here on Sup Forums
But in reality everyone knows this is a terrible idea for many many reasons.
Like, what would you have us do? Deport all the blacks to Africa? No matter how much I hate niggers I will admit it would be a literal ateocity of the highest magnitude. That act would forever be a shameful blight on America in world history, forever. Also it could have much more drastic reprocusions.. such as all American blacks, which are far more educated and talented than African blacks, unifying all of Africa under one grand dindu flag, and waging war on the West.
Wait, on second thought, that all sounds pretty awesome, let's do it!
Because you're saying that the societies would have to be homogeneous, something I already made clear, yet you are bringing it in support of your argument.
>We pay 56% of our GDP in taxes, and it is not sustainable, even if you take immigrants out of the equation.
Hence why I said a mixture of nationalism/tradionalism with the Scandinavia model.
The policies would have to be adjusted towards nationalist/tradionalist goals. Naturally, that would lead to many of the current liberal welfare policies being eradicated.
You don't know how good you have it in Sweden, you silly cunt.
>the government deserves 50%+ of my paycheck
fuck off