Satanists rule Russia and Putin is their leader

I'll try to translate something for you ive just found on russian Sup Forums.
So this is the logo of the biggest and most influent party in russian parliament. It's called "United Russia" and its been ruling the country for more than 10 years already.
Look like regular bear, right?

Other urls found in this thread:фактология/потреблятство/6085-миром-правят-символы-и-знаки-о-логотипе-партии-«единая-россия».html

>looks like
It is a fucking bear.

Bear. This is how logo of "United Russia" looks like.

looks like a bear to me

Is it really bear? Look closer. Its a fucking goat.




Eбaть, Baлepий Aлeкceeвич, вы ли этo?


That goat sure has a bears head.

Putin sucks dick

You went full retard, Ivan. As always.

Dude, lay off that self-made vodka, it's not good for you


Im atheist and dont believe in gods and all this shit, but sure some rich and pwerful people do. You remember hillary sacrificing an fucking chiken, right?
Lets have a look at feet. Looks like some kind of writing, word or name. Lets turn it down.
Doesnt look like a indo-european language. Wtf is it? lets try hebrew.
If we try to use selective method we will "Jesus" in hebres.
Just cut it little bit.
So legs are not legs but a name. Name of jesus in hebrew.
The name is flipped.
What does it mean? What's gonna happen if you flip the name of chtist?
"Christ" conversely, "Antichrist".
Who are you talking about?

Russian translation of "United Russia party" шы "пapтия eбинaя poccия"
пapтия-6 letters
eбинaя-6 letters
poccия-6 letters


Hey Ivan let's make a super secret satanic organisation
- ok
- it's super secret I'll kill you if someone finds out
But we the logo is satanic

Yuo are drunk Ivan ivanovotch

Im giggling and not going to translate the rest, you can read the original here. The author goes full "FUCKING JEWS" mod. Thank you for you attention.

inb4 >http not clicking dis shit

Boт из зa этoгo нac нaзывaют yнтepмeньшeм. Идиoт.

That's not a goat, that's a fucking raccoon.

Nobody calls me like that irl, pidrila. HUURRR I CANT HAVE FUN BECAUSE WESTERNERS WOULD THINK BAD ABOUT ME DURRRRRRR. Also pls prove the rest about hebrew letter is shit.

>if you take a bear, remove distinct features and distort it it may kinda look like a goat if you're on drugs
Take your pills.

no. All this "arrryaaaa this is not true" made me to translate the rest.

You can't say anything bad about Russia on Sup Forums

Too many Russia shills and they're extremely effective with their propaganda here

soon it will finish my friend

Oh Ivan, take some pickles and metvurst, too much vodka is making you something something...

>You can't say anything bad about Russia on Sup Forums
Whats the fucking point the retards drink themselves to oblivion and shill against eachother.

>Too many Russia shills and they're extremely effective with their propaganda here
wew lad really says something about the quality of other posters here...
if you're losing propaganda war to these retards then you fully deserve it desu.


I really wish some retard from Sup Forums believes this russia le white haven meme and emigrates here. Talk about rude awakening.

anyone with even a modicum of knowledge of history knows who the real evil was and should have been destroyed, well before (or even in place of) Hitler

WTF, this is creepy.

>well before
may be
>or even in place of
no sry, its same shit, you just leave the right to kill russian for germans instead of commies

ive just found funny video on porasha and googled "united russia coat of arms". pics are from 1st result.



the unbearable truth is out at last....

i knew this half a year ago.

whats the matter ? putin is a mason. and masons worship a goat.

Interesting find Ivan.

russia is masonic.

>You remember hillary sacrificing an fucking chiken, right?

I remember her and Janet Reno ordering federal law enforcement to burn children to death

you mean that type of stuff?

WHOA that really convinced me, i hate Russia now, i love CNN FOX and MSNBC propaganda now


>You can't say anything bad about Russia on Sup Forums

horse manure,

in Russia every single woman dreams of growing up to become a prostitute, Russians will typically let you rape their granny for a buck

all thanks to the Orthodox church

fuck that shithole Russia is a nation of whores

many Russian Americans will tell you this is why they are ashamed of their Russian heritage

goat doesnt stay calm, he gores. isnt it obvious?
vodka is for bourgeois! russians drink lotion. they sell it in drugstore and it doesnt have alcohol excise in price, so its cheap.

кaкoй нaхyй кoзeл
гдe кoзeл

Why do you have to spook me like that, Innokentiy?

read the rest, put the link gigher))))

no u dont get me.

all world leaders are in that club.

look at most countries flags...

ты чё, пcинa eбaнaя, бaдaющий кoзёл, пpoтpи глaзa, cтeклoмoйный)))))00000


>all world leaders are in that club.

and most of them have no idea what it means or where it came from

they think devils have horns

You Were the Chosen One .... You were supposed to bring balance to the west

I have been pondering whether Putin is fighting the saturn worshipers or working towards there ends for a minute now what do you have?

ты oт нeгo кycoчки oтpeжь кaк ты oтpeзaл oт нoг тoгдa бyдeт пoхoжe

putin mason.

azazel haz horns.

you are talking about assimilated pidorashkas. true russian americans who fought communism and escaped from commies aren't ashemed of their heritage, there are few of them and you will never meet and know them or their descendants, pidor)))

His mother was jewish right or was that photo faked?

if putin is realy a "christian" leader, why does he use satanic symbols in that olympia ?

they are all in the club, fooling you.

United Russia may be a lot of things, but a front for satanism? Doubtfull. Though they do promote christianity and satanism relies heavily on christian dogma. Come to think of it, russian church was acting dispicable and avaricious with milliondollar watch fetish and luxury yahts for top priests. It kind of makes sense.

who cares ?

So they are giving him the good look in media so russia and china can try to nuke us in 2021-2025
preemptively with "moral" cover against the evil west supporting isis like joel skousen said?

they are all satanists.

poroshenko is satanist too. like putin. like obama.

all in da club.

Ukraine the bankers have been installing themselves into teh government in the open.

Looks like you watched too much of "REN TV" Ivan.
Go drink vodka and sacrifice a brain cell for your lord Putin.

forgot to tell that the goat isnt in calm posture, its striking something with horns

no nukes. propably marshall law and mass genocide gulag style in those camps.

nukes would be propably used against israel and muslims. since they both will never become westernized.

>inbr4 israel is democracy in middleast

all of these have two headed eagles, it derived from byzantine empire

I would not pay atention to that. Our politicians will declare themselves anything if it has the slightest prospect of benefiting their position. They also declared themselves honorary jews, honorary aryans, and honorari samurai.

modern coat of arms was changed, its not original imperial coat of arms. ill probably wright about its heraldry later.

are there no goats where you from?

Well it won't go down the way they think at least in America the military is very awake to it along with all the paranoid right wingers here. Every year saw a new record in gun sales etc.

>Fyromanians can't into history

can't say i'm surprised famalam

>honorari samurai
huh? i've never heard of this one.

Who founded byzantine? rome b4 that? keep going back until you hit Lord Marduk and then check out the S.A.A.L.M. group. just have fun running down the rabbit whole.
Also check out Saturn worship etc.

>masonry started in byzantime empire time.


We wuz samurai 'n' shiet.
>pls vote for me, I'm 146% legit samurai

You guys should check out saturn worship.
Also the S.A.A.L.M. group and Lord Marduk of Babylon. If you want to know who runs the detached capstone on top of the pyramid.

yes, they will use this gun law to moan down the people which resist.

they will simply diclare marshall law on a catasthropic event and most people will go to the emergency camps and those who resist will be killed.

guns wont help much.

they do it as cosmic mass sacrifice. all those wars are not for oil or profit. but for the sake of death and destruction.

they do it to feed the demonic entities which enjoy the death of mankind.

hes just shilling. heres why

>I would not pay atention to that

Problem is they don't have an army to do it with.

>Nobody calls me like that irl
Yeah, i've never seen spherical Earth irl. Fuck off, caжa.

they do have. not the US army of course!

im retard and dont want to write about the rest of material. so tldr from the rest of material:
1. logo of ruling party has clear meaning for hebrew speakers: everything party is doing has the strenght of "order, decree, commanded"
2. Tzav, section of tora about sacrifice and its order, is clearly pointed on the logo
3. Russia is victim of sacrifice. Bear is the symbol of Russia.Thats why goat(traditional animal for sacrifice) is hidden in silhouette of bear.

Ah, so you are that retard, again. Not gonna reply to this shit again. Bait me hard, senpai.

yes all true.

No not really the army is actively working against them and are quite red pilled right now.
They tried using the air force for support we said no, they changed names to ISIS tried again we still said no and we all have access via AKO and SIPR net to see their prison camp FM and stuff etc. we have seen them try to hire gaurds. We have doubled down on training newbies about constitutional orders etc.

nope sry, its not me. but i made 2 threads about maltsev in august without replies and attention(((((

It's still bear Anton...

Also they have been trying to train us to fight 'rouge" units of the army and to be honest it is hard to find someone who doesn't see the writing on the wall. General Flynn exposed white house support of ISIS on al-jazeera english but we all know how deep it goes and the military is pissed. The Brits Generals have also threatened coupe, also French Generals.
IDK about Germany though. If you think Americans haven't been getting prepped since Y2K and especially after obama took office in 2008 you haven't been paying attention. They are looosing and acting quite desperate especially now that we memed hillary to death.
That is why I worry about the nukes under rothchild claim in isreal. Also most zioniste jews seem to realize Soros is not their friend either.

yes i know all that. like again. american soldiers wont harm it citizen. their will be other forces involved.

USA consumes to much resources of the planet to the "globalists" dont want that.

you have mexicans in south, russians in north and chinese in west and cuba in west.

what u gonna do ?

red army soldiers who died in chapan kulak rebellion
rabuk mihai, klingel yakob, fustich yanosh, zaletski titus', horvat shtefan, KOSTYUNIN VASILI

who is going to take on US military plus american citizens the most heavily armed people on the face of the earth? When all the other militaries have no force projection?

communists killed by kulaks in kulak rebellion of 1921
bekker n.g., zaltsman i.i., bersh e.e., kesler i.i, volle i.i., sander i.i., gassman a., shterzer p.p., gosnitz i., shuller i. ya., german t.

You BEARly have a thread here user

Your just clawing for attention arent you

china can't into force projecting yet.
Putin said he would support american movement against globalists in our government viz texas secession movement so if trump gets in he knows we won't war him.
mexico is busy cutting each others heads off and their military is tiny and shit.
What is in texas would curb stomp mexico alone.

mexico, china, russia and cuba.
>most heavily armed people

it is a meme, wont help against a military.