What's your endgame /pol? Starting a family, working, retire young? What's the reason you wake up everyday?
What's your endgame /pol? Starting a family, working, retire young? What's the reason you wake up everyday?
Other urls found in this thread:
Suicide in late 30's
marrying and living on welfare
>What's the reason you wake up everyday?
Literally just to exist till the next day.
Advance my career, buy house on water with boat and cabin in the woods.
Fuck off from society
Genocide, pic related.
Any success so far?
To informative bant
I have become augmentated to take the delegates from you, Dahnald.
Dying alone, forgotten and bitter.
Being the spark that sets the world on fire.
>what's the reason you wake up everyday?
To get some delegates at the crack of dawn.
Really Canada is your number 1 property? Man Hispanic conquered you quicker than I tough.
t. Schizoid
>mass shooting + suicide in late 30's
There is no reason I wake up everyday I just do it and accept it
Dahnald you know why we're here.
Making enough money for hair transplantation.
If you try this we WILL burn down the white house again this time with Trump and his family in it
Jeremy, the members
Currently working towards an eng degree. I want a normal, quiet life with a decent woman and several kids. Away from niggers and shitskins. I want to raise my kids to be intelligent and well rounded human beings, to be people that can inherit the country without destroying it...
>What's the reason you wake up everyday?
Becoming filthy rich. Live an incognito life somewhere with a big farmland, occasionally funding right wing parties so they can BTFO lefties and provide me amusement and libtard cuck tears to sip in front of the fireplace after a long day in the fields, while normies enjoy their culturally vibrant and rich 50% black muslim polluted cities
Maybe a family one day to continue my bloodline. I am actually unable to bond with other people, but Sup Forums has redpilled me now and i truly believe a childless life is absolute degeneracy. I will endure the hassle for the sake of the white race
That and shitposting
Come get em Teddy your a mess!
Marry loyal 7/10 wife, pop a couple kids, our own house, a steady job making about 50k or so. Also a dog.
If I can get these things before 35 y/o, i'll be just fine.
I really want to meet the girl soon though
fucking kek
I went off politics for a bit since july and I was surprised to see the labour leadership race is still ongoing to this day. wtf is labour thinking, even the media seems to have gotten bored and stopped reporting on it.
I'm 18 and have so many issues I don't even know what I want in life or what my interests and desires are.
im 23. finishing up school. don't want to marry until 30+. probably don't want kids. don't want to retire quite honestly. I like working and being a constructive part in society. I want to better myself and learn more about the world, and have fun doing it.
Hand over the delegates
This is the correct answer
Killing yourself is too scary, just slowly poison your body until it dies naturally. Play the long game.
getting trump elected and purging leddit from my boards
Become a NEET 5 Star General.
get money to buy a plot of land in middle of nowhere, maybe find wife with similar idea. Get good hunting dogs and go live in mostly isolation and self sufficing with my dogs and possibly wife.
im a student at the moment. i have a potential wife lined up at my local brothel. shes a genuine 8/10 with the perfect body.
gonna try to get her to leave and get a proper job so we can get married.
Starting a family
But I'll probably just end up killing myself
Getting my children through this insane times. I hope my children will have a long and happy life, wonderful partners and wonderful and healthy (white, please be white) children.
After that my second strongest wish is to live long and be healthy myself together with my husband and mother and sisters.
Probably going this route.
That ought to end well.
hookers need love too bro
Study. Work. Create. To build something that will last.
I wouldn't fight in most wars
But if there ever was one against Canada or Mexico, I'm going in. I fucking hate you cunts.
My family has been in America for centuries working the same farms in the same county of the same state. Basically all I want to do is run them successfully and pass them on to my son. I swear to god if he sells the land when I die I will haunt him
To fulfill my political ambitions, but I am going to need a lot of money to accomplish that. Ideally, I'd like to make that money in a way that will make me famous. All that aside, however, I'd also like to have as big of a family as feels natural/ I can support, so a lot of money really is necessary.
I'm not going to war with Canada. We can't risk losing the White House a second time.
Fair dinkum?
This Tbh lads I don't give a shit about accomplishing anything anymore, I just want a cute wife and kids to love
Go Iceland
yeah lad
shes into me as well
she charges 50 extra for kissing but i get it for free
Applying to law school soon.
If I can get into a t14 at a substantial discount I'll do that and then aim for prestigious PI gig or biglaw for 3-5 years, save up some fat stacks then do something different, maybe take some time off and travel the third world so it goes farther.
If I can't get a decent discount to a good school I'll probably teach for another year. I want to take up boxing and there's a gym half a block away from me so I might relaunch my amateur boxing career. I'm trying to launch a blog re: first amendment issues and land use policy (mainly as a means for building up a portfolio for aforementioned PI gigs).
I was thinking of marrying my gf and having kids but lately she's acting more and more irresponsible and I'm starting to see her as less long term material.
I don't know, lad. Do you ever feel like you're just drifting in the wind? I don't have any endgame, I've been a NEET for nearly 7 years now. I can't envision what I could be doing in the future and I don't have any motivation to do anything and I don't know what I want to do
>tfw my last 7 years have literally just been
>wake up
>brush teeth
>walk dog
>eat breakfast
>browse computer for 10 hours
>eat supper
>browse computer for 5-10 hours
>go to sleep
>for seven fucking years
>can't envision what I could be doing otherwise
Finish degree.
Get job on 60-90k per year before 26.
Find gf.
Possibly marry around 29-early30s
Hopefully kids around then
Hopefully wife doesn't divorce me before 40, but i'll secretly store money in off shore accounts or keep it in botcoin in case.
If no gf or wife i'll likely be relatively wealthy, hit million mark by 40, maybr even start my own company. Keep working to 55-60, then maybe become a teacher and move to a country town
Lancaster, PA?
try to become self-sufficient with just a 4-year biology degree
be able to afford 1 bottle of okayish wine per week
maintain an internet connection
spend my time working on my "art"
convince faggots to buy it
use my vat art wealth to take care of siblings & parents
a) Turn myself into a man worth being proud of and worth looking up to
b) Find myself a woman of similar quality and breed numerous children
c) Make the money to give those children the same opportunities I was given and more
d) Fight the Decline
I take it he was agreeable?
Because I want...to fit.....in
Sounds pretty comfy. How do you get neetbux?
holy shit bro learn how to program or something goddamn
at least you brush your teeth & shower, man
also, good on you for walkin' the dog
that's something
1.) buy plot of land
2.) marry partner & impregnate
3.) get a house kit
>see greenmagichomes.com
4.) spend live reviving Tesla's electro magnetic field energy
5.) home school kids
6.) hold my wife as my strength and vitality slips away and wish my kids the best on their journey.
Adult responsibility. House, wife, family business.
Bloody hell.
explain to me why store money in offshore accounts
Always hearing this but never understood
W-where did he go!?
Make enough money to live somewhere nice and safe
Get good internet for once in my life
That's it really, would add getting a gf/wife on there but I'm trying to keep it realistic.
Does your heart need a reason to beat?
Do your lungs need a reason to breathe?
Do your cells need a reason to divide?
We continue living or not because that is what we do and anything else is a post-rationalization.
Close man, southern Maryland
wrong side of the border faggot
It's always the American niggers and spics that talk about genociding Leafs desu, it's never the white americans.
Become even more successful and richer than my father. Become very powerful.
Do something to improve mankind, something I will be remembered for. Some kind of technological, social, scientific progress.
Get an 11/10 wife and many many kids to inheret my wealth.
Buy a massive estate in Italy, France or Spain that produces wine, grows food and makes olive oil.
You shouldn't have an endgame. Your goal should be to wake up in the morning and go work some shitty 8 hour job you hate for the Jews and for the government. You shouldn't get anything out of it, that's degenerate. Throw your life away for Hillary Clinton, otherwise I will portray you as a hedonistic, selfish person.
OP here thanks for the answers lads and making this my most successful post yet
shut your face and create goals you low-expectation-having-nigger.
I want a wife and child within the next few years. I got the idea planned out in my head just one step at a time
Keep working in Oil field until the ride comes to an end. 70k in bad times as a college dropout is hard to walk away from even though I'm exposed to horrible chemicals every day.
Use considerable savings to hunker down and finish college with an engineering degree.
If everything plays out nicely I'd like to make 3-4 kids and raise them in a good home that I wish I had.
Be a snow bird when I get old and die at an appropriate time.
Pretty much this, add in some education in there somewhere, and you've got my plan.
Making a big white redpilled family to trigger the jew.
We can co-exist cunt I know we can!
>What's the reason you wake up everyday?
chinese cartoon children.
All I want is to be a wife and mother but I'm too shy to put myself out there and date so I'm fucked.
>What's the reason you wake up everyday?
Because i want to. I know this world is boring, but better than being dead that's gets you nothing. similar to when you didn't exist. So basically i like the adventure of this world, what's gonna happen next. something like that. Could literally give 2 shit for building a family or having a kid... wtf that's not happiness Literally would kill myself to support another human waste. The point is just let world run and see what's going to happen. That's it.
Finishing up uni and moving out of here -
I don't see myself having a family with a Swedish woman teebz
>having a family
>retiring young
pick one beta
Make Children, raise them right, and spent the rest of my life with my beautiful wife.
you can't cooperate with the US, you can fuck off until you can learn to get along with your brother.
Fuck off Justin
Leafs are soft now. They stand 0 chance even against a single ISIS member
damn, that's what i call life and freedom, everything else in this world is just boring.
My dream
All those losers itt planning to commit suicide: you're an embarassment to the white race (if you're even white)
Pls redeem yourself and stage your mass shooting at a mosque or synagogue
I'm not the one governing the country, BTW vote no for the gay-marriage shit the outcry will be glorious!
that sounds like love to me
you worry me, mate.
Me too user, honestly the hardest part is finding a girl these days that's down with all that. Almost every girl I talk to, if kids ever get brought up, they immediately drop the "I'm never having kids" meme and it really makes you feel hopeless sometimes
Move to a slightly (emphasis on slightly) less pozzed nation, enjoy life, become successful, get married.