
>Be rich and powerful
>Be surrounded by famous actors
>Have produced a lot of masterpieces

>Fucked everything for the pussy

Seriously, why? Ok, I'm a 29 yo virgin neet, etc etc. But c'mon!
He was famous and he have destroyed his carreer only for a good pussy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>only for a good pussy

Good pussy and good looking kids is the #1 reason to get rich.

He was getting away with it for decades.
Something different this time.

yea but when you're this rich you can get good pussy in other ways, like inviting literally who instagram sluts to your huge yacht and banging them all

wizard here

Normies cant handle power without being forceful. its not in their blood they have little to no empathy for anything beside themselves.

when you belong to (((((THEM))))) you think you can get away with EVERYTHING.

Everybody in power does this. Only feminists and numales think it's outrageous.

But c'mon!

Dude, c'mon! Dude!

But c'mon!


But c'mon!

He did it because he is part of an ethnoreligious supermacist tribe who believe anyone who is not them are worth less than farm animals. So he risked everything to fulfill his sadomasochist sexual desire to humiliate and denigrate goy shiskas. Something the Jews in Hollywood have been doing for 100 years. His big mistake was he was too flagrant about it.

Normies can't handle power but robots are too autistic to attain it from scratch.
This is why inherited power resulted in far more great leaders than anything else.

The mind of the jew is a labyrinth of degeneracy.

both correct

There are probably a lot worse kikes in the industry who do this shit. I expect more people to come forth.

You okay, bud?


The funniest part about it was how he thought just focusing on the NRA and saying he was gonna dedicate his life or whatever to fighting it would absolve him of all this

LOL. King Jew was a fucking brainlet

>literally who instagram sluts

There is actually bigger risk there than with actresses. He has leverage over actresses. Instagram sluts could expose him without repercussions for their "career". Sure, the shitstorm would be much smaller but also possibly more frequent. Then there is bragging rights.

But c'mon! I just imagined someone typing that as if projecting this whole persona onto a post --of their overenthusiastic exasperation. But c'mon! It's a weird rhetorical device and it gave me a giggle. But c'mon! I'm okay though --thanks for asking.

This is what has been bothering me from day 1. Whose toes did he step on for this to happen the way that it did?

I think we can rule out the women, since they were silenced or made complacent this whole time. Most people tolerated his attitude for the most part. And if this sort of thing is a norm in entertainment, why would he in particular get fingered?

Try cocaine

One reason why people work hard enough to succeed is that they are sex mad. For girls or kids. They want power over other people so they can fuck them.

what are they going to accuse him of? having sex?

obamas daughter

OP thats the difference between a sub-human degenerate (usually a so called progressive) and an homo sapiens.

1. Infidelity. He has a wife
2. They'll spill all the nasty shit they do with him
3. They'll compare his cock with every other cock they had
4. They can cry rape just as well as actresses

All in all, it's unwanted risk and publicity

Why are people making it out to be some crazy thing? Everyone knew this stuff happened in Hollywood and I'm sure the actresses were fully aware of what they were doing and intended to reap the rewards. Not saying it's okay to do but seems intentionally overblown

Must have screwed someone over for a lot of money. That's the only reason why a jew would throw a fellow jew under the bus. In a way the other execs/producers are washing their hands of him and forcing him into the role of the sacrifical lamb to draw attention away from their own transgressions. They'll bluff their way through the whole thing like they're getting serious about flushing out the pederasts and perverts but will go right back to doing what they've always done once the door shuts on the scandal.

what else is there? he had money, he had houses, he had expensive toys. he could vacation anywhere, get into any party, afford any luxury. but at the end of the day he's an ape. he's following his instinct to mate and fornicate.

t.Joe Rogan

pedowood threw him under the bus to set up a smokescreen.


>but seems intentionally overblown

This is also something that happens in Hollywood

This, and he is going to go along with it or else his kids are going to get suicided.

>be a millionaire
>fuck all the hot young actress's
>get old and turned on
>have to stop working, your wife leaves you, and you are alone with your billion dollars, multiple mansions and beach front properties
omg he lost everything for da pussy, hes gonna be so lost and alone
i think he will be just fine

He's going to go hang out in a 5 star hotel in Europe for a couple of months and then quietly retire to his billions while abusing prostitutes until he's too old to take a shit

>your wife leaves you
>you are alone with your billion dollars, multiple mansions and beach front properties

Top quality prostitutes would be readily available to a man like this. And clearly he has the dough to pay for them. The man was an idiot.

>Whose toes did he step on for this to happen the way that it did?
His Brother's. All the hush money was bankrupting their company.

Doubt any of this would go to court. It's simply ended his career. These people are posturing and feigning surprise while ignoring how much the climate around sexual stuff has shifted over the last 30 years.

But how do you crush a prostitute's dreams and self-worth?

Especially since everyone just KNEW he fucked them

I mean, even Sup Forums knew about it, so how oblivious can you probably be?

>so how oblivious can you probably be?
The public gives value and import to things on the basis of the value and import given to them by the cultural and (((media))) environment around them. People don't think

Well I am shocked that a man would use the wealth and power available to him to get sex, what kind of monster, other than every man in the same position would do such a thing!?

>Why do Jews Jew?
>I just can't figure it out!

Just take the fucking redpill already faggot....

same as Bill Clinton

Et Tu?

>Et Tu, Bobus?

You can get good enough pussy when poor that if that was the only reason I wanted to be rich, I don't think I would care. I want the safety, material comfort, and economic/social/political influence.

>get accused of rape
>rape your lawyer whilst preparing your defence
>write to your friends begging them to help you cover up your crimes

There is seriously something wrong with him, he's not just a perv or a predator. This is not rational behaviour, he must have some kind of mental illness.


>just think exactly like me already


Reminder - the fact that you had heard rumors about Weinstein before the shitstorm happened is proof of his lowly status in Jewish hierarchy

The real threats are far more sinister and secretive.

There is that too but generally speaking being rich and especially being powerful makes access to pussy way easier.

It's human nature to want what you can't have.

>for pussy

Nigga, not just any pussy. Primo starlet waifus. On his casting couch all day getting split wide open by his meaty shaft, sometimes while their boyfriends/husbands/family were in the same building, consenting.

All that and he's rich as fuck. So what if he gets forced retirement at age 65? Not like he's going to jail for 500-1000 rapes