Keep it Sup Forums
Keep it Sup Forums
I would love to see Jamie Rannister in got, infact what are some good asian middle age series?
>Hiro at bottom left
asian jamie reminds me of Andy Lau
Hiro a CUTE
i hate to ask but does anyone have black willem dafoe? sorry
>asian jaime looks like jin from L O S T
>Bane? Shieet. Yous a big guy mah nigga.
Okay, serious question. What actress would look like Faceapped Jaime?
Reverse question - what actor would look like male Cersei.
ask and ye shall receive
I thought they removed the race changing from faceapp?
Ay yo pettah
They did. Anything you find posted is from the few hours it was up.
how do blacks cope with being the objectively ugliest race?
You mean like Samurai or Dynasty movies?
They're the strongest, the tallest, the fastest, and have the biggest dicks around. Better than white people with their money and rotten souls, and better than asians with their intelligence and tiny penises
>he becomes kate hudson
*loud reverberating gong noise*
Someone post nigger gal gadot
holy shit thats really good, they all like they wee photoshopped
t. nigger
>They're the strongest, the tallest
Funny, you don't see many nignogs at the World's Strongest Man competition. And all the countries with the greatest average height are in Europe.
Yeah dude, something in that period.
any recommendations?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
You a big guy! Vewy big!
Alex Trebek?
I was thinking Alec Guiness
Niggers are the ugliest, the dumbest, the most violent. They didn't even invent the wheel before the white man dragged then kicking and screaming into the civilised world
>TIL Morgan Freeman is Neil Degrasse and Abraham Lincoln
Then why is the ancient Egyptians the most influential and powerful civilization?
People still worship the pyramids and how advance the Egyptians were to create such a monument
literally every role covered
Ancient Egyptians werent black.
would you a GoT?
>t. white-asian mongrels with rotten souls and tiny penises
Idris Elba is Sir Christopher Lee
Black Jamie looks like an Elder Scrolls Redguard.
holy shit is it back?
>Littlefinger is Monica Bellucci
How is this...?
Did someone finally get the old FaceApp build with race filters? I didn't get a chance to try it out I am so mad they shut it down.
He was a good friend.
what's the website where you upload a picture of a girl's face and it tells you which pornstars look like her?
It was server side. It's never coming back.
>that Euron
>that Joffrey
>that Robb
Yes, yes I would.
That Hodor tho. Pretty sure I've seen that lurking the Portland streets at night, preying on hipsters and cinnabon rolls.
>Jamie is a 10/10 regardless of gender
God, I wish I was that man.
Pajeet Freeman should exist in real life
Per the books Jaime and Cercei looked identical well into their adulthood, with them going so far as dressing up in each others clothes and spending days at a time pretending to be each other without their servants noticing. Kind of a shame they didn't end up actually casting identical twins for the role, but I get that would have been difficult as hell.
holy shit barry is that you?
>identical well into their adulthood
that sounds like bullshit even fatty knows how puberty works
This one got me right in the sides, goofy ass kid.
Do not be fooled by his "me no speka engrish" routine.
Black Dafoe is a lot more convincing than he ought to.
Does anyone have a black Robb stark? I need it.
Africans are a bunch of skinny manlets or obese bus drivers, only a portion of Afro-Americans are anything you said and they have at least 30% European blood.
Robb, Renley, and Jamie are god tier. Jesus Christ. I also like girl Ramsey but I'm biased about raccoon eyes.
That's literally Obama's face pasted in.
I feel the same. I knew it was a mistake to not go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums while it was up.
lmao Meera Reed basically doesn't change. Why is she so manfaced?
send bob and vagene melani
Renly look just like Margaery to me.
man this app does a really good job
>The world's tallest country is only 6'1''
Are we humans manlets??
what the fuck
No you just bought too much into Sup Forums manlet standards
To be fair blacks get allot of practice running from the cops it's not fair to the other races.
Fake as hell, but I want to believe.
>with them going so far as dressing up in each others clothes and spending days at a time pretending to be each other without their servants noticing.
They only did that when they were kids user
Funny how Indians are just niggers with 80s hairstyle and moustache
Baltics are the strongest, Dutch the tallest.
Dis is runnin from po'po
Weeeeed review
he was a good nigga yo
Tay Zonday?!
>Pence is secretly Obama
>After Trump is impeached we'll be getting a third term of Obama
Looking forward to it!
zoe zaldana?
Greece conquered Egypt at one point and so a lot of pharaohs were of Mediterranean decent. For example, Cleopatra and her family were descended from Ptolemy, Alexander the Great's successor.
The one that got it shutdown
does this app require internet connectivity to run its filter algorithms? can i grab an older version of the apk where these race filters were still in it and use them?
White Rihanna looks like mix of Cara and Angelina
Black Stannis looks pretty killer.
>The Black Stag
>I dunno what the hell you feedin' him but he is TOO DAMN BIG!
You can't. People have tried. It's all server side.
i tried that, it didn't work
Ebony Hermione is gorgeous
Why did it get shutdown, she get mad?
>indian rihanna
you can just hear all the indian men going "open bob and vagene"