Question for those with a family or looking to start one:

Question for those with a family or looking to start one:

What are the best ways to establish bulwarks against being cheated on and seeing your family torn apart, despite the electric jew and social jew encouraging infidelity at every turn?

For example, do guys with weapons ever actually get cheated on? I feel like if your wife knows how seriously you take your weapons, surely she would cease to indulge in any degenerate fantasies of cheating on you, because of the implication of how you might react, right?

be a strong man. dominate your women, but don't overdo it.
just be the strong man people secretly hope you are.
and get a dog, dogs are amazing

>if your wife knows how seriously you take your weapons, surely she would cease to indulge in any degenerate fantasies of cheating on you, because of the implication of how you might react, right?
I reckon someone who takes weapons seriously wouldn't murder their wives/love rivals.

Idk, you just got to find a good one/one you can trust, and good luck with that.
seriously though, good luck

I'm a girl and I've never cheated but the closest I've come is when my bf stopped having sex with me for weeks on end, followed by a half assed fucking and no sex again after that. For no reason other than "I don't feel like it" and having a new vidya.
So don't neglect her in bed.

>asking Sup Forums or any other board for marriage advice


U jus have 2 b alfa brah we're all gonna make it it has nothing to do with the fact that women can leave you and get child support and find another new exciting dick we all just need to endlessly man up and be better than the majority of other men even tho that's mathematically impossible brah

Get a cunt who understands that women are made to be owned by men. Not only will she be super loyal because she considers herself property but she'll do anything for you.

It is a weak man who relies on his weapons to speak in place of the character he lacks.

Prayer. You need to provide for your family so that your wife doesn't work. I provide for my family, my wife nurtures our children. We both bow our knees before God. If you provide materially and spiritually for a woman, she will not want to cheat because you have created love over lust.

It's sweaa weak who fornicates with an oversized pillow, yet here you are.

God isn't real, retard.

Simple truth?

Get in good with her family. It's imperative that she comes from a good home, though.
If she has close, good ties with her family, you will be fucking lightyears ahead if you have the approval of her father, mother and brothers.

If she comes from a broken home, you were fucked before you began.

Women don't know that, retard.

It's like you missed the point.

>What are the best ways to establish bulwarks against being cheated on and seeing your family torn apart, despite the electric jew and social jew encouraging infidelity at every turn?

just tell your woman straight up that if she cheats you will murder her and her family.

Marry down, she'll be thankful you're around.

This really. Was friends with her older brother for years, was in great with their family. Then started seeing her as more than her brother's kinda dorky little sister. Her dad likes that I work, and her mom thinks we're "adorable."

I plan to have an agreement with my wife where if she wants to fuck someone besides me she has to bring him to meet me, and I do the same with girls. We can both finger fuck/handjob anyone we want but we have to tell each other about it in bed or on the phone within a day.
For at least a month a year, near our anniversary, we will do neither of those things and focus on each other. We'll probably get married around the exact time kids get sent to summer camp to facilitate this

>unironically being a cuck

>I plan to be a cuck
Well, if that's what you want, mate.

Don't marry a slut?

Marry a fat ugly wife. I don't worry at all

you laugh, but the fire goes out of marriages because people think they've made it and stop working to be attractive to potential mates, and cheating happens because of built up sexual tension with someone other than your partner. I intend to mitigate both, for her and me. And If I don't like the looks of the guy I can always say no.
Any woman I marry is going to be as much of a freak as I am.

Saying no to your wife....

Wow you are going to be very bad at this marriage stuff. You are going to find out you are last in the pecking order. You are starting down a path I know you will lose

>I want to be a cuck
>If I don't like the looks of the guy I can always say no.
I'm not sure you understand how this works.

So he should marry a man?

>the best ways to establish bulwarks against being cheated on and seeing your family torn apart

Not marrying a complete piece of shit is probably the only answer to your Q.

With all due respect, please don't post in this thread again.

best way is for your partner to believe you are destitute, that the woman will need to ensure your survival through frugal financial planning

if you can't find that you shouldn't try

too many people out here with no sense, leads to people with zero cents

if the woman believes that you are broke but that you work hard she will work to keep your finances strong, and you know she actually loves you and isn't just trying to divorce your ass for a payout

if you insist, I'm not sure I'm real, you need to study more about what these words actually mean

they have multiple meanings depending on your ability to understand them,

as above so below

take a load of this guy, he's too beta to dominate his bitch.

let me guess, you're liberal pro immigration too

user is right though, just dont be a cuck faggot. Impress your woman, be useful around the house and give her the sex she wants.

Also lift.


Constant active domination is time-consuming, inefficient, and an uphill battle in a ZOG nation where everyone and everything she encounters will tell her to report you to the authorities.

I'd like to discuss passive, peripheral, insurmountable bulwarks that serve as permanent reminders for her to behave herself or else.

For instance, Muslims have a passive bulwark called the Qur'an. Their women know that if they break the rules, they will be killed.